Thursday 16 February 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.9 "Malvern Manor" Review

                                           Image result for malvern manor paranormal lockdown
Another Manor with a dark history built by Captain Cullers to be used as a hotel.  Home of shadow figures and other entities.  Especially the 'mysterious' death of Inez Gibson aged 12.  How does a 12 year old hang herself.  Ruling it accidental, even if Inez didn't want to live with her mother, would she even think of ending it all.  Also her death was just treated so non chalently and fobbed off as such.  Questions such as how she managed it, how did she reach the wardrobe railing.  To the bloody prints still on the wall, went and remain unanswered.  Investigating Malvern Manor with Johnny Houser living next door to the Villisca Murder House.  That's so creepy!  Especially since one of the suspects in the murder house claimed he was 'influenced' by a shadow figure into committing the killings, when he stayed at the Manor.

"I'm here" sounds like, "he's here" to me.  Nick looked so worn out next day and Katrina woke up before him! Was the scraping in the room Inez's fingers when 'hanged'?  Clearly the entities here were using up the energy from their equipment with Rob's camera dying and Nick feeling all that static. Making their presence known and felt, even menacingly.  As well as feeding off their energy.

At least Katrina got the comfy chair.  Those voices seem to say, "going down" and sounds female, whilst the other says, "already here." (28.09).  28.44 sounds like"pull up a chair now..."
"Johnny Houser...he will get us..."

Nick saying he looks beat up, yeah but always gotta fix my hair and look presentable!!  Ha.

Can you hear "Leon" at 30.46 after Katrina asks about a name.  Nick wanting Johnny back since a person and their energy could trigger a set of events with the spirits reacting to them and Johnny is familiar with the house.  Nick: "Here's Johnny" when he answers the door to him. (The Shining right? ha)

What was the figure on the 3D mapping doing, like it was engaged in some sort of murderous activity, is what I'm calling it!  It did, it looked as if it was happily sawing or cutting away at something!  Whatever; it was beavering away...wonder if that was the Captain?  Just a thought.

Nick uses the ITC.  The voices; "Hou...sounding as though Johnny's name got muffled there partly. And something like, "with us, or watching us..."  "Yes" sounds like "leaves."  35.54; "go with us..."??
37.17: whispering: "Can you find"
38.17: "Johnny." When Katrina asks, "this room."  When she says it wants to keep them away from Johnny.  That's uncanny.  (Yeah using my fave word again!)

Nick remarks how "everyone has different personal experiences...hauntings are also dependent on
the people they interact with"  Inez's sad story was as ? as the investigation at the Villisca Axe Murder House where the author of the book, Villisca, Roy Marshall, said that "the investigation was either incompetent or corrupt."  Especially since Rev Kelly confessed to killing the family and then had his confession suppressed by his lawyers.  And to top it off, the jury didn't believe the confession. Villisca was one, well is one place I find so creepy and one where I'd like to go just to confront this feeling.  Strange that it should be linked to Malvern Manor in such a way.

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