Saturday 28 January 2017

The Vampire Diaries 8.10 "Nostalgia's A Bitch" Review

                                                Image result for vampire diaries Nostalgia' a Bitch photos
Bonnie (Kat Graham) arrives with something important she wants to speak with Caroline (Candice King) about and needs her advice regarding Enzo,even if she has to make her breakfast in bed.  Only they don't get to talk since they find Damon (Ian Somerhalder) in the chair, out of it, after Sybil (Nathalie Kelley) got her hands on him.  As well as finding Sybil in the dungeon.  She says she can help him but wants the bell in return.  Obviously she was the one who gave him back his humanity and made him remember the hell he's in, as Bonnie says it's painful for him.  She lets Bonnie and Caroline into his head but through the backdoor, with Bonnie remarking how the inside of his head is the same as the outside of his head.  They meet with Vicky (Kayla Ewell) Matt's (Zach Roerig) sister who's still alive, but nobody has heard of Damon Salvatore.  Even the man he rescued from the Civil War, Henry (Evan Gamble) only knows him cos of that but tells them that Damon is dead and died in the Civil War, which is why no one knows him.  Apparently Damon didn't see himself as a vampire and no one else did either, so they don't know him.

Caroline sees her mother, sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) and has to chat with her telling her how she'd forgotten how beautiful she is, as Bonnie sets out to chat with Vicky, but finds Vicky's plaster was actually covering a hickey.  Caroline tells her she's looking for Damon and he's the one who attacked the people, not the animals, but she doesn't know him.  Even when they became good friends and is only helping find him cos he was the only one who understood what she went through after she died.  Her mother tortures her with the light and Caroline tries to convince her of this, as she finally leaves her alone.  She comes back out and also needs Matt to bring the bell back.  As Matt meets with his father (Joel Gretsche) at Vicky's grave, he says he prefers not to remember her cos he failed her.

However Seline (Kristen Gutoskie) also turns up as does Stefan (Paul Wesley) and he tells Caroline he's here to get married.  Then laughs it off.  He tells them Damon needs forgiveness but obviously it's Stefan's forgiveness he needs.  Seline tells Stefan she can can make a better deal for him, if the bell is struck, not only will the sirens be destroyed, but also every soul in Mystic Falls will be destroyed too and that's more souls for Cade (Wole Parks). Which Stefan is happy to make a bargain over since he also needs Damon back so they can get on with their soul collecting.  He compels Matt by removing his vervain bracelet and tells him he must strike the bell twelve times before 9, otherwise he needs to find a way to forgive Damon.  Which he won't do.  So Matt wants his father to kill him, cos either way they're all dead.

Bonnie goes home to Gramps (Jasmine Guy) and asks her for a locator spell for Damon, who's a vampire and tells her about Enzo since he's a vampire too and she's so happy right now and wants to return to it.  She has Damon's letter cos she knows Damon wants her to find him and forgive him. Damon's going to be the only one who will read that letter to her.  She ends up at the crypt where she finds Tyler (Michael Trevino).  Who convinces her Damon's a monster and she can't help him. However she works out what that place means and what she must do.  When she returns she says they need Stefan back here, which was obvious.

So Damon finally meets with Stefan in his head, just as we thought he was going to have a cushy ep where he didn't get any lines, ha; and tells him he figured out who the vampire is in his head, it's not him, but Stefan and it's not he who needs forgiveness but Stefan needs Damon to forgive him for turning him.  He's done that and he forgives him several times over.  As Matt and his father fight each other as he tries to stop Matt from ringing the bell, which he does.  Matt tells him to kill him.  Damon arrives in time and stops him, striking his head against the bell, hoping that one doesn't count.  Peter takes the bell away and Damon apologizes for Vicky.  Which he should've done years ago.  Matt doesn't forgive him and he knows he's got his humanity back, but Damon's been friends with the sheriffs and as Matt is going to become sheriff of Mystic Falls; who knows.  Of course Sybil blabbed to Caroline about Bonnie wanting to use the cure for Enzo, but they didn't even get to talk about that.  She just seemed to be driving a rift between them anyway.  Which was like saying she's not her bestie after all.

Damon hopes he's not interrupting something reflective for Bonnie.
Damon reads the letter to Bonnie from his head:
"Dear Bonnie
I am a coward.  I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter but I know if I do, you're gonna talk me out of running away from all my problems.  You're gonna make me face a future without Elena; then you're gonna help make me the best man that I could possibly be.  The same way she did and I'm absolutely terrified of failing you both.  So I'm leaving because I'd rather let you down once than let you down for the rest of your life.  And I hope it's the happiest life because you Bonnie Bennett are an amazing woman.  A mediocre crossword puzzle player and my best friend. With great love and respect,
Ahh Hugz!  He's sorry he left and it won't happen again.

Then Caroline's promise to Stefan cos it was exactly that, was even if it takes Damon to get Stefan's humanity back, or even if he doesn't, they're go get it back.  Then they will either be friends and get married or they won't, but she's not giving up on him.

I think this by far was one of the best eps this season, as it reinforced what the show was mostly about.  Not just vampires, but two brothers and their friends.  How Damon learned life lessons and how he's changed so much over the years.  When their mission now remains to rescue Stefan and rid the world of Cade.  Who appears for a while on the earth again since the bell was struck eleven times. As Sybil and Seline try to maintain a truce following in the footsteps of Damon and Stefan, they fail miserably and still blame one another for what happened to them.  Cade appears and sets them alight which was such a joy to watch!  Finally the sirens are gone!

Damon's birthday is 18 June 1839.  Damon says the title to Anna in 1.19 Miss Mystic Falls.

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