Sunday 29 January 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.7 "Statler City Hotel" Review

Buffalo's haunted Statler City Hotel, boasting 18 floors and approx 950,000 square feet, also heralds more than just lavish decor and exquisite chandeliers.  It has a bleak history of mob involvement and deaths, as well as the suicide of Mary.  Nick and Katrina investigated the downstairs Turkish baths with the pool, the Terrace, the Nightclub.  To me that meat locker was always on the cards and one place that warranted investigation from the name itself, but it was more than just a 'meat' locker, if you catch my drift.  Most of them always are, especially in a place with so much history of any sort, not just the bad stuff.

The sound from the drum barrel was an immediate clue as to being led there and not only cos of the EVP captured by paranormal investigator, Dan.  But also since it kept coming up in their own EVPs through the Geobox and the spirit being "stuck" there.  Clearly there was enough evidence of wrongdoing and crimes unearthed there by them, that they even had to refrain from mentioning the names in the EVPs they captured, for legal reasons.  A shame since the criminals were already convicted.  A barrel murder was used by the American mafiosi as early as the 1870's and the earliest were found to have taken place in 1875 and 1900 in New York.  Where the Vic was shot, stabbed or otherwise killed and 'stuffed' into a barrel.  Left on a street corner or shipped somewhere which didn't exist.  Again that leads me to the "man on the edge of the street" voice coming through.  Okay not adding anything else to this without having heard any of the EVP names; cos that'll just turn out to be hearsay on my part.

Nick saying he has to "go down there and face that Turkish bath" sounded so torturous! Ha.  But it was with that dirt and dust, not just with what was lurking!  That ITC device looks like it has yellow hands on the screen waiting to grab onto a communication/capture!

That was the sound of a chair being dragged in The Terrace dining room when they were in the pool, which is what I said it was as soon as I heard it.  Also given some validation of a chair being moved when Nick caught it in the night on the 360 degree camera, no doubt the spirit wasn't pleased with Katrina messing up their well ordered surroundings.  That camera's amazing though!
At 31.05 sounds like "Lucas."
At 31.13: "...You actually don't hear that I was swallowed by the drum."  And says it again after Katrina gets that pain in her head.   (Does sound like 'swallowed' to me.)

(Hint: Lip reading is a good thing to do! Katrina!)
Some strange stuff coming through like, "shall I take him off that meeting list" [A meeting being more likely in reference to a Mob meeting.]
Nick asking if he died down here and replies, "yeah man."
Then the boss line.
As well as, "they going to believe us now."

As for "the man on the edge of the street" voice.  The certain family in New York had a title of 'front boss' so attention would be diverted from the main man in charge and later this was revived as "street boss."  Wondering if this had anything to do with the man on the edge of the street coming through, but the revival of this term was rather recent in 1992.  (Associated with a certain crime family.)

I did read about how some sceptical article in a paper stated how Nick and Katrina managed to stir up a murder mystery, but until you actually know everything they uncovered, you can't doubt what they uncovered and secondly that area and the hotel does have a history and a reputation!  Nothing is set in stone one way or another!

There's plenty I'd like to write for this ep, re the names, but other things too but can't cos it's too public a forum, naturally and there's some questions I'd like to ask Katrina and Nick as well, regarding a few issues!  Darn it.  However this remains one of the best investigations to date, in season 2, if only more was able to be shown.  But agreeing with Nick, they need to go back again soon.  The place is too big and active to miss up another opportunity like this.

1 comment:

  1. Mila!!!!! This is fun to learn about your blog! Also, thanks for sharing this link so I could read about the Paranormal Lockdown investigation of this place!
