Saturday 2 April 2016

The Vampire Diaries 7.16 "Days of Future Past" Review

                                                    Image result for the-vampire-diaries days-of-future-past photos
A bit of an episode that jumps about from Three Years Later, to Today, To the Present day to Two Years Later in the Philippines and not many tying up of loose ends.
Three Years Ago which now = Present Day, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) tells Stefan (Paul Wesley) he wants to take the scar and it wasn't Rayna's (Leslie-Ann Huff) idea but his.  In this way he can be marked and Stefan can live his life.  We also learn that Rayna now has a 'mystical connection' to all those she's marked and so feels everything they do and on top of that knows everywhere they've been and what they've been doing.  Funny she couldn't quite catch up to Stefan in the Philippines though. Where apparently a bartender tells Valerie (Elizabeth Blackmore) he can help them to finding a solution to Stefan's scar and as Stefan replies that's what all the bartenders say.

Stefan is released by Damon when he says he can use his phone to call and he gives him a headstart on Rayna by strangling her and she reaches for the gun and shoots him.  Ah Damon, you never think of what's next to you!  Ha.  When she comes too, she chases Stefan and Damon still wants to go ahead with the transfer.  As the action's moved to Dallas.  Damon thought of the transfer spell cos of Alaric's babies and if they could be transferred to Caroline, then why not the scar.  He tells Valerie when she tries to help him, after Stefan sends her to him, cos he's been infected with werewolf poison.  However he knocks her out and doublecrosses her and Stefan in the process, to an extent.  In the car on his way to find Stefan at the airport, since he says he will get the Armoury to help him, he tells Valerie if he could work out the transfer spell, then why not her.  I.e. she already knew of the spell, but didn't want to use it cos she wanted Stefan to herself otherwise he'd have gone running back to Caroline.  Damon also tells her Elena made him a better person and he's good cos of her.  He needs her back.

Whilst on the phone to Stefan, he asks if he's going to go ahead with the spell and Damon tells him he has a plan, cos there's really no way to tell little bro that he doesn't want to go through with it.  By the time Elena wakes up he'll be dead cos of the scar and cos eventually Rayna will die too.  Taking all those she's marked with her, if they're not already dead by then.

Alex (Mouzam Makkar) sends Nora (Scarlett Byrne) to find Enzo (Michael Malarkey) as he wants him back at the Armoury and also that he released Rayna.  She's got Mary Louise (Teressa Liane) and she can have her if she complies.  However she's been injected with pills made from Rayna's blood and Alex will let her have everything about her blood if she brings him back.  Rayna's blood is poison to witches.  So Alex has all these resources at her disposal but she can't find Enzo for herself.  He's that good at evading her.

Rayna catches up with Stefan after he threw the sword onto a moving truck, so she managed to retrieve it and also find him too.  She's hurting cos she doesn't really want to do this to him, but must. Cos she got to know him.  Flashback to Stefan and the scar and to getting Damon out of the coffin cos the scar opened up again and then having Rayna chase them.  She tells him he could've had Caroline, Valerie but he goes after Damon.  It's in his blood isn't it, they're both brothers that's why and it's that fatalistic kind of love shared by Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) too in Supernatural.  They will do anything for one another, except here Damon does a lot of letting Stefan down.  Damon agrees to finally take the scar and Valerie begins the spell, but it's too late, Rayna stabbed him with the sword.  As Damon arrives  he finds Stefan and vows to get him back again.

Enzo finds Matt (Zach  Roerig) and holds him hostage for a bit wanting to know why he let Rayna escape.  He doesn't answer and says he should ask Stefan.  Nora arrives and fights Enzo as Matt makes a getaway.  Also Enzo tries to make her swallow a pill.  They finally call a truce cos Enzo needs Rayna and he calls Alex to meet him at the airport.  When she arrives Alex wants to know why Enzo stole the pills and has been using them, saying they're family and she knows about Bonnie. Nora finds Mary Louise as she learns from Alex there's no cure.  As they drive away Rayna tries to stop them and throws the sword, wounding Nora.  She's marked now and so Mary Louise wants to take the scar for herself but Nora doesn't let her. As they both die together and the car goes up in flames.  Rayna is angry, so what happens with the sword now.   As we realize Matt helped Rayna cos of Penny's death.  Why else.

Ian had plenty to deal with in this episode and a lot of storyline to flash back and forth with and did a great job, considering it could've gotten a bit bogged down with all these timelines back and forth. Showing his professionalism as an actor and director too.  Though Damon's plan once more goes awry.  Like all plans do in this show!  Ha.

Now that Stefan's back in the Phoenix Stone, suppose we'l relive his hell now as we did with Damon. It just strikes me as funny Damon was so willing to let the scar become his, be that martyr and then he changes his mind cos he finds he won't be alive to see Elena.  Was it just cos of that he was going to let Stefan suffer and die earlier than his time.  More comic lines from Damon such as, "are hashtags still a thing, it's been three years."  So is that the end of the Heretics as we know them with Nora and Mary Louise gone up in flames, even though there probably are more luring around somewhere, the lot that came with Lily have all been killed off, aside from Valerie.  As that chapter closes.

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