Friday 1 April 2016

Supernatural 11.17 "Red Meat"

                                       Image result for supernatural red meat
Supernatural Red Meat showed how the Sam/Dean cycle renews itself when they have to rescue one another from the clutches of death. Well not 'Death' itself since apparently Death carked it last season, but whoever, whatever replaced Death and I don't mean that arrogant Reaper Billy (Lisa Berry) either. This time round we saw Sam (Jared Padalecki) wanting to work the case again, he was pretty reluctant last ep to take on the case but this episode Dean (Jensen Ackles) wants to end up chasing werewolves again.  That really seems to be their lot, at times.  Dean's red shirt!!
So after a massive and difficult struggle, they finally dispatch the dreaded monsters but not before Sam is shot by one.  Was wondering how long Sam stood around watching that gun to fire when he could've dived for cover a while ago!  Also great scene watching his tresses in slo-mo as he hits the ground.  When he fell to the floor, did it remind you of the first time Sam died, after being killed in season 2 All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1.

Obviously one or another of the hostages, Michelle (Erin Way) or Corbin (Blair Penner) had to have been bitten and turned, otherwise as we know, there'd be no twist.  The other thing is Dean wants to return to check on Sam after he's left them out of the woods but darn it if the police don't present him with obstacles as usual.  This time he gets tasered so he doesn't return to Sam.

Thus Dean thinks he's a goner for the, 'I don't know, I've lost count' time, well, no, not really, I do know, but, knew it had to be a medical reason for him not really being dead, specially since he had lost so much blood.  Thus setting Dean's mind working overtime on how he should once again bring back Sammy?!  Therein lies the dilemma(s) of their problems.  They're family, brothers, all they have left and each time it's always a case of  'I will die for you.'  'How do I get you back, I'm not losing you.'  It's not just Deano who says that, but they both do.

This time round Dean comes up with the innovative idea of how he'll bring him back and I'm sure he realized he'll be resorting to meeting with Billy again, who just can't wait to bag herself a Winchester. Oh and before I leave it out, how does she know Sam won't, or doesn't know a way to stop Amara. Well one of the problems, here was that since they have no Cas (Misha Collins) he wouldn't have been able to help Sam or Dean.  So Dean takes an overdose "of anything with barbital in it."  Guess he was lucky he found a helper in Michelle, otherwise he wouldn't have returned.  Which he did. That must've shocked Billy, losing Dean in that way, what she doesn't have much faith in the wonders of modern medicine.  Nah probably curses its creation.

Last time it was Dad in season 2 who swiped Dean away from Tessa and then Cas later on brought him back from purgatory and well, as I said it's like a renewable Winchester cycle.  Billy finally telling him that she doesn't have Sam and even if she did, she wouldn't bring him back cos she's drawing the line at repeat second chances and then some.  Yet Sam pretty much saves the day when he manages to knife the other two werewolves and shoot Corbin at the medical centre.  With Dean once again telling Sam absolutely nothing about his attempt to bring Sam back by once again dying for him.  He would die for Sam, as he says and he did.  How long is this secret going to last.  It is quite a big(ish) one.

However, the reason I mention all this is that it nicely continues on from the last episode, 11.16 Safe House,  where Dean tells him he saw Bobby (Jim Beaver) in possibly the other reality, the Soul Collector's nest and their paths could've crossed with the "timey-wimey" stuff as Doctor Who would say, since the nest in Dean's words, "exists outside of space and time."  And that he saw Sam lying there dead.  Which Sam finds amusing adding, "it's comforting to know that you saw me dead, well his exact words were, following on from Dean's "I saw you dead on the floor."
Sam: "How messed up are our lives that you seeing a vision of the death of me is actually kind of comforting."  And comforting was it not, as seen in this episode!  But it did happen and his vision came true.
 Dramatic piece of foreshadowing if ever there was any in this show!!  Suppose they had no time to mention that here, or just didn't want to.

However there was plenty of summing up in the 'THEN' segment of Dean and his several 'deaths' and how he's going to save Sammy everytime, including dying once before to get a favour from Tessa, but as we know Tessa isn't Billy and nothing like her.
Billy: "I'm gonna make sure then when you die,  you stay dead."  This line leading back nicely to season 2 and dean's line of "what's dead should stay dead" and how Dean wished this for so long cos Dad died to save him and it wasn't his time.  As we  know Supernatural has a knack for continuity in one form or another!

But our Winchesters had to live on to fight another day, win over the Darkness and get Cas back too!

Lots to reminisce here: at least seasons 1-4

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