Thursday 14 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.3 "Siege Perilous" Review

                                             Image result for once-upon-a-time siege-perilous photos
Back in Camelot Regina (Lana Parilla) et al still hide Emma (Jennifer Morrison) being the Saviour and the Dark One which obviously still gets on Emma's nerves.  As Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) comes up with the idea of getting Merlin to talk with them.  Which Regina finds they can do with the help of a magic mushroom.  Which sets David (Josh Dallas) and Arthur (Liam Garrigan) onto a quest.  Taking his sword and also the lasting light, well okay the eternal flame from the Burning Bush to guide them.   Which had to be a Biblical reference cos of the knight's crusades and all that.  Before telling him of the Knights of the Round Table and how Lancelot (Sinqua Wells) betrayed him, but he got his wife back.  The chair is reserved for those he can trust.  David tells him that Lancelot is dead.  Setting off in search of the magic mushroom, which they find across a bridge.  Each one swapping stories of how they're not noble and Arthur isn't royalty but a peasant.

In Storybrooke, Emma steals the dwarf's axe in the hopes of using it on the sword, since their swords can go through anything.  Only it won't work on magic.  Rumple (Robert Carlyle) tells her she needs to find someone who is pure of heart.  As Regina finds the book she marked with a question mark on the mushroom's page.  They need to find it.  Arthur's informed of the missing contents in the chest and they had a magic bean which would take them back to Camelot.  Everything from the chest is gone and they surmize it wasn't Emma who stole the contents as the lock was broken.  Obviously it was Grif (Giacomo Baessato) he was too obvious a suspect and as David and Arthur chase him, they finally find the mushroom back at the camp.  As David arrests Griff.  Arthur later pays him a visit and tells him he played his part well and gets him to drink poison all in the name of Camelot.  See Arthur had the mushroom all the time.

Regina tells Zelena (Rebecca Mader) she can't escape to Oz and take Robin's baby with him as she's still harping about how the baby will love her.  Regina threatening to hurt her but not her baby, which was a pretty pointless scene, six weeks earlier at Camelot.

Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) talks to Robin (Sean Maguire) about Emma as Granny (Beverley Elliott) gives him his order and Emma's note to meet him on his ship.  Belle (Emilie de Ravin) searches for something that Gold touched when he was a man as she found a spell which could wake him up. Hook has dinner with Emma and they talk of how she's not the same and she questions if he still loves her.  He used to, well not in that dress though!  ha; and now he doesn't cos he doesn't trust her and she won't tell him what's behind the door in her house.  He tells her about the Dark One and she's dark now as she recalls how Belle and Gold loved each other.  So they can do the same.  As Hook divulges how he was the villain on this ship as he held Gold to ransom, so he's the only one who's really changed.  He leaves her.  Asking Robin to hep him break in cos he needs a thief, he says he's reformed and Hook replies, he's like him, once a pirate always a pirate.

Belle notices the petal's almost fallen off but then the flower grows to be intact but Gold isn't at the shop.  Obviously Emma has him, along with Hook's sword which was the last object he touched as a man.  He's surprised at seeing her but he's no longer the Dark One.  She tells him he can help her and become a hero cos he's neither light or dark, hence she can can get him to pull the sword out.  What exactly does she need with the sword anyway.

Back in Camelot David is knighted and given the seat belonging to Lancelot, as Snow finds Lancelot lurking, he's still alive and he tells her Arthur's not good.  Thus we see him back in Storybrooke getting Grif to take the bullet, so to speak and poison him, cos there's no magic bean but they need to get back to home.

Hook shouldn't have been so quick to break up with Emma cos up to this point she still wanted him and he could've seen what she was up to, somehow.  Maybe she would've trusted him in time.  The title referring to the seat occupied by Lancelot which was hypocritical seeing as Arthur's up to no good, but he had the gall to say Lancelot betrayed him.  The scene with the truck and jousting when Arthur could've just left Griff escape.  Seems this ep was just to let David have his day and show he's not worthless like he thinks he is for not being able to save Emma, as well as losing the mushroom, which Arthur actually stole from him, cos he took along time coming to his help when he was fighting the knights on the bridge.  Arthur just seemed to have vanished.
Hook and Robin over their prospective love interests with Robin secretly viewing Zelena's sonogram of the baby.

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