Tuesday 12 April 2016

NCIS 13.20 "Charade" Review

                                        Image result for ncis/charade photos
Phony Tony's was a little like the season 2.12 Doppelganger, episode where we got to see the entire NCIS with their so-called doubles in the PD, at least they were meant to be in mannerisms and similar names, not so much in looks.  This one had Tony's (Michael Weatherly) Id being cloned, ripped off and the like and that's what you get by having a loose woman in you apartment.  So she, Leah from 13.17 After Hours was just on a date with him cos of who he was, ie an agent rather than actually wanting him.  As he said he got picked up in a bar, which is how he usually meets women.  Must really be desperate lately ha!

What stood out about this ep was the relationship/bromance between Tony and McGee (Sean Murray).  They really have come a long way and easily watch each other's backs and have each other's backs should I say, after all that teasing and mucking around over the years, especially since McGee was Probie.  Though Ellie (Emily Wickersham) doesn't get the same sort of treatment as a Probie, she's not really treated as one so much as McGee was and Ziva too.

So the highlight or main of this episode is when McGee bails Tony out from the police station and he says he's quite frankly giving it up, or fells like he wants to leave the job.  How he doesn't want to be doing this anymore.  Sounded to me like something that may be written in when Michael leaves.  But probably think the writers/producers will have something completely different in mind.  More memorable of a swansong for Tony, as long as it doesn't involve any deaths or women, will be fine by me.  Think the title was a bit of a clue as well, heck Tony got a title to a film that's been mentioned before.  Okay I know that's not why.  Since we also had Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and McGee posing as Senators, didn't anyone think McGee looked a little young for a senator, nah more interested in the money.  But these phony Tony's nowhere looked like our Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo,

Maybe this episode is an extension of Bounce from season 6, one of my faves, but at least that fake Tony had a resemblance to him, even in passing.  As said Tony agreeing with the phonies that he doesn't have a life outside of work and no family of his own to show for it.  Doubt he has that many friends either, outside of work.  But his personal crisis will be a stepping stone to his decision to leave, however he does take that final step.
Tony: "I feel like I don't know who I am and it's strange because she stole my identity...What is this, seriously is this some kind of weird metaphor for my current psychological state."  We know Tony is more than that and has more potential, he's a damn fine agent and if he wasn't he wouldn't be on Gibbs' team for starters and that he was getting his own team but preferred not to take it at that stage. Now he's ready and so he can make other changes in his life too.

Aside from that, best line has to be Abby (Pauley Perrette) at Tony's apartment "Ziva's putting on weight."  Oh and didn't Miss Blondie Cloner touch the photoframe when she told him he likes dogs too, or some such nonsense, but Tony recalled the chardonnay bottle!!  Didn't After Hours seems like a prequel of sorts to this episode in that we get to see what he does in his time off (as if we don't already know) but that most of his time off and dates are mostly deja vu for him (and for us).  That he needs to change now he's getting older, age aside, that he has to find something more in his life and to his life than work.  To be fair, he did want Jeanne (Scottie Thompson) and would've gladly settled down with her, but she's married now
But Tony 'dying' in a car crash, a little too close for comfort, not to mention he's been lucky evading those, like when his car was blown up is season 5.1 Bury Your Dead, when he was undercover.

Was reading some comments from fans, no-fans generally when they mentioned how Gibbs is too old to be in front of the camera now and Mark Harmon should do the decent thing and leave or go behind the cameras.  That was harsh and such an ageist comment, why should he and he still looks good for his age.  Whilst others were bemoaning how Tony has just remained stagnant throughout the 13 seasons and is always portrayed as being nothing but a comic and always getting the funny lines and comments.  Well enjoy it while it lasts cos we won't be getting those again and no character like him either.  Begging to differ, he has evolved in many ways.  He's had his sad moments, heart broken, he's been almost given his own team, but preferred to stick around for his old team, especially when they needed him.  He's made headway with Senior (Robert Wagner) and even become friends with McGee.  There's plenty more he's done too like going undercover, rescuing Ziva and taken plenty for the team too.  SO if sometimes he needs to be be the clown, it's his right to be!

1 comment:

  1. Many bemoan Tonys' current status as BUTT OF THE Joke. Tony wouldn't be Tony without wearing his clown mask at times. In many episodes, it was not so much that Tony was a clown, but that he was humiliated and made to look stupid or self centered. Hated that "joke" this season in Which he was mislead about a Face of NCIS, and it replayed a prior disappointment when Gibbs was actually chosen for a real version of that when Tony had thought it would be him.

    I'd like to see our Truth or Consequences driven, Hero Tony again. The guy who, despite plaque scarred lungs saved BOTH Gibbs and Maddie after another ridiculous Gibbs Lone Wolf, I Can Ignore My Rule 15 moment put them all at risk. I would love to see Tony finally fill his 2 cups, get professional satisfaction away from the stagnation he's had on Gibbs team and the love and family he's been craving (Not with vindication Murder-Accusing , doesn't-really-know-the-man-at-all, married Jeanne, though)
