Sunday 10 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.2 "The Price" Review

                                              Image result for once-upon-a-time the-price photos
The Dwarfs packed up and wanted to leave Storybrooke for good but didn't know what they'd be in    for so one volunteered, Dopey (Jeffrey Kaiser) to cross the Storybrooke line once more and he was turned into a tree,a and in the middle of the rod, now that was safe; did this have connotations to or with Merlin then?  Seeing as he's somewhere in a tree in Camelot.  Speaking of, Regina (Lana Parilla) pretends to be the Saviour since Emma (Jennifer Morrison) can't, but you can tell she was getting peeved at being ignored and not being able to use her magic, with Regina taking all the credit for it.  Regina having to explain everytime Emma uses her magic she risks destroying them and Arthur (Liam Garrigan) is also looking for the dark one, so it makes sense if she doesn't actually advertize who she really is. Well for someone who didn't want magic and almost give it up last season, she's pretty much changed her tune and not cos she's dark either.  However Emma not using her magic can only be dangerous cos she'll need some way to vent her anger for having her glory taken from her.  Then again she can't be the Saviour and the Dark One too.

Also back at the ball, Henry (Jared Gilmore) meets Violet (Olivia Steele-Falconer)and David )Josh Dallas) calls it his first crush.  Whilst everyone is having a ball(!) Percival (Andrew Jenkins) dances with Regina and reminds her of a little boy in a village she destroyed as the Evil Queen and looked at the boy and smiled, as he tries to kill her, using the necklace he gave her.  However Robin (Sean Maguire) attempts to save the day and gets stabbed.  However Regina's magic can't save him, so they tell Emma to use her magic on him.  With Rumples (Robert Carlyle) appearing and telling her it comes at a price, so if she saves him it'll be one life for another.  Emma willing to be that price, but it doesn't work like that dearie!

Back in Storybrooke, Henry summons Emma and Regina also arrives, Henry saying that her speech wasn't meant for him but he didn't do anything to hurt her in Camelot like the others did.  Regina says she should just tell them what that was.  Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) sets it upon himself to break the curse using true love's kiss and questions Belle (Emilie de Ravin) on why this didn't happen with Rumple and Belle.  Cos as we know he wanted power and to keep his power and was afraid of losing it.  Wouldn't that make Emma the same since she's all dark now.  True love's kiss won't mean the same thing to her, if there still is any true love between them still.  So Hook does try it as Emma invited him into her lair, I mean new house, which really wasn't doing much for her, it wasn't as palatial or as regal as Regina's when she was evil, but she doesn't have any practice at being regal. He notices a locked door which later Rumple opened.  However no amount of snogging made any difference to Emma, who was just interested in having Hook stay around for a 'quick' one, which he refused, he's not into dark ones!!  At least not Emma when she's dark.  Well let's face it, all this time he wanted her when she was good and she just put him off and now she's Dark and in the mood, she expects him to do what she wants.  Maybe that does sound sexist but he wouldn't want Emma like that or to take 'advantage' of her in that way.  Though his way was okay in past seasons, I joke!

Arthur's also in Storybrooke along with his knights and others from Camelot who find themselves in the merry woods, as Robin and the others try to help, Robin's taken away by a dark flying creature and Regina can't save him.  Regina venting on Gold, is shown a book by Belle who says the creature is a Fury.  The only way she can save Robin is if it takes who the fury was originally meant for, that being her.  As they find him by the lake before the moon rises, and the Ferryman approaches to take him to the underworld, cos we'll also be in that territory soon, Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) joins hands with Regina saying she won't be alone, as does David and Grumpy (Lee Arenberg).  Showing they're no match for the Fury, well that's one plan foiled for now.

Rumple led her through the locked door into the basement where there was Excalibur waiting for her. Foolish girl had no recollection of the past and the warning in the cinema and tries to pull it out of the stone. Failing miserably.

So why couldn't Regina use magic to stop Percival and funny scene with David offering to teach her to dance, how many times would she have had that chance but as she told Snow, her father also danced with her and not his wife.  Henry playing music on his pod or whatever, which actually seemed to work and not freaking Violet out with that loudness.  At least got to see Hook in his red waistcoat again!  Which was probably the highlight of the ep!  Emma got her hair done from the mess it was last ep.

Didn't Guinevere (Joana Metrass) remind you of Marion, seems Arthur scoured the lands to find someone who wasn't much of a queen.  Almost a cue for Zelena to inhabit her body too, ha.  There must be something about Once Upon A Time and trees since Regina used to have her red apple tree in her garden and she also said last season how she feels close to Daniel since they used to meet under it.

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