Sunday 10 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.1 "The Dark Swan" Review

                                               Image result for once-upon-a-time the-dark-swan- photos
The episode opens with Emma (Jennifer Morrison) as an even younger and more cuter version of herself sits in a cinema, watching what else but The Sorcerer's Apprentice.  She steals some chocolate from a woman and as she sits down the usher warns her not to do what the boy attempts in the cartoon, to remove Excalibur from the stone.  Then cue some knights from Camelot, viz, Lancelot (Sinqua wells) Arthur (Liam Garrigan) and someone else chancing upon Sir Kay (Lee Majdoub) who attempts to remove the sword and is turned to dust.  It's Arthur's turns next and he manages to retrieve it, though the bottom part is missing.   He can't rule Camelot without the tip of the sword but he will have to fool the people.  Guess that's where the woes of Camelot also began, I mean it's not an entire sword.  Since the tip is none other than the Dark One's dagger, which brings us back to Storybrooke, Emma is swept away by the darkness, as Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) attempts to use the dagger to summon her.  Regina (Lana Parilla) stops him.

Seems she and Hook were on opposing sides here but she really has to stop him from doing things without thinking about them or their consequences, which he doesn't do much of anyway.  True love is one thing but attempting to go in half-cocked is another.  Regina resorting to calling Hook, "Guyliner."  The sorcerer's apprentice gives them a wand which they can use to find Merlin but it needs dark magic to work.

The Blue Fairy (Keegan Connor Tracy) thinks Belle (Emilie de Ravin) can help them and gives her a bell jar with a rose, when all the petals fall off then Rumples (Robert Carlyle) will die.  So she can leave his side.  Regina thinks Zelena (Rebecca Mader) will help or they'll make her help but how pointless was that.  All she said was how she's having the baby and will have someone to love her all of her own.  Sorry but this was Regina's story with Cora in 4.21 Mother when she drank the potion and decided she wouldn't have children, all for the wrong reasons of course.

As Emma is in another realm, that of Camelot, she emerges in rather dishevelled clothing and limp hair, whereupon Rumples emerges, he's the darkness within her and not the Dark One who's still in a coma in Storybrooke.  She asks a peddler the way to Camelot and he asks for silver but she uses her dark magic on him instead and chokes him, what she couldn't rustle up a coin or two?  Rumples tells her she has to find Willo the Wisp and catch it so she can ask it questions, but Merida (Amy Manson) is already after it and catches it.  Of course she says she'll share it with Emma as she's on a quest to rescue her kidnapped brothers.  But changes her mid after she hears Emma talking to Rumples who tells her the wisp only answers to one person.  Lots of running around and getting arrows fired at her which don't work on Emma, but she seemed to relish catching them all, erm, you'd think she'd have learned by now.  With Rumples making a jibe at Merida's accent!  Ha.

Hook asks Henry (Jared Gilmore) to write Emma good but he can't cos he broke the quill.  Then they hatch a silly plan to get Zelena to use he,r powers but she instead lops off her hand with his dagger and gets the magic inhibiting bracelet off her.  Then opens up a portal which will take her back to Oz. However Regina overpowers her putting the bracelet back on and they use Granny's (Beverley Elliott) diner as a way to transport them through the portal to Camelot instead, with the help of Emma's baby blanket.  

Then just as Emma's about to crush Merida's heart cos of the darkness within her, she didn't even try to resist it, the others arrive in time and Hook stops Emma from going dark on them, well at this time. Stopping Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) from using the dagger cos it has to be Emma's choice not to use dark magic.  Sounds like he was speaking from experience.  Maybe all that time working with Rumples in sesaon 4, through no fault of his own, has taught him a few things about darkness.  He was after all just a pirate rogue himself, once.  Emma giving the dagger to Regina cos at the end of the day she knows if anyone has to use it on her, it'll be Regina cos she won't hesitate and knows what it's like to go dark and also it was like she was appealing to the dark in Regina, or at least the dark that was once there.

As they arrive back at Granny's so does Arthur and he takes them back to Camelot where they will need to help him find Merlin, or rather bring him out of the tree.  You see, Merlin prophisized they would arrive and the Savior would help.  Where they also have time for a banquet, well they skipped the banquet in favour of a ball, including dress-ups which the Charming's were used to.

Before we're transported back 6 weeks later and once again they had their memories wiped.  Enter Emma in her new costume for season 5, which doesn't suit her at all.  It's very 'Regina' in most ways especially with her skirt, but she looked more school marm than Dark!
My comment, hey it's the same day but everyone went away for a three month hiatus and all got their hair done, as if that was the highlight of their time off, ha!

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