Monday 24 June 2013

Once Upon A Time 2.12 "In The Name of the Brother" Review

Continuing from the events of last episode, Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Charming (Josh Dallas) arrive at the scene as Gold (Robert Carlyle) uses magic to heal Belle (Emilie de Ravin).  Then sets his wrath upon Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) but is stopped by Emma and Charming, asking what he thinks Belle would want him to do.  Also Emma saying "murder is not a good first impression."  An ambulance arrives as they take the outsider, Greg Mendell (Ethan Embury) to hospital, along with Belle and Hook.  Here Dr Whale (David Anders) is being paged but he too busy drinking and wallowing.  They need him to operate on the outsider but he refuses.

Emma has his phone and personal effects, his phone rings with 'HER' on the screen.  But they don't pick it up, instead the debate whether he should be saved or not and Whale says letting him die from his injuries isn't murder, but Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming don't see it that way, though Grumpy (Lee Areberg) is in agreement.

Whale looks back to his own family and his father (Gregory Itzin) and brother, Gerhardt (Chad Michael Collins) the fave of his father as he gives him a pocketwatch which his mother wanted him to have.  As for Whale/Victor, well he gets a commission to join the army.  But Victor wants to continue his experiments which are funded by daddy dearest, who refuses to do this.  Victor is approached by Rumpel Von Stiltskin, dressed in red,to contrast the black and white scenes with Victor.  It's always thundery and raining there.  Suppose Rumple's red is similar to Regina's red apples.  He gives him a pile of gold coins, well a never ending bag the way he poured them out, to tell him the secrets of his experiments.  He doesn't want to know how to bring back the dead as the "deceased should be left where they are."

Victor continues his experiments and goes in search of a body in the graveyard, having to dig the grave himself too, wouldn't it have been better to get Igor (Yurij Kis) to do it.  Anyway Gerhardt comes to stop him and is shot as they are discovered.  Victor tries to save him but he's dead, even cutting into his heart which Igor describes as "black as coal."  Can't help thinking if Rumples was behind all of this considering he wants secrets not to mention it would be a way to get back at Regina too.  Since on his next visit he tells Victor how he needs hearts and he can put him in touch with the Hatter where he will find an endless supply of hearts.  The Doctor episode.

Victor gets his heart and raises Gerhardt but of course he won't be the same.  Instead his father disowns him even further and Gerhardt kills their father out of loyalty of Victor really, who was a bit slow off the mark getting him to stop beating up on their father.  He locks Gerhardt up and tries to shoot him even if that's what he wants but can't go through with it.  Instead finding a way to help him.

Back in Storybrooke he looks at the broken watch of the outsider and runs away to end it all.  Ruby (Meghan Ory) is on the scent though and finds him about to jump into the sea.   She stops him from jumping and tells him she's got her problems too and she "ate my boyfriend."  Making them both monsters, bringing him back he operates and saves the outsiders life.  So Emma questions him to see if he saw magic being used.  He replies he was texting and so didn't see anyone in the road until it was too late.  But really what was he doing there since no one comes to Storybrooke, she didn't ask him that, but just believes him.  It can't be an accident him turning up and don't their computers work for them to check his licence plate?

Hook is still alive and handcuffed to his bed though he asks for his Hook back, yeah so he can use it to undo the cuffs but still has time for innuendos referring to having other parts that work.  Emma warning him that Gold is still out for blood.  Belle doesn't recall Gold but is scared of him and when he brings her the chipped cup enchanted so she may remember if she focuses, she throws it away, smashing it to pieces.

Cora (Barbara Hershey) shows up at Gold's telling him he needs to find his son as she needs to find Regina and gives him a globe which will locate Bae.  They declare a truce and she wants it sealed in their usual manner, with a kiss. She calls him "master" and he taught her everything but she doesn't know any spell for Belle.

Cora snoops around Regina's (Lana Parrilla) house and finds Henry's (Jared S Gilmore) hand print mould for Regina.  She goes to the crypt, calling her "mom."  Anyway she lets him in but it's really Cora.  Trying to win Regina back admitting she killed Archie.  Little does Regina know that everyone knows she didn't do it.  Infact she gets Regina onside under the pretence of coming clean but then accidentally on purpose finds the handprint.  That as long as Emma and her parents are around she'll never get Henry back.  So no one saw Regina's car being driven around either. Also Henry's been to the crypt and he didn't think of looking for her there.  So much for finding Regina last episode, seems they gave up on that idea.  Regina hiding her most precious possessions down there, included that apple tree, ooh covet that! Ha.  She has no mirror to talk to now.  Where is Sidney?

Gold pricks his finger and the blood runs into the globe giving him Bae's location.  Henry finds out who Whale is but no one notices when he says that he's not in the book so the curse must have spread to other lands.  No cos Emma's too busy still going on about bolt through necks!  And Snow being intimate with Whale, which is old news by now.  Sure Charming was also intimate with his 'wife.'  Gold arrives wanting that favour from Emma, to accompany him to find Bae.  Why didn't she ask why he chose her to go either, really she's not on the ball is she?  He threatens to kill them if any harm comes to Belle whilst he's gone.

This episode was nicely done with how it tied into Victor turning up in the Enchanted Forest needing hearts and one in particular, though Jefferson gets a mention as the Hatter, still ruing him not being around anymore!  Also Victor and his black and white life signifies life and death really, that it's all that 'simple' to him.  No shades of grey or blurred morals in what he does.  It's science and not magic even if he is trying to do good.  Rumples telling him that there is magic in this world too but it's evil witchcraft, whereas they have 'harnessed magic in his world.'  SO how come Rumples arrived here without needing a portal such as Jefferson's hat, aside from using magic but Victor needs the hat to travel through lands, as they also needed it in an attempt to bring back Emma and Snow in earlier episodes.  Lots of unanswered questions too.

Liked it when Gold said Hook stole Milah from him first.  Yes take that you thieving pirate!  Why specifically did Emma mention the Pennsylvania plates if they weren't going to pursue that?  Aside from needing to know where he's from.  Cora trying to play mother now and understanding why Regina needed to send her to Wonderland all just seems false on her part as she tries to win her over.  A lifetime of being alone or a lifetime with a wicked, lying mother?  What a choice?  At least Regina probably sees it that way.

Hook's ship is yellow and red mostly in colour and so was the dock where Ruby found Whale.


  1. Hook is still alive and handcuffed to his bed though he asks for his Hook back, yeah so he can use it to undo the cuffs but still has time for innuendos referring to having other parts that work. Emma warning him that Gold is still out for blood.

    You commented on Hook's innuendos, yet you blatantly ignored the fact that Emma deliberately put pressure on Hook's wounded ribs in order to get him to talk about Cora. She abused her position as a law enforcer and you said nothing, because Hook made an innuendo? Really?

  2. Liked it when Gold said Hook stole Milah from him first. Yes take that you thieving pirate!

    Are you serious???

  3. Seems the whole point of the review has been missed, it's not to be taken seriously, nor is every single scene going to be commented on or written about! Everyone has their own views, if you feel so strongly, you're more than welcome to write your own review and comments.
