Tuesday 25 June 2013

CSI 13.18 "Sheltered" Review

A man is being chased and is later found dead.  Nick (George Eads) Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) and David (David Berman) arrive on the scene and Nick thinks the bite on his leg could have been made by a wolf or a dog.  The DB also has his hand missing and the other one has been removed too so the DB can't be identified.  David making his first joke about them "being stumped."  This will make their case difficult and Nick adds "it always is."  There isn't any wallet either, erm couldn't they ID him by his teeth, surely he must have been to the dentist.  They don't have a database for teeth.

Sara (Jorga Fox) goes through the surveillance feed with DB (Ted Danson) and they see someone in camouflage gear dumping the DB. Greg (Eric Szmanda) and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) find the DB is wearing knee pads and Finn finds a paper crane.  Took her a while to work out it was an origami crane too.  Doc (Robert David Hall) finds his hand was cut peri mortem, meaning he was still alive.  The left hand was cut post mortem, after he was dead.  Doc thinks the animal bite on his leg is from a bear trap.  As well as finding a small piece of synthetic trace in the wound tract.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) tells Finn about the type of paper used to make Origami which is washi paper and this one isn't proper paper so could be a clue.

Nick arrives with Sam as he picked him up from the vet and he brought him here to see some friends to cheer him up.  Morgan thinks he's down cos he's a cop and wants to work.  He perks up to "travaille."  The knee brace was ordered by a Dylan Trigg (Cameron Dean Stewarte)so they assume he was the Vic. At his house Morgan and Crawford (Alimi Ballard) find his father, Ed (Paul Johansson) who tells them Dylan's upstairs.  Dylan is alive but it was his friend, Carl (Dalton Day).  He wanted to go camping at the Ridge but he backed out as he doesn't like it there.

Nick and Morgan arrive at the mine to conduct a search bringing Sam along and he leads them to an underground bunker with blood everywhere.  Morgan calls for back up but has to go out, which is what I said, couldn't she have called them before.  Inside they find camouflage fatigues and night vision goggles.  Nick goes in alone and is held at gunpoint!!  Again, Nick!  Knew that was coming.  The man refuses to cooperate and they think he murdered Carl.  Sara and Finn search the bunker and Sara finds weapons whilst Finn finds a girl's room with different, old clothes in the closet.  There are signs of sexual activity in the bed but Sara doesn't find any blood.  Greg finds blood on the astro turf and thinks the green trace Doc found was this.  The blood matches Carl so his left hand must have been severed here.  What, they couldn't do that outside.

Sara also finds more origami cranes on the shelf and they hear a noise, someone's trying to get away and they find a girl.  Finn takes her to the hospital to process her.  Nick and DB interrogate the man and tell him they found the girl he was holding captive, as well as the other woman, a Rebecca Barnes who he killed in Carson City.  He admits Rebecca was his wife and was murdered and the girl is his daughter.  Tommy Barnes (Neal McDonough) was the primary suspect in her murder.  Well you know spouses are suspected first.  He was cleared for the murder but this doesn't mean he didn't kill Carl.  Okay I got who killed Carl a while back, it was obvious!

Rebecca was abducted and this was witnessed by Miranda (Rebecca Forsythe) so he wanted to take her away.  DB tells him that's okay when she was 7 but she's 17 now.  DB tells him about the semen from her bed, one belonging to Carl and the other isn't a match yet.  But wouldn't they have also found traces of her too.  Again it was obvious that there were two men there together and it had to have been Carl and Dylan.  DB suspects Tommy murdered Carl cos of Miranda.  He refuses to speak any further.  Crawford brings in his lawyer, Jill (Kate Danson) who tells them none of the evidence can be used since the mineral rights still belong to the estate and thus so does anything under it.

Finn thinks there's another way of finding out who Miranda was with using the paper from the crane.  Er, didn't Hodges mention that ages ago!!  Thought someone would have analyzed the paper by now.  It is part of the Koval Ridge store and Nick and Morgan check it out.  Here they find military fatigues and Morgan finds a paper crane.  The man who works there runs but his dirt bike doesn't start.  The one that belongs to Dylan.  Luke (Blair Redford) is suspected of being the jealous boyfriend in the love triangle but he tells them it was Carl and Dylan who were in the bed together.  Carl already had his hand missing when he turned up and  died.  Luke disposed of the DB and cut off the other hand so he couldn't be identified.

Greg and Sara search the campsite and find a bear trap.  Sara finds his right hand with gunshots through it and some trace under his fingernails.  Nick and Finn question Dylan who says he hadn't come out yet but Carl told everyone.  Ed drives up and he asks for a lawyer now.  Dylan confesses his father killed Carl.  His father wanted him to be a man and Carl threw back in his face that he loved Dylan and was his. DB tells him that's exactly who he is, a man, since he confessed.

Miranda says sorry since everything that happened was her fault.  Tommy says DB was right and he takes her to live in Oregon where her mother was from.  This episode didn't really seem that exciting actually.  Even the forensics was quite boring.  Opening scenes, running in the desert, being chased, all done before in season 1.  As was Nick's gun scene, a few times over but still like watching him get into those situations.

Rebecca Barnes was a character name from Dallas, ha.  The lawyer, Jill is Ted's real daughter, Kate.

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