Thursday 2 August 2012

Merlin 4.3 "The Wicked Day" Review

The carnival comes to town for Arthur's (Bradley James) birthday and he's not very impressed.  Arthur: "you have the mind of a child."
Merlin: "I'm more intelligent than you."  Arthur's gift is a set of knives.  Uther (Anthony Head) doesn't want to talk about matters of court on his special day and he remembers his son's birthday.

At the celebration, Arthur is tied to a wheel and knives are thrown at him.  He's right up there with an apple in his mouth, like a roasting pig, as if anything would happen to him, he's one of the stars of the show.  There's sedative on the apple and Arthur did look afraid, as Merlin (Colin Morgan) tells him as much.  Arthur visits Uther and Merlin notices Arthur is trouser-less.  Arthur is attacked  but of course Arthur can't fight, so Uther fights in his place.  Getting mortally wounded in the process - but manages to kill the assassin.  So wow that was a quick recovery, Arthur seems fine now the fighting is over.  Arthur won't let Uther die and Uther responds, he's "been ready for some time."  Arthur will make him proud by being a good king.  "I've always loved you."  Oh he finally admits this after ruing over Morgana (Katie McGrath).

Gaius (Richard Wilson) says he has internal bleeding so it's only a matter of time.  Agravaine (Nathanial Parker) rides to Morgana to inform her of the good news.  Morgana has now gone all Goth in her attire and make up.  Arthur is devastated.  He tells her after Uther's death, the kingdom will be weak and she can chose her moment.  That isn't saying much about Arthur and his ability to fight her or be king.

Gwen (Angel Coulby) attends to Uther for Arthur, who can't watch him die.  People hold a vigil for Uther and Merlin finds all this hard to accept.  Arthur thinks magic will help.  Merlin wants to go into his '80 year old' act again and if he can help, then Arthur will change his mind about magic.  Yep he sure will, just becoming like Uther in the process.  Then Merlin won't have to hide anymore.  That's easier said than done.

Gaius warns he's playing a "dangerous game" which is true, since things go awry.  Merlin tells Arthur of the old man in the forest and he can use magic.  Of course Merlin would say yes.  Then Arthur has to blab to Agravaine and he recalls magic caused his mother's death.  This is Uther's time.  SO he can go running off to Morgana again.

They ride to the forest and Merlin wants to stay outside.  Arthur thinks he's afraid, "scream like a big girl if there's any trouble."  Merlin must change into his older self under the guise of needing to pee.  Think this is getting  a bit old.  Merlin the elder, sneers at Arthur who broke his pot, calling him a "clumsy fool."  He knows why Arthur is really here.  "I know more than you can possibly comprehend."  He wants to live in peace - where magic is accepted - that's his price for Uther's life.  He already knows things will go wrong and he claims things will be different when he's king.  They will meet at night.

Hey he pretty was active for an old man!  Merlin is still in the bushes.  Arthur comments there's something very wrong with Merlin.

Gaius questions if something goes wrong, then what will become of Arthur's attitude to magic?  Merlin thinks this may be his great destiny.  Morgana wants to cast her own spell with a talisman to place around Uther's neck.  Thus the healing magic will be reversed and Uther will die.  Agravaine says he will be destroyed which is exactly what she wants.  This is also Agravaine's revenge on Uther.

Gaius uses the same excuse of Merlin being at the tavern again when Arthur comes looking - when Merlin told him he's got a weak bladder.  Now Merlin the elder needs to rest and be carried by Arthur, milking his position for everything he can get is old Merlin.  He was taught by Uther never to trust magic and now he's using it to save him.  Merlin says magic is around him and has been used more times to save Arthur than he knows.  Merlin wants to show "magic ca be used for good."  Depends on who is using the magic doesn't it.  Merlin: "I hope one day you will see me in a different light."

Uther's condition worsens and he dies and yet no one saw the charm around his neck.  Merlin is astounded at what is happening.  Parts of Merlin sound like his younger self when he speaks. Perhaps that's just shock. Gaius finds the charm and posits Uther had no chance.

Merlin knows it was Morgana and she's not happy since Arthur will take over.  Agravaine tells her he will look to him for counsel and he'll make sure Arthur fails.

Arthur's not to blame.  Uther spent 20 years fighting magic and he should have known better.  He was arrogant and this caused Uther's death.  Merlin thinks perhaps nothing could have saved him.  Arthur: "I've lost both my parent's to magic.  It is pure evil.  I'll never lose sight of that again."  As Gaius warned Merlin, he made things worse.

Arthur keeps vigil for Uther.  Merlin blames himself.  Gaius tells him Morgana killed him since Uther's spirit died when she broke his heart.  Hoping Arthur's reign will bring peace to the land.  Arthur needs Merlin now more than ever and when he's king.  Merlin waits for Arthur outside and he didn't want Arthur to feel he was alone.  Merlin's a loyal friend.  Arthur thinks of food like Gaius and Arthur is crowned king.

It came as a bit of a shock the way Uther was killed off and perhaps they could have cut down on the humour a litle bit even if it was to detract from the sombreness of the episode.  Uther is dying and Merlin and Arthur are busy cracking jokes.

Also Arthur finds out about his mother's death at this point in time.  Again maybe it could have been revealed another time or under different circumstances.  Not to mention Uther didn't want Arthur to ever know of this!  Still it reinforces why Arthur will come to hate magic even more.  Not only was magic responsible for taking his mother from him, but it was also responsible for his losing Uther.  Mind you Morgana was to blame here and with his mother, it was Uther.  There was significance in Uther dying a day after Arthur's birthday.  He was afflicted on his birthday and his mother died when Arthur was born.

Other happenings in this episode was Merlin telling Arthur to use magic in the form of his older self, Dragoon. Especially since Merlin and Gaius know of Agravaine being in league with Morgana.  Merlin could have attempted to heal Uther in secret.  Even though Merlin acted this way in the hopes of showing Arthur that magic was good and helpful.  Gaius showed very little regard for his old friend and king and didn't give a second thought to him losing his life or that he was dying.

This episode wasn't very well written since the main protagonists were reduced to cold, uncaring shadows of themselves.  Effectively being portrayed as heartless as Morgana in some scenes.  Odin's assassin was after Arthur and that was completely forgotten about.  Also Morgana not wanting Gwen to be queen, but her killing Uther ensured this very outcome.

Gaius mentioning there was peace in Camelot hopefully now Arthur is king, but there is peace for over 20 years as a result of Uther which was instigated by Uther so he was a good king in that respects.  So much for Gaius saying he hopes there will be peace when Arthur is crowned.  The entire coronation was rushed, something which was meant to have been an important part of the show, as was Uther's death and subsequent period of mourning.  This episode could have been better.

1 comment:

  1. I am very angry after watching this episode. Why did not Gaius tell Arthur and everyone about the necklace that has caused Uther's death? Maybe because he did not want other people to suspect him of sorcery, but he has been so knowledgeable, so wise, a truthful man who provides useful information. I think Arthur would have not lifted the ban on magic if Gaius told him about what Morgana has done. However, it would be even better if they know who responsible for killing Uther indirectly. Agravain is a mischievous and filthy old infiltrator. Arthur should have been cautious for this "uncle".
