Thursday 2 August 2012

Doctor Who Season 7 Trailer

So did everyone catch their Doctor Who fix for the next series of the show in the special trailer.  Amazing wasn't it.  So many clues to leave us still guessing as to which one of the 'Pond's will be killed off and how.  No the pic of the Doctor (Matt Smith) carrying Amy (Karen Gillan) reveals nothing.  I mean Rory (Arthur Darvill) didn't even look shocked.

At least we have Daleks, yay!! in the first episode Asylum of the Daleks.  He gets to taunt them, "You've got me.  What are you waiting for..."  Rory asks who killed the Daleks and the Doctor replies: "Who do you think?"  Then "Dinosaurs in space," 'there aren't any...'  Some sort of 'Transformer type cyborgs.'  Rupert Graves (aka Inspector Lestrade from Sherlock) is shown as an 'Indiana Jones' sort of character.
The Western episode entitled, A Town Called Mercy, wonder if that has anything to do with the Doctor.  Weeping Angels also return.

Plenty to see, can't wait for the first five episodes this August.  As well as the usual Christmas special later in the year.

Don't the cast look great, Matt's got a haircut but must retain his quiff for this role, you know for as long as he plays the Doctor and River (Alex Kingston) in a hat, though it's not a Fez! Ha.

The artwork revealed by the BBC  for the new series is awesome!

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