Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Closer 7.6 "Home Improvement" Review

Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) and Fritz (Jon Tenney) meet with her lawyer who seems rather scatty, or maybe that's just an act he's putting on to fool people.  Brenda certainly wasn't impressed with him, or as I commented, it's Lucifer from Supernatural!  Brenda insists she didn't kill Turrell.  Unless it's "murder by proxy."  Gavin (Mark Pelligrino) has good news for her and asks her for a 45 second version of events.  Brenda's phone rings, as always and he charges $40 a minute.  Fritz mentions he's not meant to charge her for the first hour.  His retainer is $25,000.  Brenda: "for $10 a minute, I'm keeping the water."

Brenda rushes to the CS but can't find her tennis shoes, those were not tennis shoes she had on when she's later shown in the office.  Besides she's worn heels to a CS before.  Gabriel (Corey Reynolds)  says she's misplaced her shoes.  Tao (Michael Paul Chan) informs her the house was being torn down and the DB was found.  Brenda comments on the "Victim humour" and sarcastically remarks maybe they should start another lawsuit.  Well, it's not like the first one was their fault or cos of them.

Flynn (Tony Denison) thinks the primary suspects are the owners.  Gabriel says there was a contractor, a crew and mentions the neighbour.  Brenda: "maybe he was a lawyer."  Now who's being sarcastic.
The contractor, Romano calls her 'honey' and she wants him arrested.

Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) tells him he's illegally parked and can search his van for whatever's in plain sight.  He can be held for 48 hours.  Proveza (GW Bailey) IDs the Vic as John Dale and they will have a hue of suspects as he's a registered sex offender.  They should just cover him up and call it a day.  They look for signs of blood inside the house.

Morales (Jonathan Del Arco) claims 'you can't kill yourself on the back of your head.' He was dead 12 days and was well preserved.  He was hit with something 'conocal shaped.'  There aren't any prints on the duct tape.  Tao thinks of party hats as they have the same shape.

Taylor (Robert Gossett) tells Brenda they haven't got enough suspects as the line of suspects increases in the office.  The schools put the picture of the offenders on the notice board.  Greg (Josh Casaubon) and Malin (Laura Regan) are selling their houses and it's an open house with 200 buyers, thus increasing the suspect list even more, yet selling the house was a clue to the suspect's ID in this instance. It was obvious they wanted to sell and he was preventing them cos of his past.

Debbie (Robin Cohen) won't let Kayla play in the backyard and she saw Dale mentioned on the Megan's Law website.  Sanchez questions Kayla in Pope's (JK Simmons) office and he wants her gone since it's his time for exercise.  Brenda wipes the dust off his bike.  Kayla tells of Dale being in the backyard and her father (Ryan Alosio) fought with him.

Brenda cooks at home to save money for the lawyer.  She stopped the paper, cancelled the cable and the landline as they can't afford to "spend money on luxury items."  Fritz says she doesn't care as long as she has her chocolate bar fix.  Fritz suggests she could get funding from the city and should ask Pope for it.  Raymond, (Maximiliano Hernandez) the building inspector is brought in for questioning and Pope comments how not "everyone who asks for a lawyer is guilty." He'll ask the Mayor if there are any funds available.  Romano didn't apply for a building permit and under the Disclosure laws, have to tell buyers there is no permit.  The complainant was Dale and he was already dead.

Fritz gives Gavin a retainer from the money he inherited but doesn't want Brenda to know.  He has to tell her it came from the city and since he says he can't lie, Fritz adds he should explain it to her in a way she misunderstands.

Brenda invites Fritz to the open house and checks the house and garden out.  In the garden are wheelbarrow marks and she takes photos of these.  Since it's an 'open house' she doesn't need a warrant.  The gnome has a conical shaped hat.  The tiles were also cleaned with bleach and Connor tells her the trash bags were kept.  Brenda finds jeans and shoes inside and Malin has bleach spots on her clothes.

The blood residue is positive and she says Dale was waiting for her.  Claiming he was going to attack her. Brenda refers to what happened as a 'better than a spur of the moment burial.'  From the credit card it's seen everything was purchased the day before.  The house was impossible to sell and they needed the DB to have his name removed from the Megan's Law website.

Provenza says the gnome was cleaned before it was thrown out.  Flynn  hates matches.  She can't lift the gnome.  Greg wants to start their story over, dummy.  They had to use the e-mail to make their complaint since their voices would be recognized and they just confessed.

Gavin is representing Brenda and says she doesn't have to pay him personally unless the case goes to trial.  Brenda hugs Pope thinking he came through with the money.  The gnome is in the office with handcuffs which Provenza calls a "flight risk."

This episode wasn't as good at the others so far and seemed like a 'filler' to take the story forward with Brenda and her lawyer seeing as this season has more episodes than usual.  As we again see how Brenda is able to get past little things such as search warrants etc, to get the job done like she always has in the past.
Brenda and Fritz actually having a domestic, er over domestic issues and she expects him to eat her cooking everyday, ha.  Also Provenza being hit in the cahonas by Malin was a fun moment, no really, he was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But the suspects have to have been the most loopiest and stupidest we've seen in  along time with her lifting the gnome, oh come on did it look like she could lift it and Greg wanting to start their story over after they've been found out and already confessed!

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