Thursday 26 July 2012

CSI: NY - 7.11: "To What End" Review

A clown shoots a man in a bakery with no apparent motive. Jo's ex (David James Elliott) turns up, still pining for her and Flack is connected to the earlier shooting.

After dressing up as a clown, the clown then shoots a man at a bakery store.  Note the emphasis on the gun throughout the clown's make-up scene, cos all clowns are evil!  (Joke.)  I don't have any hang ups about clowns but I know some people will suffer nightmares after the abundance in this episode.   It was a bit too obvious that other clowns would arrive on the scene just so as the real killer could make his escape and throw them off the track, for a while.   Including leaving a gun behind which had nothing to do with the shooting.   Was it used by the hitman who was sent after Bobby Renton (JD Pardo).   OOh me jumping the gun here again - groan.)  Or as Mac (Gary Sinise) said later, was that just a red herring to throw them off the scent.

 Flack (Eddie Cahill) questions the clown, who then asked if he'd get any money for helping and turning up there.     Flack to Mac: "Don't say anything, this is better if you don't say anything."  At the sheer number of clown 'suspects'.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) and Mac process the CS and Hawkes finds unknown trace on the DB.   Flack to the clown: "You squirt me with that thing and I will shoot you right here..."  Hey it's only water, ha.   Jo (Sela Ward) arrives and says hello to Flack, which no one's done before.   She questions who'd want to shoot the owner of a bakery, which was a big clue and probably sums up the episode, well a little bit of it.   Hawkes discovers a single GS wound to the chest and the gun was dropped here.   Flack brings in the clown's outfit, found from a dumpster.   Jo comments on their first move: "Leave the cannolis and take the gun."

Lindsay (Anna Belknap) complains about having to reconstruct the bullet from several fragments.   Mac tells her there's an easier way if she downloaded the CT pattern, but that's not enough for her, she still complains about having to extract the bullets from the jello and reconstruct them.   Asking Mac for his help which he refuses as he's the boss this week.   Yeah, do your job Lindsay! Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) removes dust, carbon and fractured bone from the clown's shoes.   As well as concrete and female DNA.   Mac asks him to run the DNA in CODIS, wouldn't he have done that anyway as they normally do.   Danny asks Mac if you wear sneakers in clown's shoes?  Mac: "I'm a bright man, but I can't help you with that."  Danny then asks Jo the same question but she says she doesn't own any sneakers!  Hawkes found the trace to be cyanide.   Jo then asks Hawkes Danny's sneaker question.   Nothing makes sense in this case.

Adam (AJ Buckley) loses his temper whilst on the phone, which Mac happens to overhear and Adam tells the caller he's from the Crime lab but "I moonlight as a criminal, in clown ID theft."  He hates clowns.   He was calling the NY Clown Registry as the Vic's phone records don't show the clown's name.   McGillicutty didn't give him any info.   Jo and Mac visit the registry and Jo wonders who blows the yolk out of the eggs, before the clown's faces are painted on them.   Mac just wants her to appreciate the craftsmanship.   McGillicutty comments Mac has "all the charms of his insubordinate."  He calls Jo, "Kentucky" and she replies he's not very nice.   Adam faxed over the subpoena for the clown's name as he knew McGillicutty wouldn't help.   The clown's name is Stan Ridgeway(Martinez).

Flack and Danny visit his apartment and Flack comments on what happened the last time they stood outside a suspect's door.  Bullets came through.  Danny stands away from the door because he's scared.   Stan's tied up.   The man took his clothes, knocked him out and also left him money.   Thought Danny would have printed the money, but suppose it was easier to make an imprint from the pot of clown facepaint.  The prints match to a Bobby Renton.   When Adam tells Jo about the match she comments about telling Mac to give him a raise but he doesn't listen.   Maybe because they had to take a paycut just to keep Adam in work, not too long ago.   Jo believes Gino's (Tracy Fraim) murder was premeditated.   Bobby hasn't had a licence for the past five years, or any credit cards and doesn't exist in any database.   Adam comments it's like he "disappeared from his life all in the same day."

"All in the same day" as Jo repeats gives her an idea that the FBI should be around here, but she doesn't suspect it would be her ex turning up.   Bobby was in witness protection.   She disappears because she knows the "over confident agent who just got off the elevator...we slept together."  Agent Russ Josephson  doesn't believe Bobby's a killer.   Mac says it would be embarrassing for the FBI if they don't know where he is.   Russ tells him that  Bobby was an NYPD informant and the request for protection was a personal favour for Flack.   Mac relays this to Flack and how everyone thinks Bobby's not a killer for some reason.   Flack calls him a good guy.  He testified against the Foley brothers, PCP dealers, who shot and killed Bobby's friend.

Cue flashback with Flack in a suit and asking Bobby to become a witness as they need his testimony to put the killers away.   He will get protection, as will his girlfriend, Ainsley (Jackie Totin).   Bobby can't let them get away.   Well Flack was pretty persuasive.   Russ tells Jo he saw her run from the office.   She says the five text messages they exchanged over the past eight months were enough.   She looks great and he still has feelings for her.   Russ calls their parting a separation but Jo calls it divorce.   She didn't want to be known as Jo Josephson, nor did she want to stay at home.   As well as there being "ownership problems."   He wants to have dinner with her.  

Then Lindsay barges in as per usual; just when Jo and Russ were having their heart-to-heart to spoil their moment and ours!.   Yes just barge in unannounced.   She reconstructed the bullet fragments and coughs, what was the cough in aid of?  Bobby possibly killed someone 2 days ago in Memphis.   Russ says Bobby was in Memphis.   What was the point of telling Russ they've heard nothing about him, Jo's not exactly going to share with Lindsay of all people.

Hawkes says there were three GS wounds on the DB in Memphis: one to each knee and one to the chest.   (By the way Sid (Robert Joy) wasn't in this episode.)  Mac explains he was tortured but what was the connection to Gino.   Flack couldn't find anything on Gino, he had a clean background.   Flack says Bobby disappeared from witness protection and believes he's in NYC.  Mac thinks Bobby's got unfinished business and I immediately thought of Flack first and then Ainsley!  Cue flashback 2, where Booby says he won't tell Ainsley anything and ruin her life too.  She's pregnant.   Flack: "not even say goodbye."  Then Flack tells him he did the right thing in choosing to testify.

The Tox screen revealed traces of ether in the Memphis Vic's lungs.   His name Elmo Vidvic (Gadi Evel).   Cyanide and ether means PCP.   But Mac insists there's still no connection between the two Vics.   Already anticipated by Hawkes; as the kilowatt usage in the bakery was high.   It was a front for a PCP lab.

Russ: "...was hoping you'd walk me out." Jo comments he's leaving the hard part to the NYPD and he ponders if he should be jealous of Mac.   Flack visits Ainsley at the diner who wastes no time in telling him he ruined their lives.   She hasn't seen Bobby.  Flack wants her to listen to him.   Ainsley replies, "Listen to you, are you kiddin' me?"  Hey that's one of Flack's lines; recycled! He notices his car mirror has been turned inwards, a signal from Bobby.   Flack knows where to go and drives there alone.   Jo finds the connection between the Foley's and Gino, he was the godfather to one of them and sent Vidvic to kill Bobby in Memphis.

Mac is concerned he hasn't heard from Flack as he's left him messages.   Jo realizes this is personal for Flack.   Danny (under utilized again; he wasn't even there for Flack) uses EDNA to trace the samples of dust etc to a crematorium.   Lindsay asks another silly question of how the trace could have transferred onto Bobby's shoes?  Cos he was there!  Every episode she has to ask an obvious question and then saying they have to tell Mac about this and send units, arrgh!  (Sorry) What a pathetic scene between Danny and Lindsay, or should I call it embarrassing; when she asks if he has another woman.   It may have meant to have been funny, but wasn't.   It's not as though she is unaware of what EDNA is.   Think someone should tell her to pack her bags and go home.

Bobby vents at Flack when he holds a gun on him; that he didn't want to testify and Flack couldn't keep his promises.   Flack says he saved lives.   Flack: "Thieves get rich, saints got shot and God doesn't always answer your prayers." I can't help feeling this line was personal for him again because of his own loss.   Bobby can still have a life and be with his family.   Flack gets knocked down and then freefalls onto Bobby down below.   Rather he flew like the Superman that he is! What if he mistimed his jump and didn't land on Bobby!  Flack explains to Mac he "needed time to wrestle with the demons."  He was happy when he convinced Bobby to testify and was commended but he doesn't feel good about that now.   Mac replies it's "easy to lose sight of the sacrifices they have to make...the necessary price of evil."  Lots of religious references all of a sudden.

Flack books Bobby himself so he can take him to visit his family.   Wonder what was going through Flack's mind when he was watching from outside.

As for the flashbacks, don't think CSI:NY should  bother with them, unless they get the details right.   Five years ago, Flack did not have hair like that, felt intelligences were insulted by just putting him back in a suit without the proper hair.   It was like Danny's flashback in Out of the sky, where his hair and appearance was akin to the present.   This episode shows Flack does do other police work independent of the CSI lab; since Mac didn't know about Flack's connection to Bobby.

This episode was advertized as 'a man from Flack's past leading to trouble for Flack', thought that it would be something more personal than that and not so much about a past case.   Great episode never- the-less, again ensuring Flack's character keeps evolving.   Especially when he realizes policework is not always about the glory of putting criminals away and how he has matured in five years, both as a detective and as a man.   Good to see he and Mac having their routine talk at the end; where Mac convinces Flack that he did the right thing in getting Bobby to testify as he wanted to do this deep down.   But still kinda miss when Flack and Mac used to be at odds with each other with their arguments.   Made for some excellent viewing.

Before David James Elliott (or 'Dreamboat' as is my name for him, now the whole world knows!) was cast, I used to say he and Eddie should star in something together.   Got my wish then.   Though David's scenes were not nearly as long as I hoped.   Glad he's coming back.   He and Jo shared a chemistry together and seems like she was the one who opted for divorce as he wanted her to stay home.   Can't quite see that in his character; as clearly he still has immense feelings for her.   Also the way she dashed out when she saw him was more like the actions of someone who still has feelings for him too, you don't avoid people like that if you absolutely can't stand them.   More a case of not wanting to be swept away (as in off your feet) if you spend too long with them.  David would be great as a guest regular or main cast regular.

Russ asking if he should be jealous of Mac and then Lindsay asking if she needs to be jealous was so off-putting.   Poor Danny we really don't get to see much of him anymore!  He doesn't call her Montana anymore either, the novelty's worn off.   At least he got to share a joke about the clown shoes cos Lindsay wasn't around.

Flack telling Bobby he can get out and have a life as long as he doesn't shoot him - a cop - well he was right about the hitman; that could be argued as self defence, but Gino's murder was premeditated and only in the last episode, Shop Til you Drop, did we have him talking about premeditation.   Flack's stuntman was clearly obvious again and Flack wanted to take Bobby in since he still felt guilty  for him having to give up his life.   Not so much guilty, that's too strong a word to use , responsible is better.

Jo was more interested in cannoli than Russ.   Her asking who'd want to kill a bakery owner over and over was a big clue as already mentioned, as Gino was no ordinary bakery owner.

Appropriate song used at the end, 'Here Without You' by 3 Doors Down - still it reminded me someone has uploaded that song on You tube with clips of Danny and Lindsay!

When Eddie was in the short-lived Glory Days he came across a murderous clown.   Is it any wonder people have phobias about them.   Adam getting frustrated by the clown registry was interesting because it's not often, if at all, you see him losing his cool (perhaps he has a secret clown phobia too,ha,  though he did comment he hates clowns.)  Then faxing over the subpoena for Mac and Jo was kind of endearing too in that Mac seems to be rubbing off on him, at least some of Mac's qualities.

As the title suggest To What End was pondered here with why Gino was killed and what intentions Bobby had for being back in New York.   Not to mention why Russ was really in town!

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