Wednesday 18 July 2012

Supernatural - 1.22: "Devil's Trap" Review

The first season was climatic and didn't prepare us for what happened in the last minutes of the show, just to ensure it did return for another season and even more after that.

Dean (Jensen Ackles) exclaims, "They've got Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).   As far as he knew Dad was only going to to meet with Meg (Nicki Aycox).   He then says the demon's got Dad.   They don't  know how many are out there and only three bullets are left.  Dean thinks they may be able to trade him for the Colt.   Dean doesn't want to do this anymore and says they should "screw the job."  Sam (Jared Padalecki) however now wants to do what Dad would want - "He would want us to keep going."  Dean: "Quit talking about him like he was already dead."

Dean's plan is to go for help and get Bobby (Jim Beaver) as they need help.   Sam tells him demon's won't leave a trail, then mentions the Book of Solomon and how protective circles will work to trap a demon.   Bobby claims there have been 3 or 4 demonic possessions in a year at the most and this year, he's heard of 27 so far.   Bobby: "Storm's coming and you boys and your daddy, you are smack in the middle of it."  We know that for sure.

They wonder how Meg found them, she questions did they think she wouldn't find them, but Dean was counting on it and looks up.   She's trapped in the circle.   Dean never one to hold back or play nice, "Where's our father bitch?" then hits her.   Dean: "You're no girl."  Bobby tells them she's possessed but they can't tell.   There's a de-possession ritual in the journal.   Dean can't believe they're going to use that, "We're really going for it, projectile vomiting - the whole nine yards."

Sam does the Latin chanting, as always.  As in 1.4 Phantom Traveler.   Dean comments he will march into hell and slaughter all of them himself.   Could call that a future foreboding for Dean, considering what happened to him in season 4/5 and no he didn't slaughter the whole of them either.   Meg admits he's not dead yet and is being held in Jefferson City, Missouri.   Dean wants her to be killed, he lied.   Sam doesn't know what to do since she's an 'innocent' girl.   Bobby is adamant they'll kill her since it's the demon keeping her alive.   Dean wants to put her out of her misery.   Could they have used her to find the demon as Sam thinks, but they didn't really need her since the demon found them.   That's why Meg was sent cos they'd come looking for Dad.

Sam studies the Book of Solomon and draws a 'Devil's Trap' on the boot of the Impala so no demon can get in or out and they can hide the Colt in there.   However Dean insists they need to take the Colt and doesn't care what Dad wants them to do and since when did Sam care what he wants?   Sam doesn't like being questioned, "Hell you're the one who came and got me out of school.   You're the one who dragged me back into this Dean - I'm just trying to finish it."  As you'll recall he also wanted this finished back in 1.16 Shadow so he could go back to his own life and leave hunting behind.   Suppose he wants that here now too and the sooner the better.

Dean wants the demon dead too.  Dean now says Sam and Dad are more alike than they think and Sam said this to Dad in 1.20 Dead Man's Blood, then again Dean wasn't around to hear that.   Dean: "You both can't wait to sacrifice yourselves for this thing.  I'm gonna be the one to bury you - you're selfish you know that.   You don't care about anything but revenge!"  But Dean wanted that too all these years.   In this episode Eric Kripke wrote that Dean came for Sam to go after the demon, but Dean actually came for Sam so they could search for Dad.   The second time Dean came for Sam, when Jess was on fire, Sam insisted he wanted to hunt the demon.

The demon knows what they look like so they will have 7 minutes once the fire alarm is pulled.   Dean: "I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up."  Dad is kept in a room with two possessed people and Sam and Dean wear fireman clothes so they can't be seen.   They find Dad and Sam thinks he might be possessed too and uses holy water on him.   The first question Dad asks is where the Colt is.    Now if this rescue wasn't too simple then I don't know what a trap is!  He didn't ask how they are are or what they're doing here but asks about the Colt.   Some would say that's what Dad was like anyway but all the times he's been watching out for them or watching from afar and not helping, that's something he wouldn't have asked first.   You can become possessed by being touched by someone already possessed.   Sam is beaten by the demon's son (Sebastian Spence) and Dean shoots him with the Colt, leaving two bullets.

They stop at a cabin in the woods and the doors and windows are salted - this didn't work to keep out the demon, so what else will work on him/it?  Dean saved Sam's life and Sam says he didn't have a choice.   Dean: "...for you or Dad the things I'm willing to do, to kill, scares me sometimes."  But it shouldn't cos he's a hunter and with Dean it's always shoot first and will always be that. It's the only way to stay alive he thinks.   Dad says he used the bullet, he's not angry but proud of him.   Dean watches out for them.   The light flickers, meaning demon's around.   Dad wants the Colt, he won't fire and miss the demon.   Dean is furious he wasted a bullet and Dean realizes it's not Dad.   He knows Dad better than anyone and he was possessed since they rescued him.   He was acting differently.   If he's sure then he should kill him and changes into the demon.   Saying, "You think something like that works on something like me."  He tells Sam to make the Colt move towards him using his telekinesis.  

Dean wants him to let Dad go or he'll...Meg was his daughter and the other one was his son, he killed his family.   Sam asks why he killed Mom and Jess.   They got in the way for plans he had for Sam and other children like him.   Adding, "...mask the truth - you fight for this family. Truth is they don't need you...  you need them."  That's what he tells Dean, cos Sam is Dad's favourite.   Dean says he's proud of his children too, "Oh wait, I forgot, I wasted them."  No wonder he wanted Dean in return for Dad.   Dean: "Dad, don't you let it kill me."  Sam shoots Dad in the leg and Dean's lost blood.   Dean tells Sam not to shoot Dad but the demon escapes from Dad's body.   Dad says he should have killed it.   There's still one bullet left and they can start over.   They already found the demon once and can do it again.   Actually it found them.   A truck crashes into their car...

So that was the season 1 finale, not that much was revealed here just to ensure we kept watching.   Liked the final scene though, it was actually one scene that wasn't anticipated, although you knew something was about to happen - didn't know the truck would crash into the car like that.   Also plenty of clues for season 2, such as dying and Dean having to pick up the pieces for them, burying them and how selfish Sam and Dad are.   Dean was right in so many ways, like he was predicting the future or knew what was to come.

In this finale Eric Kripke wanted Dad to be killed off, Sam and Dean were meant to survive and Dad was to die in their arms.   This was decided against since he felt the episode would become even more dark.

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