Wednesday 18 July 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.9: "Blood Sugar" Review

An explosion at a sugar refinery leads to all kinds of findings for the CSIs including, illegitimacy, immigration problems and the age old monster, money.

Apparently these season 9 episodes aren't being shown in the order listed, which is really frustrating!  An explosion at a sugar refinery provides the team with this week's case and Horatio (David Caruso) and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) are on the scene to rescue and pull out two people alive.    There's one DB, whom ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) refers to as "fragile."  He states it looks like a bomb went off in there and he wasn't that far wrong.   The blast shattered his bones.   Nina (Leela Savasta) recognizes his watch and IDs him as Eduardo (Bryan Cid Borreo) her fiance.   Walter (Omar Miller), Ryan (Jonathan Togo) Natalia (Eva La Rue) and Delko process the refinery.

Horatio finds the presence of sugar dust, which in excessive quantities could cause an explosion.  Natalia says it's on everything.   Horatio doesn't think it was an accident.   Walter says there are regulations in place to prevent such an explosion so if the owner broke the rules, and adds Horatio, "he'd be responsible for the death."  Horatio demands Cavanaugh (Gregg Henry) shut down the refinery.   Ryan tells him they're investigating a negligent homicide.   Cavanaugh claims to know all his employees.   He doesn't believe it's a dust explosion as he has all the measures in place: a ventilation system and the door remains open at all times.   One of his employees stands guard all the time to ensure this.   He'll need to look his name up on the computer.   Ryan comments so much for him knowing all of his employees.

Natalia doesn't find any fire residue on the vents or the ducts but Ryan finds charring on the outside of the ducts, meaning the vents were closed.   Cavanaugh's daughter, Christie (Julie Mond) is in charge of the operations.   She asks Tripp (Rex Linn) who he is, he's the guy who just took her phone.   Calleigh (Emily Procter) informs her it's against regulations to switch off the ventilation system and her "measures may have contributed to Eduardo's death."  At the refinery the failsafe door is missing and it was blown during the explosion.   There's no latch and Walter says it was sheared off, the door was shut before the explosion occurred.   Manny (Leandro Cano) was on the door but he left his post to help Nina.

Nina confirms his story and Immigration turns up for her sister, Isabel (Shontae Saldana) she's an illegal.   Horatio tells the Immigration official this is his investigation and asks for 48 hours to complete it.  Nina tells Horatio there's a raid every month, Cavanaugh turns in his employees.   The door could have been closed by anyone running from Immigration.   They almost took Eduardo as well.   ME Tom requires special tools to process the DB.   He suffered fractures and Walter says he was crushed by the sugar.   Particles are baked onto him, so he was under the sugar when the explosion occurred.   He either jumped, fell or was pushed.

Natalia notices the funnel wouldn't have held the weight of Eduardo's body.   Ryan says he collected sugar dust with the vents closed.   Delko finds the image of something on the side of the silo, but he's not seeing things as he tells Walter; who tells him his grandmother thought she saw Elvis on a potato chip.   Walter finds a hair from a horse, leading to their suspect, Luis (Ramon Franco).   He denies any knowledge of what happened and was teaching Eduardo how the factory worked.   His own son was deported, which gives him motive and the most likely suspect, at least I thought so.   Delko asks "that's all you know?"  As if he doubts him.

Nina gives Horatio a hospital file from two years ago.   It was when Eduardo had a tractor accident and needed a blood transfusion.   He had a rare blood type and the donor was Cavanaugh.   Eduardo was his son.   Tripp thinks Eduardo asked for money but after the accident he thanked Cavanaugh for saving his life.   Cavanaugh put him in the will, equal share with Christie.   She doesn't know about her brother, but she did know about Eduardo and the new will.   Calleigh found the boy she used to hack into her father's computer.  Christie doesn't acknowledge Eduardo as her brother and he didn't have the right to inherit the business.   She calls him an illegal.   Calleigh tells her Eduardo was a citizen as his father is a citizen too.

Ryan has to help Delko ID the silo image and thinks it looks like the map of Italy and describes the image as a boot, cos Italy does resemble a boot.   Christie was wearing boots.   Walter said he used to have a sweet tooth and Natalia comments she'll never eat caramel again.   Walter says Christie "cares deeply about money."  Natalia notices the fresh wounds on Eduardo's arms.   ME Tom describes them as nail scratches.   Walter believes whoever pushed him may have tried to pull him up.   Natalia suspects it's Christie.   Ryan finds the DNA taken from swabs under her nails doesn't match and her boots are clean.   Delko thinks someone was hanging from the catwalk as the boot looks like it's a got a spur on it,  jutst like Luis.   Oh took your time.

Not another chase, obviously the bag was headed straight for Delko who was just standing around.   Luis pulls a gun on Cavanaugh and reminds him he gave his son to Immigration, instead of Eduardo.   Luis knew about him, they fought on the catwalk and he fell.   Luis tried to pull Eduardo back up.   As Horatio successfully talks Luis to back down, Cavanaugh thinks it an appropriate time to confront him over Eduardo.   Luis killed his son (he always wanted) and Luis shoots at Cavanaugh, who dies.   Horatio shoots and only wounds Luis, as we get a sl- mo bullet scene (courtesy of Smallville).   Now Luis won't see his son again.   Horatio threatens Christie with a prison sentence, as is the norm this season; as hacking carries a mandatory 15 year sentence and she's willing to do whatever it takes to save herself.   Christie provides the first ever scholarship to Isabel who gets a student visa.   The sisters, as always, are grateful to Horatio for helping them out.  

Blood Sugar  - be needing plenty after this episode.   What's wrong with season 9 of CSI:Miami; the storylines seem so haphazard or hurriedly put together.   This storyline was just as dire.   The show's done illegal immigrants before trying to eek out a meagre living and life for themselves, but this episode was very weak in comparison.   A tale of good v bad: come to America to make a new life, but your boss deports your family after taking advantage of your labour, to keep his business going and they have to continue working for him even after he turns them in cos there's nothing else they can do.

It was apparent Luis had a hand in killing Eduardo, even if it was an acccident, but his anger only erupts when he's confronted by Horatio for Eduardo's death.   If not, he would have continued to kow tie to the man that he abhors, who took his son away.   Why not exact revenge as soon as his son was taken.   Horatio up to his usual helping the hapless and keeping Isabel from being deported.   The script wasn't so good either, Calleigh and her replying "bet you do,"  when Christie asks for a lawyer.   is that all she could manage.   Blood Sugar just failed to satisfy and hit all the right veins!

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