Friday 13 July 2012

Supernatural - 1.20: "Dead Man's Blood" Review

Supernatural's foray into vampire territory with its own version of the lore. Dad finally admits some truths to Sam and they seem to bury the hatchet when Dean's not around.

Manning, Colorado.   Present Day
Daniel Elkin (Terence Kelly) looks over his journal and papers at a bar.   A woman turns up and says they have dinner plans, not the sort of dinner normal people would have in mind.   She later turns up at Elkin's house.   He gets a gun out of his safe and she takes it.  "Boys we're eating in tonight."  Cue Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) in a cafe.   Sam's looking  for cases.   Dean suggests they could go see Sarah and Sam thinks maybe someday, like never.

Dean knows Elkin's name after finding it in Dad's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) journal.   They drive to Colorado and Sam finds salt inside the door.   Dean: "You mean like demon protection salt or 'oops I spilled the popcorn' salt." Oh Dean...what by the door.  Sam says it's a ring of salt.   Dean finds an empty gun case and blood, together with scratches on the floor.   It's a message; a combination of a PO Box and inside they find letter addressed to Dad.  Well the initials, 'JW' on it, which belong to Dad.

Dad arrives, he read about Elkin and saw them at his house.   He had to make sure they weren't followed and compliments them on covering their tracks.   Dean has to comment on that saying, "We learned from the best."  Elkin taught Dad about hunting and he had a falling out with him.   Dad had a falling out with everyone, it could be said.   They must find the gun, an antique Colt revolver.   It killed vampires and Dean says there's no such thing.   Dad thought vampires were extinct but he was wrong.   Dad adds that most vampire law is crap, they can't be 'repelled by a cross, the sun won't kill them and neither will a stake through the heart'.   The bloodlust part is true for the purposes of our show.   Vampires need fresh, human blood to survive.   They were also people once so you won't know they're a vampire until it's too late.

A couple are abducted from the roadside.   Dad listens to the police scanner.   Dean: "Vampires, gets funnier everytime I hear it." Dad tells Dean to touch up the car before it rusts and he wouldn't have given it to him if he knew he wouldn't take care of it.   Hey that's Dean's baby he's talking about.   Vampires hunt in packs of 8-10 and take their Vics to their nest, where they are bled for days or even weeks.  Sam has criticisms of his own, telling Dean that Dad just told them what he thinks.   He treats them like children and much to Dean's chagrin, who comments on Sam going off at Dad already.  

The head vampire, Luther (Warren Christie) returns to the nest.   The woman vampire, Kate (Anne Openshaw) shows him the gun and tells him she made Elkin suffer for what he did to his family.  "Revenge isn't worth much if you end up dead."  The gun isn't any ordinary gun.   Sam questions Dad again on how he found the vampire's trail.   Sam refuses to get into he car.   Sam: "This is why I left in the first place."
 Dad: "You left when your brother and me needed you.   You walked away."
Sam: "You're the one who said, 'don't come back.   You're the one who closed the door on were just pissed off you couldn't control me anymore."  Dean has to play piggy in the middle and stop them from fighting.   As usual he's always caught between the two.   Vampires aren't afraid of the sun and can only be killed by beheading.   They sleep during the day but can wake up.  

Dad tells of the legend of the Colt, going back to 1835 and Haley's Comet was overhead.   Samuel Colt made a special gun for a hunter and made 13 bullets.   He used 6 before he disappeared and so did the Colt.   Elkin found it and it can kill anything, like the demon.    Once a vampire gets a scent, it has it for life.   Dean is sent to the nearest funeral home for some Dead Man's blood.   So Dad can have some bonding time with Sam, more like.   Dad put $100 into bank when Sam was born for college for them both, every week.   This isn't the life he wanted for him.   He stopped being a father and became a drill sergeant after Mom died, cos he wanted to protect them.
Sam: "We're not different, not anymore.   What happened to Mom and Jess - we're probably a lot more in common than just about anyone," including Dean.   Dad spent the college fund on ammo.   Dean returns with blood.

Dean pretends to have car trouble and Kate stops.   Dean: "I'll pass, I usually draw the line at necrophilia."  She kisses Dean, actually replace kiss for snogs.   Dean doesn't stay with a chick for eternity.   An arrow is fired into her laced with dead man's blood.   Sam can't kill the other vampire, so again, Dean must do the killing for him.   Dad wants them to leave, wanting to go after the demon alone.   Dad: "I don't expect to make it out of this fight in one piece.   Your mother's dead, it almost killed me.   I can't watch my children die too.   I won't."  Almost prophetic this part, as if Dad new what was to come and we were being prepared for that outcome too.   Dean: "What happens if you die and we could have done something about it?...We're stronger as a family, you know we are."

They found Hank's head.   Kate wasn't there and Dean decapitates a vampire.   They'll trade her for the Colt.   Sam and Dean fight and Luther gets hold of Sam.   Dad has the Colt and fires at his head.   It shoots Luther dead.   They ignored a direct order.   Dean posits they saved him.   They are stronger as a family and agree to go after the demon together.

Something was coming in the next episode since there's so much talk of death and even Dean asks what they'll do if he dies.    That's why in a way it was time for Dad to make up with Sam, well as much as he could do.   Seems Deano was left out of that family stuff when he had to get the blood.   Dad only mentions this isn't the life he wanted for Sam, but he doesn't say the same about Dean.   Probably Dean didn't even know there was a college fund for him, seeing as he only started it after Sam was born, so apparently he had high aspirations for Sam and not so for Dean.   Again Sam feels an affinity towards Dad cos of what they both experienced at the hands of the demon, yet more fighting between Dad and Sam,  and Dean's tired of having to be the voice of reason.

There wasn't much in this episode about vampires, felt they were just introduced to explain their own version of vampire lore and to test out the Colt, after retrieving the Colt - to see that it actually works and managed to kill a vampire, but they have no way of knowing if it will work on a demon.

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