Thursday 12 July 2012

The Closer 7.5 "Forgive us Our Trespasses" Review

Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) tells Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) that Morales (Jonathan Del Arco) has a DB at a funeral home without a death certificate.  All the squad are served with subpoenas.  Including, Buzz (Phillip P Keene) known as Francis B Watson.  Flynn (Tony Denison) asks "why Francis?"  Sanchez comes out and says what Brenda has been thinking all along when he comments, "who cares what happened to Turrell?"  Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) doesn't get served in relation to the wrongful death civil suit and everyone thinks that's strange.  

Flynn thinks Gabriel has already spoken with the attorney: Peter Goldman (Curtis Armstrong) that useless and irritating Herbert from Moonlighting.  Brenda insists they're only interested in her and she doesn't speak to Goldman.  He wants to know the names of the two officers with her and then they can make a deal.  She claims he can't accuse her fellow officers.

Terry (Hal Landon Jr) the funeral director says that Cliff (Peter Breitmayer) was a minister and the family brought him here, in a desperate bid to have him buried before anything inappropriate gets out.  Well that's just obstructing justice, especially since he didn't die of natural causes.  Flynn talks to his son, Chris (Michael Grant Terry) and suggests he can call the MPs to take him. Kendall (Ransford Doherty) takes the liver temperature and deduces Cliff died 2-3 hours ago and has traces of peticui in his eyes, suggesting strangulation.

Gabriel tells Provenza (GW Bailey) he went to church four times a week and should treat his wife, Kate, (Kate Burton) with some respect.  Provenza: "I'm not waiting here until Jesus comes back."

Kate tells Gabriel her husband was depressed and hung himself.   Gabriel gets her written consent to search her home and garage, which was a little too late considering they had already destroyed evidence, like the computers.

Tao (Michael Paul Chan) finds Cliff died at a motel as he traces his credit card and has "not checked out."  Provenza: "depends on your point of view" in relation to the not checking out comment, cos he has checked out, being dead.  A couple are caught cleaning up his motel room and Cliff turns out to be their son-in-law.  Well it appears the entire family is in on the act.

Pope (JK Simmons)  now has exercise equipment in his office, like his own personal gym.  Taylor (Robert Gossett) told him about Goldman and suggests she should get her own personal lawyer as Raydor also told her to do.  See as I said before, Gabriel is always the one who interrupts them both.  Goldman is still hanging around like a bad smell and keeps picking on Gabriel to achieve some dissension in the ranks.  Provenza kind of stands up for him, he's either good or he's a snitch, he hasn't been subpoenaed so he must have done something right, he adds.

Kate says Cliff called her from the motel and she was protecting the members.  Gabriel suggests they let her go and then follow her as she may lead them to the other woman, considering she left behind her undies and shoes.  Sanchez wonders if Brenda said anything to Goldman and his deal.

Morales finds Cliff didn't hang himself, as he flailed about on the floor.  There's red dye on his feet, which Brenda matches to the shoes.  Gabriel: "looks like we found Cinderella."
Brenda: "who turned him into a pumpkin?"

Brenda tells Fritz (Jon Tenney) that Kate thinks she's above the law.  Was that a subtle allusion to herself as well as far as the Turrell case is concerned.  Fritz also thinks she should contact her own attorney as Raydor suggested.  Seems everyone knows about this suggestion but it is for Brenda's own good as she just seems to be in denial over not doing anything wrong.  Brenda says Kate is more worried that people will find out he was a transvestite and is trying to wash the sin away.  That is definately a reference to Brenda and how she wishes this case would go away, but she's in denial as I said.  I was waiting for the Dorothy and Kansas allusion from Brenda as far as the red shoes were concerned.  (Re Wizard of Oz.)

The woman's name was Sindy (Jessalyn Wanlim) and he met her online.  Brenda believes in "thou shalt not kill."  Again that's relevant here not only to the case at hand but also to the Turrell case, she may not have killed him herself but she didn't do anything to prevent it either.  Chris tells her about his father wearing women's clothes and mentions Cliff being into auto-eroticism.  Tao says the "release mechanism" wasn't found, which was to prevent accidental choking.  Taylor tells Gabriel he should call Goldman and talk to him.  Sindy knew Cliff for four years and he wouldn't kill himself.  Kate knew about the dress-up.

Provenza asks what they should say on the depositions and that they should all decide what the truth is.  Tao puts together the family phone records and a lot of calls passed between them.  Sanchez accuses Gabriel of talking to Goldman already.  Which is exactly what Goldman wanted to happen.  Brenda tells them it's all about her.

All the family are brought in and watch the interrogation of Kate.  Brenda asks her why Cliff would kill himself dressed as a woman if he was ashamed.  He called her from the motel and Kate wants her to "leave my family out of it because this is all about me."  That's what Brenda just said to the others.  Kate confesses.  Brenda is going to arrest the rest of the family as accessories to murder after the fact.  Kate called her phone from the motel to give herself an alibi, but it's not Kate who killed him as she already knew what he was doing and even suggested the prostitute herself. She just wanted to keep it all a secret and was in denial over what he was like and what he was doing.

Brenda tells Chris no one called him since Cliff was already dead.  His actions were premeditated. Tao tells him he didn't get a call at the base either.  Chris found his e-mail account on the computer and followed him.  Kate confessed to protect him.  He saved a note from his friend Jeff, when he was at school and his father found the note.  He beat him and sent him into the military.  Then showed the note to Jeff's parents and Jeff killed himself.  Cliff preached at his funeral.  Chris took his belt and killed him.  His mother didn't stand up for him but always for her husband and he thought of killing her too.

Goldman serves Gabriel with a subpoena too and comments now he might know what "it's like to be singled out by your own gang."  Brenda says Gabriel asked to be subpoenaed and eats her usual cakes for comfort and continues this at home, as well as drinking wine.

Brenda says this decision was made by her alone.  Fritz can only say things will get worse whereas she was expecting a word of comfort from him.  He's been subpoenaed too as he volunteered to provide protection for Turrell's mother and sister.  He says Brenda was only doing her job.  She spills wine on the subpoena and asks over, "what have I done?"

Brenda increasingly finds everything coming done on her as if her world is about to come tumbling down over that Turrell case, which it is and The Closer continues to impress with this storyline in its final season.  Lots of religious Ten Commandments references here (as well as the title) which also mirror Brenda's own actions from that past case.  There doesn't seem to be anything she can do about it besides getting her own lawyer which is the only advice anyone and everyone seems to offer.  It wouldn't have helped her knowing that Fritz has become involved in this too as he was going to be her one piece of comfort.

That Pastor was hypocritical and having the nerve to send his son into the military as if that would make him change or his past actions go away.  Though that did give Chris the chance to get away from him.  His mother didn't fare much better just being interested in her husband and outward appearances of normality, morality and religiousness to everyone else.

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