Sunday 1 July 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.3: "See No Evil" Review

A blind man overhears a woman being attacked, who is then kidnapped for a ransom. Horatio meets up with an old nemesis with links to the abduction, sparking a hunt for escaped prisoners.

A blind man in an 'out of order' public toilet hears a girl being attacked and backs further into the toilet, making a noise.   He tells him he's blind and begs for his life.   The attacker calls him worthless and won't shoot him.   The blind man heads straight for the police and lo and behold said police turns out to be Horatio (David Caruso).   Who just happened to be nearby.   Horatio runs to find the van taking off with the girl inside.   The blind man knew the police were there as he heard the clicks from the sirens.   Ben (Jonathan Keltz) describes the scene to Ryan (Jonathan Togo) and Natalia (Eva Larue)  both given the dirty jobs of analyzing the toilet.   That was left to Walter (Omar Miller) in last season's In Plane Sight episode.   This time Ryan has to do it after he blatently refused last time.

Ryan whispers to Natalia that he doesn't know how good a witness Ben will be as he didn't see anything.   Well the moral being you don't have to see a thing to be helpful.   Ryan should know that from when he got  attacked by a nail gun in his eye a few seasons ago, in 4.8 Nailed.   Showing how everyone takes their sight for granted.   Ben tells Ryan that he's standing in front of him and waving his hand in front of his face too.   Ben heard footsteps, a crash and the sound of metal on metal.   Something dropped down the drain, which turn out to be dog tags belonging to a Todd Peterson (John Allen Nelson).   Natalia thinks the girl must have pulled them from her attacker.

Todd tells Horatio the dog tags belong to him and she's his daughter, Lyndsay (Kaili Thorne).   Delko (Adam Rodriguez) had to accompany Horatio.   Yet more assumptions are made from Delko.   Lyndsay called him for the PIN number to the account to withdraw money.   Her mother, Claire (Erika Eleniak) says she's talking to Lyndsay right now on the phone and Delko clumsily attaches the wire to the phone to begin a trace.   The kidnapper heard him and knows the call is being traced.   Horatio promises Lyndsay won't get hurt in yet another routine kidnapping episode.

The kidnapper tells Lyndsay to wear the vest attached with C4.   Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Walter ask for Ben's help in listening to the call to ppssibly  identify which branch of the bank the kidnapper is near to.   Calleigh says he can Id the sounds.   Calleigh in yet another desk job, hiding behind the desk that is.

Ben hears a recycling truck.   Lyndsay walks into the bank to make a $50,000 withdrawal.   Ben also hears dogs barking.   Calleigh thinks it's a kennel.   Both are located to one street where Ryan and Horatio arrive.   Horatio asks Lyndsay to turn to her left so she can be photographed by the ATM camera.   Ryan gets a look at the kidnapper and describes him to the sketch artist, April (Keelin Woodell) with whom he also flirts.   Claire identifies the kidnapper as her hairdresser, Dominic Giordano (James Carpinello).   Of course she'd tell him everything about the family, cos that's what happens at hairdressers.   She blabbed they keep lots of money in their accounts.

Horatio catches up with Dominic which isn't shown how and gets heavy handed with him.   Delko also tries to play rough in this season too.   He won't name his partner as he'll kill him.   He's somewhere Horatio will never look, well he got that wrong.   Calleigh comments the money doesn't belong to the Petersons and Todd admits he puts money from Japanese investors into his account in return for a fee.   Todd says he's not a criminal and he doesn't get arrested in the end either.   For all he knows they were probably money laundering.   It was obvious Dominic wasn't working alone since that wasn't his voice in the toilet.

Horatio looks at the ATM footage.   Tripp (Rex Linn) finds Dominic only has a DUI in 2007.   Horatio recognizes the signature of the bomb panels as belonging to Joe Labrock (John Sharian).   He was after Kyle in prison.   Labrock is being held in a private prison.   Ben hears Labrock's voice and identifies him as the man in the toilet.   Labrock gives himself away by saying Ben is "blind and crazy."  If he'd never seen him before how'd he know he was blind.   Labrock has the audacity to ask Horatio about Kyle.  He uses being behind bars as his alibi.   Ryan tests his hands for explosives, testing positive.   Horatio: "Shocking."  Labrock and Dominic were in detention together, where he came up with the plan.   Labrock tells Horatio, Lyndsay is probably dead or dying.   Prison won't be anything he'll need to worry about if she's dead, threatens Horatio.

Delko checks out the prison cell and he doesn't even wear any gloves.   Walter processes Labrock for trace.   Then finds sodium alginate when he analyzes the trace evidence from his shoes.  This is used in pet foods and meat.   Calleigh recalls Ben said Labrock smelt of fish, thus he must be near a fish factory.   Leading Horatio and Ryan to Labrock's location and his half of the money, as we ll as to Lyndsay.  Labrock's hideout is close to the prison.  Delko discovers the object he found in the book was a make-shift wrench used to remove the screws from the toilet attached to the wall.   A tunnel has been dug which leads to his hideout.   The guard puts the prison on lockdown and finds 8 other cells like this one.

Horatio and Delko only find 3 other prisoners in the tunnel and Delko is attacked by a prisoner with a syringe, then chooses to ignore Horatio's advice and doesn't get it checked out.   So anything happening there then with perhaps a pending future storyline.   Like Stella in season 3 CSI:NY episode, Heart of Glass where she cut herself with a bloody piece of glass from a CS.   That's stupid of Delko not to be checked out, since the syringe came from the prison.   Horatio wants the city locked down.  "Let the manhunt begin."  The title for the next episode.

Natalia thanks Ben for his help, he helped them and proved Labrock wrong, he's not worthless.   Well we gathered that already.   Horatio tells Labrock he missed his "own jailbreak."  He told them to wait for his orders.   Horatio's going to lock him in a deep hole.   Labrock lets him know that the prisoners are talking about a certain redheaded lieutenant.   Horatio replies; "I say, bring - it - on."  Yeah why's Horatio still only a lieutenant after the number of criminals he's caught.   There was a joke there with Ben using a toilet which is out of order and it wasn't very funny either.   If he didn't use it then he wouldn't have stumbled across the kidnapping.

Labrock was in the season 6 episodes Inside Out and Chain Reaction with Kyle.   More of a routine episode as I said and one that's been done many times in CSI:Miami: not only the kidnappings but the prisoners too and prison escapes.   What was with Labrock returning to the prison for an alibi, when he was out, what made him think he'd need an alibi since Dominic was too afraid to even name him.   All he had to do was take the money and run.   Also why are the other prisoners hanging around waiting too get back at Horatio, when they can be long gone.   He didn't even know there was a prison escape from an inefficiently run private prison.   The emphasis being on private.   Yeah cos state and federal run prisons don't get prison breaks!

Delko siding with Horatio aplenty thus far this season - when Horatio almost always did the job alone.   He's also coming across as aggressive this season, following Horatio's lead.   Walter didn't have much to do this time round and as I said before there's no more joking around with him and Ryan, as there was last season.   Everything's pretty glum and all routine work.   There's less focus on characterization also and more on fast-paced action, as in the 'old' CSI:Miami days.   Only those episodes were far more interesting.

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