Saturday 30 June 2012

Supernatural - 1.15: "The Benders" Review

Sam and Dean's search for missing men leads them to a family of twisted backwoods monsters, but of the human variety, this time, shaking Dean's faith in human nature.

Hibbing, Minnesota:  A boy watches a man being dragged away from under a car.   Cue Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) as State police.   The boy, Evan (Ryan Drescher) describes what happened and says it sounded like Godzilla, from Godzilla v Mothra, one of Dean's fave movies.   Better than the remake.   The original is always better than the remake/reboot.  Here's a scary thought, can you imagine years down the line Supernatural being remade!  He heard a scary whining sound.   Sam finds there were signs of a struggle.   Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) marked the area in his journal as a possible hunting ground of the phantom attacker.   Dean asks why?

Sam relays the local folklore of a dark figure at night, taking people and vanishing.   Statistics also reveal there are more missing people in this part of the State than any other.   Dean says phantom attackers take people from their beds and Sam recalls some attacked anywhere, anytime.   Sam says they'll make an early start and leaves the bar.   Sam's on his own when he hears a noise near a car and sees a cat, as is always the case when somethings about to happen.   Dean can't find Sam and he also sees the cat on the car.   Then sees the CCTV camera.

Dean has to do something they never do, contact law enforcement.   He claims he's Officer Washington, looking for his missing cousin from the bar.   He comments that Sam, has "two beers and he's doing Karaoke."  He names him Sam Winchester, as in the rifle.  His name comes up on the police database and also states his brother, Dean Winchester is deceased.   Deputy Kathleen (Jessica Steen) asks if he knows Dean was killed in St Louis.   Of course he'd know that if they are "cousins."  Dean: "Dean's kind of the black sheep of the family.   Handsome devil though."

As usual Dean must extenuate and exaggerate his description of himself, ha.   Kathleen gives him the missing person's report to fill out, but Dean insists on tagging along, he's family.   He asks if any missing person's come back and then tells her, "Sam's my responsibility and he's coming back.   I'm bringing him back."  That responsibility is something Dean will mention over and over and that same responsibility, devotion, love, whatever you want to call it, will drive them to hell and back.

Sam finds himself locked in a cage, with another man across from him.   The CCTV gives an image after every 3 seconds, part of the Amber Alert Programme.   After Sam left the bar, a black truck was seen.   New plates on an old rust bucket, so it had to be involved.   Dean spots the same truck.   The man with Sam is Albert Jenkins (Jon Cuthbert) the man Sam was in search of and Sam asks him what they are.   They're human.   Sam is given food and attempts to escape.   The truck pulls off somewhere and these backwood's properties have their own roads.   Kathleen gets an alert on the computer screen in her car, she ran his badge number.   The badge is stolen from a  black man.  

Dean wants her to find Sam and  Dean's not lying.   He pulled him from a fire and feels responsible.  "My job is to keep him safe."  She looks at a photo of her brother.    Jenkins calls him 'Sammy.'  Sam: "Don't call me Sammy."  Cos only Dean can do that.   The bracket is pulled back and the cage opens.   He tells Jenkins to get back as it was too easy.   Jenkins is chased by his captors and is caught and killed.   Well he was the token extra.   Sam hears his screams.

Dean asks why she's helping him and tells him of her own brother, Riley who disappeared 3 years ago.   He was never found.   She handcuffs Dean to the car and he tells her she'll need his help and they always do.   Dean doesn't have a paperclip this time as in the Pilot episode to escape his cuffs, but he's no stranger to handcuffs! A girl answers the door at the house and Kathleen shows her a photo of Sam.   Her father knocks her out with a shovel.   Dean reaches for the car aerial and hears the engine running.   He manages to get out of the handcuffs and hide, as they take the Kathleen's car.   She tells Sam about Dean being cuffed to the car.

Dean finds them, he knows a trick or two.   Sam: "Dude they're just people."
Dean: "And they jump you - you're getting rusty." Dean thinks people are just crazy.   He saw a Black Mustang out the back which belonged to her brother.   Dean goes in search of the key and sees photos inside the house, as well as souvenirs of their kills.   Dean: "I'll say it again, demons I get - people are crazy."  The same girl, Missy (Alexia Fast) sneaks up behind Dean and pins him to the wall before shouting for help.   Dean is knocked out by a shovel.  What was he just saying to Sam about being taken by people.   That shovel gets around.

Dean put up a fight so he'll be fun to hunt.   The father, Pa bender (John Dennis Johnston) hunted all his life and the best hunt is humans.   Dean tells him he's sloppy.   He questions Dean on whether he's with Kathleen.   Dean: "If I tell you, promise you're not gonna turn me into an about it's not nice to marry your sister."  Dean: "Oh eat me! - actually might." Dean has to pick the next one hunted, Sam Kathleen.   Sam is going to be shot in the cage along with Kathleen.   Dean will kill him if he hurts his brother.   Sam fights and the gun jams.   Sam hides in the loft and Kathleen is almost shot.   She shoots Pa Bender, he killed her brother, after he tells her it was fun.   Sam rescues Dean who was locked in the closet, it was Dean's turn to be locked in a closet now.   Kathleen tells them she shot him trying to escape, nah, it was revenge and tells them to leave.

Dean: "don't ever do that again - go missing like that."  Sam asks if Dean was worried, but Dean won't look for him if he does go missing.   Sam: "So you got sidelined by a 13 year old girl."  Yeah Dean, at least Sam was taken by a crazy man.   An episode where we see again how much Dean looks out for Sam and since the night of the fire, when Dad asked him to carry Sam out, he's been Dean's responsibility ever since and he doesn't take it lightly.

Dean can't believe that humans can be worse than the monsters they hunt, but he prefers hunting them since you know exactly what you're getting with demons.   Demons, humans, they're all underhanded, lying, two-faced.   here it's more a case of humans can be evil monsters too, of the worst kind.

Dean asks Kathleen for a ride since he didn't come in his Impala and this time both he and Sam have to walk, instead of their customary driving off.   Pa bender claims to only take one or two Vics a year, but they took Sam after Jenkins and that was within the space of a week.   Guess you could say someone just couldn't resist Sammy!  The database has them both listed as being 6' 4", but that's Sam/Jared's height only.   Dean's death in St Louis, alludes to the season 1.6 episode Skin, where Shapeshifter Dean was killed.  Dean's ashtray line was a reference to serial killer Ed Gein, who used human body parts as decor, including skulls as ashtrays.

The only Supernatural episode where they didn't hunt demons/monsters.

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