Friday 1 June 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.13: "Bringing Out the Dead" Review

Klaus invites Stefan and Damon over for a tete a tete with Elijah. Alaric and other town council members, including Bill are attacked. The occupant of the locked coffin is revealed.

Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies) fight and just after Klaus finished redecorating too.   Never mind not much damage was done.   Elijah warns if Klaus uses the dagger he'll have Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) to deal with, Kol being another sibling and original.   Klaus admits to killing Mikael with his own dagger.   Klaus agrees to tell him things he didn't want to disclose before.   He also recalls the oath of loyalty Elijah gave him and Klaus needs him by his side in order to destroy Stefan (Paul Wesley) and their family will be together once more.

Alaric (Matt Davis) admits to calling Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) when he was drunk.   The sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) tells him and Elena (Nina Dobrev) of Brian's death with a stake which was taken from Elena's parent's lakehouse cabin.   It has Elena's prints on it, well duh.   Elena calls Damon (Ian Somerhalder) who suggests she should ask Alaric about the doctor.   Alaric tells him he's on speakerphone.   Elena stands up for Alaric as far as women are concerned, "I refuse to believe your  your luck with women is that tragic."

Stefan is referred to as a 'bunny snacking pacifist in the day.'  Damon left Elijah a note in his pocket, ooh Damon people will talk! Ha.   He signed it with xoxo too.   He wants to know what could be sealed in the coffin.   Abby (Persia White) doesn't have any powers.   Once again Damon trusts Elijah when he's the last person/vampire he should be trusting; especially since Elijah doesn't have any loyalty towards the Salvatore's, or anyone else for that matter, except for Klaus who reminded him of that earlier.

 Elena confronts Stefan and asks if he killed Brian and he replies if she asked the same thing of Damon.   Caroline (Candice Accola) visits the hospital for Bill (Jack Coleman) and thanks Meredith for saving him.   He's been discharged and Caroline calls him, she hears his phone in the hospital.   She and Elena find him stabbed but it's okay he has vampire blood in his system through no choice of his own.   Abby brought the only Grimoire she needed for the spell.   Bonnie (Kat Graham) talks of their family history and how they were all turned into vampires by their mother.   Abby notices a blood knot on one of the pages.   It needs two generations to bind it and so two would be needed to unseal it.

Damon selects a wardrobe for Stefan to wear, "Black makes you look all villan-y."  Damon thinks undaggering Elijah was a smart move on his part.   Stefan says he was right about him being loyal, however Damon trusts Elijah about as much as he trusts Stefan which was good to hear.   Not that he doesn't trust his own brother though.   The subject moves onto Elena as we knew it would and he blatantly tells Stefan if he hadn't been such a screw up then the kiss wouldn't have happened.   Yes it would have happened, considering Elena made the first move and kissed him back in the season 2 finale, cos she thought Damon would die from the werewolf bite and she wouldn't get another chance, the crafty minx!

Bill didn't see who attacked him and Caroline wants him to drink blood.   Elena says he needs to feed to finish the transformation or he'll die which he is prepared for.   The dagger matches the ones Alaric has and he's taking inventory of their weapons.   All roads lead to Meredith and they can't ignore the facts.   Stefan doesn't want to be at Klaus's.   Damon: "Leave Grumpy Stefan at home."  Damon also reminds Stefan he was the one who killed their own father.   Klaus has spilled to Elijah about killing their mother, so it seems matricide and patricide runs in both families.   That's another thing Stefan has in common with Klaus then, killing parents.  

Elena is adamant Alaric deserves to be happy and the sheriff is told about Meredith.   Caroline suspects Tyler.   Elena tells Caroline the only thing Bill has left is his choice and she knows all about choices since Stefan gave her the choice of whether she wants to become a vampire or not - something Damon wasn't letting her decide when he fed her his own blood in 2.20 The Last Day.    Elijah asks after Elena and Stefan replies he should ask Damon.   Then decides the Elena talk is too much for him and if they continue to mention her Stefan will leave.

Klaus brings up Tatia: the originator of the Petrova line.   She was a beauty and all the men wanted her even though she had a child by another.   Both Elijah and Klaus loved her.   Just like they wanted Katherine.   Their mother took Tatia's blood and made them drink it when they were turned.   That was a twist of fate, they each got part of her, ha.   They both fought over her but "recognized the sacred bond of family."  Still Damon didn't get it, unless there's something else to the plot.  

Bonnie thinks Abby isn't trying with the spell.   The spirits are angry at Abby.   Bonnie believes she had the dreams to find her and doesn't have any memories of Abby.   She needs to help Bonnie and the coffin almost opens.   Bonnie calls Damon.   Damon's side of the deal is that the coffins will be returned and they should leave here forever.   Klaus needs Elena's blood to ensure he has hybrids.   He's worried she may die or become a vampire if Stefan and Damon continue their fighting.   She should marry someone like Matt (Zach Roerig) and continue the Petrova line.   So Stefan tells him he'll have a new doppelganger every hundred years.   So his hybrids will continue and he won't be alone.

Alaric is found at home and he's been attacked.   Matt says the entire town is meed up.   Alaric wants Elena to kill him so that he can die a supernatural death and come back.   She's the doppelganger so she's supernatural and she stabs him.   Stefan accuses Klaus of inviting them over to drive he and Damon apart and they fight.   Klaus holds Stefan's hand in the fire and will burn him if he doesn't get the coffins.   Klaus promised to give Elijah their family.   Bill wants to die and doesn't want Caroline to call Steven.   Caroline wants him to change his mind since he can handle being a vampire.   Becoming one is wrong and Bill's strength is in his beliefs.   He doesn't hate who Caroline is.   Klaus asks Stefan where the ripper is?  Elijah returns with the other originals.   He doesn't trust Klaus and is doing this on his terms.   SO it appears Elijah didn't trust Klaus whereas it was made to appear he didn't trust Damon.   Rebekah (Claire Holt), Kol and Finn (Casper Zafer) all stab Klaus.

Bill dies and Elena doesn't want to lose anymore family, so she keeps saying.   Stefan congratulates Damon on his smart move with Elijah.   Damon doesn't want his thanks until he's thanked Stefan for all the times he's saved him.   He also didn't do it for Elena.   They both love her.   Stefan believes if he had died then Damon could have had her.   Damon hangs up on Elena when she calls him.

Meredith has an alibi.   Alaric wakes.   Council members are being attacked.   But Carol Lockwood hasn't been attacked, so much for Klaus giving his promise of protecting the town.   Their mother was in the coffin as I already guessed.   Klaus wanted a place for them all.   She's here to forgive Klaus, he's her son.   Klaus threatens to hunt them all down and Elijah tells him he'll become the very thing he hates, their father.   Mother (Alice Evans) wants them all to be a family.

Elena seemed to be everywhere this episode: she's at home, in the hospital, at Caroline's, back at home, on the phone to Damon.   A wonder she had time for anything else.   No scenes in person with Damon this episode.   Highlight of the episode when she called Damon and he rejected her call - showing Stefan he did what he did for Stefan and not for her.

As for Elena's 'talk' to Caroline about her father's CHOICE not to become a vampire, even if she was faced with that choice a few episodes ago; she didn't give that same level of freedom to Jeremy (Steven R McQueen).   No she treated him like her possession, only she could decide what was best for him.   Getting Damon to compel him and then sent him packing.   Wasn't it Jeremy's choice  whether he stayed or left?   That he was thinking about leaving town doesn't come into it.

 Also Elena was harping on again about not wanting to lose anymore family to Matt.   Well how does she think Caroline felt?   Not only will she be 17 forever but she hasn't got her dad now and she doesn't know what's happening with Tyler.   Then Elena takes it upon herself to 'kill' Alaric just to save him and bring him back.   She wasn't even hesitant about that either.   Alaric suggested and she just did it - mentioning again she's the doppelganger.

Lots of family sticking together happenings this ep, so naturally, or unnaturally it had to be mama in the coffin.   Just how much is she going to keep the family in check and rein in Klaus, or run amok through the town?   Why didn't she harm Abby and Bonnie? Question of the day: how'd Elijah manage a haircut when he was in the coffin?  Was it a case of Damon freeing him and then 'oh I'm off for a haircut before I do some hybrid killing and confront brother dear?'

Other questions raised: not being told mother/Ester was in the coffin, who managed to put her there and seal it?   A witch, Klaus?  Then he just chanced upon the coffin too.   Why is Klaus so fearful of Kol?  Would Ester really forgive Klaus for killing her and no word on Mikael and his killing too?   Can't really believe she'd turn the other cheek.   Bill not wanting to see Steven before he dies.   (Jack Coleman played Steven in Dynasty - I digress.)

Hey Matt on the killing spree - no it's only a think-out-loud moment.   He's really the only human left out of the Mystic Falls bunch, non-adult human that is, who knows what's really going on in the town.

There was Klaus reverting to that 'innocent' child at heart look again when mother arrived.   Stefan still has his humanity for all the being bad demeanour he displays.   It seems to be Elena who brings it out in him still.   So not looking good for Damon, also Klaus suggesting Matt would be a good match for her.   Hasn't she been there, done that?

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