Friday 1 June 2012

Castle - 2.7: "Famous Last Words" Review

Castle and Beckett look into the murder of singer Hayley Blue, whom Alexis is a fan of. A particularly dark and disturbing episode of the show. At least they get their killer.

Castle gets some fast talking narrative in the opening to introduce the premise of the show in season 2, narrated by Nathan Fillion, as Castle: "There are two kinds of folk who sit around thinking about how to kill people - psychopaths and mystery writers.   I'm the kind that pays to better.   Who am I? I'm Richard Castle.   Every writer needs inspiration and I 've found mine.  Detective Kate Beckett and thanks to my friendship with the Mayor I get to be on her case and together we catch killers."

Castle plays Guitar hero and rolls about all over the floor etc, really getting into it, this is how he unwinds, when he's interrupted by a sad Alexis (Molly Quinn).   Hayley Blue is dead and Castle thinks if that were true then Beckett (Stana Katic) would call, which she does, as if by magic.  Hayley is found in an alley suspended from a ladder and Perlmutter (Ayre Gross)  finds her neck was broken.   Castle says they don't need ID as he took Alexis to see her band perform last year.  Alexis waits for Castle in the Captain's (Ruben Hudson-Santiago) office for news.   Which is confirmed.   She has to set the parental control on his computer for him.

Ryan (Seamus Dever) does a search for the song on the computer and finds she was singing about a stalker and had a restraining order out on him.   There's a scene from the video which resembles the scene of how her DB was found.   Castle will call the truant officer if she doesn't get back to school and asks the Captain if there is one.   The Captain comments budget cuts, which Castle believes makes Alexis lucky.   Esposito (Jon Huertas) says Hayley's stalker called her a "b-i-t-c-h." Castle tells him Alexis can spell.

Franco (Bernardo de Paula) was her stalker and Beckett thinks it's refreshing to see Castle as a father.   Castle asks if that makes her want him.   Becket thinks he's acting twelve again.   Hayley's producers, Bree (Anne Ramsey) and Ian Busch (Robert Curtis Brown) sent her to rehab as she was hooked on drugs.   She went missing.   Bree tells of how she woke up screaming at night, which was a clue to Ian.   Her sister Sky (Erin Foster) didn't like her for becoming famous.

Franco is found on the bus and he ran cos he'd be suspected.   He was listening to Hayley's song on the Net and the song lyrics stated it was going to be her final show, "death she grows near."  He recalls a man yelling at her, Zack, her guitarist.   Esposito finds Zack (Jesse Head) has a record and likes hitting women.   Castle comments if he was a woman he'd hit him back.  Beckett: "everyone looks like a killer to me, it's a job requirement."  Castle asks if he looks like a killer to her.   Beckett: "you kill my patience."  Ryan also discovers Hayley went to the police but she left without talking to anyone.

Zack claims to have been at a gig.   Hayley went solo and took the band name with her.   He calls the order 'cease and desist'.  Castle corrects him as he's been doing a lot lately this season, it's "cease and desist."  Castle tells him to "feel free to bathe."  Sky comes to the morgue to ID Hayley carrying a bottle and a knife.   She sold the bracelet Hayley gave her.   Hayley left Bree and Ian to get clean and she saw them with her dealer, Tony.   He says Hayley wanted a gun not drugs.   Perlmutter finds Hayley was clean and sober, so Beckett says she wasn't killed where she was found.   She goes through her theory which Castle claims she thought sounded so smart when she started.   Castle reverts back to the butler doing it in such cases.   Then Alexis doesn't have an alibi so she'd be the perfect suspect, he adds.

Alexis tells she would inform him if she killed anyone cos she'd need help hiding the DB.  Actually she's too clever to need help and besides she's the one who's always giving out clues for the cases to be solved.   Alexis believes her song was about new beginnings since Tarot cards are symbolic and death means something new.   Castle comments about "Final Destination in song form."

Sky's taken over Hayley's place as lead singer and John McGinnis (Clayton Rohner) is their manager.   He was the one who turned Hayley into an addict and a star he says when questioned.   Ryan is seen with Castle's book.   McGinnis called Zack, who hit Sky.   He wanted to get Hayley hooked again through Sky and lied about not seeing Hayley on the night she was killed.   Her phone kept ringing.  "Death" was calling and she freaked out.   Beckett thinks the killer tracked her down and killed her after the phonecalls.   She was right for once.

Beckett believes Bree represented change in her life.   Castle asks if Beckett's crying since he hears sniffles.   It's Sky when she sang Hayley's song she felt her.  Beckett says Hayley was strong and she wasn't using.   Ryan finds Bree's credit card was used at a pharmacy and she also brought Lava Red lipstick.   Bree left messages for her.   Hayley came to the studio and she gave her drugs to complete her song.   Hayley refused them.   Castle noses around and discovers a replaced panel in the wall, concealing a bullet hole.   Castle worries about Sky like a father, being out there alone.  "Kills me thinking she's out there alone."  They find Sky and she hasn't used.

Alexis listens to Hayley's song.   Castle tells her that losing an artist is like losing a friend.   After John Lennon died he stayed in his room for a week.   Alexis gives him another clue from the song.  "I can explain if you're listening."  The song was written a week before she died.   Ian abused her.   He used Bree's phone to lure her to a meeting.   Castle posits he was too powerful for her so the gun was useless "when it comes to slaughter."  Castle claims he was trying to work though something in his life.   The GSR matches Ian's coat.   Castle goes home to tell Alexis the truth.   They attend a vigil for Hayley.

Not such a hilarious episode of Castle as have been in the past; though it had it moments.   More of a serious, touching one in which Castle was allowed to explore his feelings and emotions as a father, rather than a writer.   How he was there for Alexis in her time of grief and she helped him solve the senseless and tragic death of a singer who died before her time.   More importantly it raised the ugly subject of sexual assault and abuse and its silent victims,who can't speak out about it.   If Hayley had, she would have been alive today.

Yet again we delve into Castle's obvious anger and helplessness in a way.   As a father he's aware of the position of trust and responsibility this places on anyone else in that position.   Ian was a father figure to Hayley.   She saw him as such, which made his crime all the more heinous.   Again showing Castle's caring and compassionate side as he went looking for Sky, not wanting to see her suffer out there alone.

When Castle and Beckett spoke to Bree and Ian in the opening, it was obvious one or the other was her killer, narrowed down when Castle found  the newly fixed panel at the studio and she was also suspended form the fire escape which would have required more strength.   Also it took Hayley's death for Sky to clean up her act.   Ryan reads Castle's book this episode, Heat Wave.

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