Saturday 9 June 2012

Supernatural - 1.5: "Bloody Mary" Review

Sam and Dean investigate the Bloody Mary legend as Dead bodies pile up. Sam suffers from nightmares about Jess, before being subjected to the wrath of Bloody Mary herself, along with Dean.

Toledo, Ohio.   Girls dare each other to say "Bloody Mary" whilst looking in the mirror.   Bloody Mary is meant to appear and scratch out the eyes of her summoner.   One of the girl's father is killed when he returns home.   A woman appears in the hallway mirror of their house before he is killed.

Sam (Jared Padalecki) dreams of Jessica (Adrianne Palicki) she says, "Hi Sammy."  He's having a nightmare.   Sam and Dean (Jensen Ackles) both look into the death and Sam pays off a morgue attendant for info on the deceased.   Money, which Dean comments, he earned.   Sam: "You won that in a poker game."  Same difference, ha!  Dean asks if any exploding eyeballs were seen.   Someone had to mention this eventually.   Dean then asks Sam how many times Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) has come across something which is really a supernatural occurrence and not some other, normal event.

They question the man's daughter, Donna (Kristie Marsden) under the guise of working with her father.   She believes he died because she said "Bloody Mary" three times and she took his eyes.   That's why Dean was asking about popping eyeballs.   Sam talks of the Bloody Mary legend and whether Dad found any evidence to support its existence.   Dean knows children play it everywhere but no one has died before.   Sam says it's usually the person who says her name three times who dies.   Sam's exposition of the legend follows, about Bloody Mary being a witch or mutilated bride.   It's always a woman named Mary who dies before a mirror.  They go to the library for research, what happened to Sam's faithful computer.

Jill (Chelan Simmons) talks to Charlie (Marnette Patterson) in front of her mirror and feigns being attacked by Bloody Mary.   After she hangs the phone up, she's really killed.   Blood pours from her eyes.   Sam dreams of Jess again and berates Dean for letting him fall asleep.   Dean let him sleep, cos he's an "awesome brother."  Sam jokes he dreamed of candy canes! So that's how he sees Jess (joke.)  He doesn't tell Dean yet that he's been having these nightmares for a while.   Charlie calls and they check out Jill's room.   Dean asks Sam, "Do I look like Paris Hilton?"  An apparent in-joke as Jared starred with her in the movie House of Wax (2005).   Before she went on to make an appearance in the show in season 5.

Sam alludes to the first victim not calling Mary, but the second one did.   Dean: "Someone's gonna say it again, it's just a matter of time." Yeah, that someone being Sam!  Sam spots a handprint on the back of the mirror.   Gary Ryman was killed in a hit and run and Charlie tells them Jill was driving the car.  Linda Shoemaker is another name on the mirror, she was Charlie's mother and died of a pill overdose.   Sam wonders if Mary is haunting the town, or maybe she died here.   Dean makes the connection when he says that both the victims had secrets.   Sam mentions the lore where mirrors are seen as "a reflection of the soul" and can reveal secrets.   Thus it's bad luck to break them.   Dean adds Mary sees the secret and punishes you for it; irrespective of whether you summoned her or not is what Sam thinks.

Dean comes across the murder of a Mary Worthington in Fort Wayne, Indiana.   The detective (William S taylor) who investigated tells of the killing of a woman whose eyes were cut out with a knife.   She was killed by Trevor Sampson, a surgeon.   Her mirror was returned to Mary's family.

Donna says Bloody Mary three times in the mirror and she sees Mary in the window.  Charlie sees Mary in her mirror compact and in the reflection of the doors.   Mary's mirror was sold to an antiques store in Toledo.   All that travelling just to return to Toledo again.   It's concluded that wherever the mirror goes, Mary goes.   Dean reckons Mary died in front of her mirror so her spirit was drawn into it.   Sam poses the question of how Mary is able to move from mirror to mirror; but alas that question isn't answered for us.   I could theorize but don't want to bore!  Ha.  

Charlie calls again and they keep her in a room, ensuring all mirrors and reflective surfaces are covered up.   Her secret was breaking up with her boyfriend and he threatened to kill himself, she told him to go ahead and do it, so he did.   Sam states they need to summon Mary to her mirror and smash it.  Sam volunteers.   Dean stops the car.   It's about Jess.   Dean: "Do you think that's your dirty little secret, that you killed her somehow."  He advises Sam to stop calling out her name and having the nightmares, as they'll kill him.   He should blame who took her away from him, or the thing that killed her.   But Sam doesn't blame Dean for Jess's death.   Sam could have warned her.   But how.   Would she have listened to him or more importantly believed him.  Sam doesn't tell Dean everything.

Sam breaks in this time, usually it's Dean, triggering a silent alarm.   Sam says "Bloody Mary" three times and waits.   Dean must deal with the cops telling them he's the Japanese owner's son.   He was adopted.   Sam's busy smashing mirrors inside the shop but no one hears him.   His reflection bleeds from his eyes and so does he.  "It's your fault, you killed her, you killed never told her the truth, who you really were...those nightmares you've been having of Jessica dying, screaming, burning, dying, you had them for days before she could you leave her alone to die..."  Dean smashes the mirror.   Mary comes out of the broken mirror after them.   Dean holds the mirror up to her, Mary's reflection in the mirror tells her she killed them all...

Sam tells Dean in the first of many times, to stop calling him "Sammy." Yeah that'll happen.   Question: why was Dean also bleeding from the eyes, what was his dirty, little secret?  If Sam's was keeping the secret about causing Jess's death.   He felt guilty since he didn't tell her what he used to do, hunt demons etc.   He feels he could've warned her, but how could he.   He didn't know what was about to happen.   Even if he did, he didn't know what or who.   Since dreams are only dreams  and they don't necessarily come true.   Unlike Sam's premonitions, which is what they are but we're not meant to know that just yet.

This story was by Eric Kripke, delving into legends and lore which he loves to do.   A bit scary, or should that be gory, at times.   Remember don't say her name three times for yourself, at home! And no daring either.

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