Saturday 9 June 2012

CSI: Miami - 8.16: "L.A." Review

Jesse's past comes back to haunt him from his time in LA and he is labelled a dirty cop. Horatio has to help him out, whilst taking down the bad guy in Jesse's life, who killed his wife.

There's a party at Tony Enright's (Paul Blackthorne) mansion and one woman is attacked, Jesse's (Eddie Cibrian) 'friend' Anna, (Mini Anden) whilst another is killed inside.   Nosferatu (1922) plays on TV.    Horatio (David Caruso) knows who Tony is and what he did in LA.  (Hence the title.) Tony was acquitted of his wife's murder.   He has ink on his hand and the woman was killed with a pen.   He's a pornographer.   Horatio: "Well then roll credits, that's a wrap."  Walter (Omar Miller) wonders what kind of  party this was.  Calleigh (Emily Procter) checks out the murder weapon.   Walter finds a bug, someone listened in to the murder.

Anna tells Natalia (Eva Larue) the Vic was in Tony's films.   Natalia recalls Anna from before.  Anna doesn't see Jesse as a friend and says he stalked her all the way from LA because of Tony.  But that was for her own good.   Jesse angrily retorts Tony "kills every girl he gets close to."  Horatio threatens to arrest Tony.   Coop (Michael Madson) reminds them he played for the Miami Dolphins.   He refers to Jesse as 'Johnny Hollywood' and accuses Jesse of being a dirty cop.   Jesse tells Horatio not to let Tony get away with it.   That should apply to Coop too, cos he's so damn shifty and slimy.   Jesse tells Anna she was roofied and she screams for Jesse to go away.

ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) finds Leslie, (Kristina Klebe) the Vic, wasn't roofied.   Ryan (Jonathan Togo) believes she stumbled upon the sexual assault.   Calleigh calls the fountain pen she was killed with a weapon of opportunity and Coop's prints are all over the pen.   Calleigh is "dead serious."  Coop was a dead giveaway as a suspect, the way he lusted after Anna in the beginning, so much for wearing a mask.    Ryan knows Coop did it, who accuses Ryan of being a killjoy.   Coop was signing autographs all night (they must've been desperate!)  He berates Ryan  by calling him "little man" and "pintsize."  Ryan replies he's 5' 9."   Coop responds, so are his pants.   Did he really have to say anything back to Coop, it was obvious he was just pushing his buttons, like calling Jesse, 'Johnny Hollywood'.    Dave (Wes Ramsey) analyzes the bug to find it's Soviet made and is a laser microwave transmission unit.   The signal is traced to their own garage.   Calleigh just had to check it out, since it was apparent the bug was planted by none other than Jesse.   So where'd he get a Soviet made bug from.

Jesse was about to link the recording, he planted the bug 8 days ago and he doesn't know if he caught the murder on there.   He didn't break in, but walked in during a party.   Tony is a murderer.   Jesse thinks of his wife, Tracy, everyday when he sees his face.   Calleigh says if Jesse's right then she'll help.   Actually it was Horatio who helped Jesse clear his name.   She helped put Tony away.    Walter listens to the recording and says it's Leslie on there and a man's voice.   Rebecca (Christina Chang) won't use the tape in front of a jury and says that Jesse will still be dirty since the evidence disappeared in the LA case.   Horatio didn't fire Jesse as he's a member of his team.   Rebecca is determined to reject any evidence Jesse will bring in so Horatio says he'll have to clear his name.   Horatio is accompanied to LA by Delko (Adam Rodriguez).   In what is reminiscent of having Horatio look out over the Miami skyline, he now looks out over the Hollywood sign as a backdrop.

Horatio waits for Captain Sutter (William Forsythe) who tells him Jesse was the primary on the Enright case.   Don't know about you, but he was my suspect as soon as I saw him.   Horatio needs Jesse's file.   Delko goes over the file.   The evidence shows Tony murdered his wife.   Jesse photographed the cufflink but it didn't show up in evidence.   It had the initials, 'A.T'.   The case was covered on TV.   Jesse is questioned by Tony's defence attorney, Darren Vogel (Malcolm McDowell) who tells him those aren't Tony's initials.  He asks whose blood was on the cufflink, but Jesse doesn't know.

 Vogel refers to the cufflink as important evidence but Jesse doesn't know where it is.   No wonder Jesse went back to Miami after this and Horatio took him back.   That must have been a fight, especially if he was accused of being a dirty cop.  Question being if this was such a high profile case, which garnered media coverage, why did none of the CSIs in Miami know anything about it.   Jesse's been on TV, so everyone's seen his face, aside from Miami criminals, it appears, as no one recognizes him, not even the hostage taker in the second episode, Hostile Takeover.  Apparently Horatio is much more famous as far as TV coverage goes!

Natalia tells Anna there's evidence of forcible sexual intercourse, but no evidence from the male donor who used a condom.   She won't believe Tony had anything to do with this.   Natalia relays her thoughts about her own husband and how she'd always defend him too.   She gives Anna her card.   Dave sets up a meeting via a secure line.   Jesse assures Horatio he never took the cufflink.   Dave puts the cufflink through image recognition software which is much newer and finds the jeweller who took orders for those cufflinks.   A pair was bought by Vogel a week before the murder.

Horatio determines Vogel's gift is planting evidence and threatens to personally drive him to Chino if he plants anything else.   Ryan is intent on catching Coop, well after being called short names by him, that riled him up.   Calleigh thinks perhaps it will help if they go inside the print and break down the chemical compound; which shows up a silicone based compound and lambskin, found on a condom.   Ryan tells Coop of the unique chemical signature, providing evidence of the  type of condom Coop uses.   Coop refers to the lambskin, giving himself away, since no one mentioned anything about lambskin.   Only the killer would know.   Coop admits Tony told him Anna would be willing and he was fed up of her.   Leslie tried to stop him.   Tony roofied Anna.

Calleigh offers to give Tony her phone to call a lawyer.   Tripp (Rex Linn) says they can tie tony to Leslie's murder.   Coop sold him out.   He'll be charged with felony murder.   Tony uses his magic word, "Cardoza." That any evidence he comes across will be tainted.  Calleigh replies he's wrong.   Horatio looks over the LA CS photos and notices the same woman in all of them.   She has a camera and a press pass, Olivia Birch (Sheri Moon zombie) who gives them her photos of the CS.   Horatio calls the Captain and tells him of Jesse's clean policework.   Now he's going to find out if the Captain's clean.   Olivia still has her negatives and Horatio notices the Captain bending down and removing the cufflink from the evidence marker.  

Horatio meets him at the Hollywood Bowl and comments the Beetles played here.   The Captain likes his privacy.   He let Jesse take the fall.   Horatio wants him to come clean.   The Captain knew Tony killed his wife and when he saw the cufflink he knew his lawyer would get him off, so he took it.   Jesse had already taken photos of it and he didn't know Jesse's wife would get murdered, probably by Tony.   He keeps the cufflink with him.

The Captain apologizes to Jesse via the media.   He's an example of what officers should strive for.   Anna spits on Tony through the glass and leaves a 'Thank You' note for Jesse.   The Captain clears Jesse's name and reputation.   Horatio wants Vogel out of Miami.   Jesse thanks Horatio who states Jesse would have done the same for him.

That was nice of Anna after he was looking out for her, all she could do was just leave him a note and couldn't even say sorry to him in person either.   She just walked off.   Was Natalia trying to come to terms with what her husband did to her by telling Anna of her ordeal.   She seemed a little peeved at Jesse turning up in the beginning when she was questioning Anna, willing him to leave just as Anna did.   Probably still harbouring those feelings after being stood up by him.   So the Jesse storyline was finally laid to rest but not very convincingly.   Like those loose ends that I mentioned already, such as no one knowing what Jesse had been involved in over in LA and how he was suspected of being a stalker when he came to Miami.   Also how thought he might have been a dirty cop, at least Calleigh had suspicions about him for a while.   Which is exactly what he was accused of being in LA.   Yet again no one in Miami knew of this.  

Why did Tony have Jesse's wife killed, was it because he was getting too close to him in the investigation, hoping Jesse wouldn't come after him.   But killing her made Jesse even more determined.   Tony moved to Miami with Anna, so this was probably another reason why Jesse also returned to Miami

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