Monday 18 June 2012

NCIS - 7.17: "Double Identity" Review

The agents look into the death of a marine and Tony once again suspects one of the two wives. All about double ids, stolen money, and attempts to get their hands on it.

A park policeman hears gunshots in the park and finds a dead marine.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) is washing and drying his sock in the office.   There, bet you didn't think he could also do his washing there, I mean after the countless number of shirt changes and deodorant refreshers, ha.   Tony got his feet wet.   Ducky (David McCallum) comments Gibbs (Mark Harmon) is working him too hard and he doesn't have time to do his laundry except in the office.   Tony stepped in a puddle whilst texting Ziva.  (Cote de Pablo).   He thinks cos she's a Probie that she's also his PA.   Ducky loves the rain, don't we all.   Actually it's mostly raining in NCIS, especially when one of their own is killed off, or hurt.   Tony asks for talc.

McGee (Sean Murray) notices Ducky is wearing a tie and not his customary bow tie.   Gibbs gives Tony socks and he only wears one white one.  The park policeman comments the DB has muddied prints and when the FBI were involved in a case, they identified a man with a mobile fingerprint scanner which lights up McGee's face.  Tony says they haven't been issued with those yet.   The policeman prints McGee and his police record comes up, which was meant to have been expunged.  "You broke into a police impound yard?"  Tony to McGee: "What's the matter with you?" Notice Tony didn't seem too perturbed by this, since his police record may not have been expunged either.   But then being in the PD formerly, Tony probably still has his connections.  (Or not.)  McGee doesn't have a middle name.   Thought that would always be 'Probie'.  Ha.

The Marine, Lt Mayne  has a wife and he was MIA in Afghanistan 6 years ago.   (Mark had a cold when these scenes were filmed.)  Tony's face lights up this time when he hears 'wife.'  Tony to Gibbs: "You subscribing to the DiNozzo theory - always suspect the wife."  I was waiting for him to come up with that.   Gibbs smiles, that'd be too obvious.

Ziva removes Tony's sock from the lamp and she can't resist smelling it.   Yuk.   Ziva has a fetish for smelly socks ha, or the fact they belong to Tony and she just can't help herself.   Well she's been accustomed to smelling his armpits and when he passes wind.   Mayne was on a three man deep cover recon mission and went missing.   One of the three, Gontz (John Edward Lee) was dishonourably discharged.   Abby (Pauley Perrette) has a puppy in the lab, Mortimer is a seeing eye dog.   The gun is unregistered with the Mayne's prints.

Abby notices Ducky not acting like himself, "un-Ducky like."  He left during lunch.   Gibbs thinks he's fine, he said that about Tony in season 4 when Ziva was certain he had some sort of an illness everytime he slipped off to the hospital.    Gontz is questioned.   They left Mayne there to get the car after he broke his leg and he disappeared there.   Holcomb (Michael Rose) is the major and they both repeat the same story verbatim.   Ziva and McGee look at each other.

Mayne is conscious but can't be questioned.   His second wife, Rachel (Christine Lakin) shows up providing Tony now with two suspects in the wives club.   She met him two years ago and they were both runners.   She didn't go jogging that day cos of her hamstring.   They've been married over a year and he lied to her about his family and also inheriting money.   McGee finds over $5 million in one account and Mayne was worth over $22 million.   PI Iger (Joe Guzaldo) investigated him.  

Tony sneaks in to question Mayne.   Thereby agitating his condition and he dies.   Tony asks the doctor if he's ever been married.  he's been married twice but not at the same time.   The question Tony should have been asking is why isn't he married already ha.  Ducky wears another new tie.   He needs some personal time but everything fine.   Gibbs tells him half his team is worried about him and Ducky guesses which half, Ziva and Abby.    So anyway why didn't Mayne return to his first wife, Leah (Susan Misner) even though she'd want to know about the money, none of the other marines disappeared.   Ziva sits inside Iger's dirty car.  "Stake-outs are brutal." Particularly when Tony's around.

 Iger ran credit card checks on Mayne and had a  photo of a a marathon runner, he thought he knew him.   Holcomb hired him.   McGee comments he acted shocked.   Tony jumps on the bandwagon about one of the wives being guilty, or so he thought but Holcomb looks guilty.   Gibbs finds it's all connected to what happened in Afghanistan.   Tony looked like he was expecting a slap..   Holcomb and Iger are escorted so they 'meet' in the lobby, on purpose, courtesy of Ziva and McGee.

Iger told Holcomb it wasn't Mayne and he never come to terms with what happened; he was lying again.   Ducky discovers Mayne never broke his leg.   Abby suggests Mortimer should have a playdate with his mother's Corgis.   Abby finds a second gun was involved.   Ducky comments his "neckwear seems to be a source of fascination."

Tony finds an Afghan drug lord claimed the Americans stole money from him.   Tony: "he is the weakest link."  Gontz took fire and found the money.   They left Mayne to guard the money and Mayne stole it.   It rains again.   Holcomb is seeing Leah, he used to check up on her and his own marriage fell apart.   She called him from the hospital and was trying to protect Holcomb's career and marriage.   Their alibi checks as they were together in Falls Church.   Tony still suspects Rachel, wife number 2.   He thinks "the hotty did it."

Tony hates the rain, he had his car washed.   Gibbs comments you wash the car in Winter.   Ziva recalls Iger's car was clean outside and the phone was turned off.   Ziva says he never turns his phone off.   Tony and McGee check out Iger's car and Tony wants to break in.   He gets McGee to use his computer programme.   McGee says he's got a record and no warrant.   He has an App on his phone with which he can use the VIN number to access all the data and download all the codes.   Tony thinks his MIT education paid off for something as he unlocks the door.   McGee should patent it.   Tony then gets him to access the files on Iger's laptop.   McGee still falling for Tony's "requests" though not as much as he used to.

Ducky gets flowers for his mother and Abby follows him to the cemetery.   He missed her at the opera, Madame Butterfly.

An e-mail is found on Iger's computer from the private lab which matched the print to Mayne so he knew about Mayne.   He has a registered .45.   Tony says by withholding this info he could blackmail Mayne.   Tony regrets they can't use the info cos McGee broke in and obtained it illegally from his computer.    Tony posing on the car as if he hasn't done anything wrong and didn't put McGee up to it either.   Gibbs stops Iger with the car and he claims self-defence.  

Ducky was going to tell Gibbs soon about his mother's passing but he didn't want to impose with his personal loss and wanted to deal with it himself.   He also met a woman, a real estate agent, Sophie, who  is younger than him.   He's selling the house and found a home for the dogs.   Gibbs thinks Sophie doesn't like his bow ties then.

A lot going on here especially with Ducky as we see he lost his mother and then met a woman who hates his bow ties and is really just attempting to change him.   What is It with PIs and money.   There was also a PI in season 2 episode Blackwater where the PI wanted the reward the dead marine's family had put up.   He was one of McGee's 'mentors' as he was a writer.   Okay he was someone McGee was in awe of.   Tony telling McGee it's "all about the Benjamen's."

Michael Rose was also in the season 1 episode Left for Dead.  Re the mobile fingerprint scanner, in 7.7 End Game, Ziva used a similar device to to ID a Vic.   Randy Vasquez was also in JAG as Gunnery Sergeant Galindez.   Nina Foch, Mrs Mallard, passed away in December 2008 and this was written into the show as Ducky's mother also passing away.Tony could have quoted the film Three Kings but didn't, wonder why.  

Bible class: Leah and Rachel were sisters who were both married to Jacob.

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