Tuesday 19 June 2012

CSI: NY - 1.20: "Supply & Demand" Review

Mac et al investigate the killing of a boy and get themselves into a case of drugs. Stella has another complaint lodged against her. Mac must apologize to a Vic's father.

A girl hears gunshots from a neighbouring apartment.   A boy is dead and the lock is broken.   The place has been trashed and so has the Vic, comments Mac (Gary Sinise).   The blood trail and the position of the debris reveals the Vic was shot and dragged near the door and the killer was using the DB to send a message.   The Vic was Will Novick (Devin Cromwell) from Hoboken, a business major at Chelsea Uni.   Jordan, (Lindsay Parker) the roommate was a freshman who ditched classes.   Mac: "Killer could've come for one thing, left with another."  There are no usable prints at the CS.   Blood spatter from the gun is revealed after the place was trashed.  Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) finds theatre tickets with blood.    There are razor scratches on the glass and traces of heroin.   Jordan is missing.

Hawkes (Hill Harper) finds a fatal GSW to the head and other various evidence of beatings.The Vic wasn't a user.   Mac needs to follow all leads.   Will's father says he wasn't a dealer and Jordan's father, Martin (Matt McCoy) paid her rent.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) determines the purity of the product.   Stella checks out Will's social security number and doesn't find any paycheques since high school.   But there were deposits.   Stella: "The worst part is the people they leave behind."  Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) matches the blood on the tickets to the Vic.   Two tickets are missing.   Will was a scalper and Jordan was seen a month ago by Will's digger.   Jordan's purse with broken straps is found in an alley still containing cash and credit cards.

Mac discovers a knife used in a home invasion, which has synthetic fibres consistent with furniture cushion fillings.   Fresh blood is on the ground.   High velocity spatter is on the wall and a gunshot ricochet mark.   The blood trail leads to the end of the alley, where a man jumps out and attacks Mac.   He knows his rights and under the Fourth Amendment he can't be forced to undergo surgery.   A phone is found in his pocket.   Jordan wanted to use the laundry but didn't have a bag with her.    Stella believes Jordan could be in danger of a run in.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) finds the college has its own laundry.   Aiden examines scrapings from Deroy's (Don Wallace) fingernails and uses a tazer on him.

Stella checks the PDA with the name of Paul Collins who was 18 and OD-ed.   Danny mentions there being white powder in the baggie.   There were two incoming texts for a meeting on campus.  The phone rings.   Jordan was the dealer not Will.   Mac answers the phone and Stella has to ask what he's doing at this number.   Would've thought that was obvious.

Stella wants to prevent a fatal OD and shows Jordan a photo of Paul.   Flack: "Well I'm the cooler head.   You knew you blew it."
Stella: "I blew it, what about Buffy the friend slayer back there."    Flack says there's a Chinese wall around Jordan.   Aiden discovers superglue on Deroy's  hands and clothes.   Compared to Jordan's DNA sample.   The witness was collateral damage.   Mac processes the contents of the purse to find a time line or links to Deroy.   White residue is in the purse.   Stella looks at Jordan's financial records.   Flack: "There's nothing more depressing than looking at a rich kid's money line."  Six weeks ago her cards were paid off and then frozen.

DNA from Jordan's lipstick match Deroy's fingerprints.   Her bag was snatched after 11am.   Aiden sues the student ID to track done what she did.  Stella shoves an autopsy photo in the face of a teen and it's the fourth complaint against her in three years.  Mac doesn't want any management tips from IA Chief Hillborne (Joe Morton) and tells him to run his own staff as he does his.  Thar's just it though Stella can get away with anything and does.   Stella: "I know how trials work Mac."
Mac: "Good, act like it." That's all the reprimand she got.

Aiden looked for more heroin to check and found a designer bag with more drugs.   But the bag is a fake.   She took it apart and superglue was used to glue a fake insignia.   Someone got the wrong bag and they check out the fashion district.   A card was swiped at 11.31, Andrea Alixx has a campus address.   Jordan sold her drugs.   Aiden looks at different bags from each store.   Seven stores use the same benzene based glue and one uses superglue at a warehouse.   Danny notices powder on the table.   Flack gets a warrant to search Jordan's home.   Stella: "Thar's why evidence collecting is so important.  People lie."    Water in the toilet bowl is positive for drugs.   The water diluted the drugs.   Deroy had her address and she never told Will and the jury won't forgive her for not warning Andrea.

Mac says they were thorough, disposed gloves, shirts, shoes, weapons but not the T-shirt which has stray blood from Will.   Deroy killed for sport.   His distribution ring is broken up.   He'll be taken care of in lock-up.   Mac apologizes to Will's father for doubting his son.  "The evidence is solid."  Another episode where Mac apologizes to the Vic's family for making hasty accusations and assumptions, just as Danny did with the gypsy cab driver's son in 1.18 The Dove Commission.   Stella has been over zealous as per usual in her treatment of suspects, but doesn't really get much of a dressing down.   She also loses her temper again and is a loose cannon, even if she was looking for justice.

Stella also missed finding the blood spatter in the alley and the knife and she arrived there before Mac did, so not much of a thorough investigation of the CS on her part.   What was the point of flushing the contents of the bag and not the bag in its entirety and why keep the T-shirt of everything else has been discarded.   Stella hates criticism so doesn't acknowledge Flack's comment about losing her head when interviewing.   The IA chief was especially introduced for the next episode when it all goes pear shaped for Danny.

CSI episode Chaos Theory also had a missing roommate.   In CSI episode Play with Fire, Gil (William Petersen) defends Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) just as Mac defended Stella here.

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