
Monday 21 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.5: "The Reckoning" Review

Klaus finally catches up with Elena, as she finally sees just how much Stefan has changed for the worse. Klaus successfully turns Tyler into a hybrid with the use of Elena's blood.

Noises come from the empty school.   Matt (Zach Roerig) exercises and a shadow is seen behind him.   He enters the classroom and steps on the mousetrap, forgetting about Senior Prank night.   Elena (Nina Dobrev) says they're creating memories and walks straight into Klaus (Joseph Morgan) who claims she's meant to be dead.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Katherine drive around getting away from Mystic Falls since she's convinced him she knows of a way to kill Klaus and not "dagger dead, but dead, dead."  He kisses her, then throws her back, "Truth is you don't do it for me anymore."  No, cos he's into her doppelganger.   Rebekah (Claire Holt) finds that's what Stefan's (Paul Wesley) been hiding, that the doppelganger is still alive.   Stefan loves Elena and Rebekah is jealous.   Klaus is angry that he broke the curse to make more hybrids and he can't do that cos Elena's alive.   He sends everyone in the gym home.   Then calls Dana (Anna Enger) back.   he compels her to keep one leg in the air and Chad (Mark Buckland) is to beat her if she stops.

Damon throws the car keys away cos he wants to talk first.   Klaus needs Elena's necklace and Katherine has it for leverage after stealing it from Bonnie.   Katherine wants to do whatever it takes to stop Klaus, which included bringing Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) along in the boot (trunk) of the car.   Caroline's (Candice Accola) thinks about Matt and wants him to be happy.  Rebekah was so trying to be Buffy!  "I'm the new girl."  Matt wants to see Vicki (Kayla Ewell).   Small town where everyone not only seems to be related to everyone else but knows what's going on, as you do in such places, well almost everyone does.

Matt wonders how life got so messy and he's not into Prank night.   Funny, in Australia pranks are played when you leave school, for good.   Vicki talks to Matt but he can't hear.   Klaus blames Bonnie (Katrina Graham) for Elena being alive.   When he turns a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transformation as we saw in episode 3.2.   He needs her to find a way to save them and quickly, as he kills Tyler.   (Michael Trevino).   Stefan removes the rod from himself.   Tyler's not dead as his blood will turn him into a vampire, as Elena explains for newcomers to the show, or those who just plain forgot, ha.

Rebekah says the original doppelganger was much prettier.   Bonnie explains the curse put on Klaus by the original witch dates back a thousand years and her Grimoire doesn't go that far back.   Bonnie can't contact the dead, only Jeremy can and he's with Katherine.   Katherine is searching for a way to kill Klaus and Pearl told her a vampire who killed Klaus, but wouldn't tell her how.  She only told Anna and they're all dead.

Stefan wants forgiveness and to "pledge my loyalty" to Klaus.   Elena doesn't mean anything to him.   He wants Damon dead.   Klaus knows Stefan is lying, still he hasn't learned that Rebekah and Klaus can see through him.   Come on through all those years of being a vampire, Stefan hasn't perfected lying.   Klaus only wanted his loyalty and compels Stefan to obey, which he does.   Klaus: "Come on. Your humanity is killing you.   All the guilt must be exhausting."

Damon: "Stop with the teeny bopper drama."  Anna won't help them.   Mikael (Sebastian Roche) is looking for him, the vampire who hunts all vampires and will kill them all.   Now wouldn't it have been better to have kept a spare set of car keys or to not have thrown them away at all.

Klaus: "The species have become such a broody lot."  That's a reference to Angel.   Elena blabs about Katherine having her necklace  There's 20 minutes to find a cure or feed on Elena.   Matt's keys are in the pool, really all about keys this episode.   Vicki throws his shoe in the pool.    Bonnie will bring Matt back from the dead, all she needs is CPR.   He chains himself to the weights and jumps in the pool.   Damon gets a text from Bonnie about Klaus.   He's heading back and Katherine posits the Damon she knew wouldn't be that stupid.   Damon: "I wouldn't have done it for you."  But there was a time back then when he did everything for Katherine.

Matt can see Vicki now.   Bonnie gets a message about Elena not surviving, hybrids can't transition but Elena's still alive.   Elena says Caroline's dad can't resist compulsion.   Stefan can't stop since he's a ripper, he only hears Elena's heart pumping blood.  She tries to convince him to fight cos he loves her and he owes her that much.   He craves blood and Tyler awakes.   Klaus will choose the hybrid.   Stefan stakes himself.   Elena runs and Klaus finds her.   Klaus compelled him and tests Tyler on Elena, he knows her blood is the cure.   Tyler needs to feed anyway.

Elena wakes in hospital to find her blood is being collected for Klaus.   Klaus knew he needed to do the opposite of what the original witch said.   The doppelganger had to die  - die to become the hybrid, but if she was dead then her blood couldn't be used for Klaus to sire the new species.   Klaus doesn't want to be alone, made a pledge to Stefan he wouldn't kill Damon, but Stefan doesn't care about that now.   Damon lets on Mikael is here causing Klaus to vanish.   Tyler insists he's better and Damon carries Elena out.   Tyler: "This is going to be an amazing year."  For the show, ha.   Matt is the only normal one out of them and shouldn't be a part of this.

Damon tells Elena he can make her forget the memories she doesn't want to keep, but she must remember it all.   He gives her back the necklace.   Damon berates himself for not being here, well as much as he could berate himself, he's Damon after all.  Elena wanted him to be here after all, so much for her not wanting him.    He promises never to leave her again.   Stefan returns home to protect Elena.  Jeremy is in Charlotte where Katherine finds Mikael.

Lots of repeat action this episode - with characters from the past appearing and disappearing, such as Vicki.   As I mentioned in the season 2 finale, Damon's and Stefan's roles have now been reversed too, with Stefan taking over Damon's obligatory bad vampire- with-attitude role.   Elena determined to get Stefan to fight Klaus and his hold on him - like Stefan wanting her to fight last season - fight becoming a sacrifice for Klaus.   Tyler now a hybrid is meant to be dangerous, but Caroline doesn't seem to notice or care, just as long as she has him back.   Mother doesn't know about Tyler being a hybrid.

Stefan is now a fully confessed, brooding Angelus.   Liked the way Katherine jumped in head first, or is that heart first, cos she doesn't use her head,  to find Mikael and bring him back to take care of Klaus as he's a vampire killer and what is she and the others? Vampires   Also how she didn't want Damon to return to face Klaus and yet here she is with Mikael.

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