Friday 18 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.3: "The End of the Affair"

Flashbacks reveal Stefan's time as a ripper in '20's Chicago and how he came to meet Klaus and Rebekah. Present day, Damon hatches a plot to rescue Stefan from Klaus's clutches.

Katherine calls Damon (Ian Somerhalder) who tells her no one's even thought about her since she left.   He's not giving up on Stefan (Paul Wesley).   Katherine's trailing him and Klaus (Joseph Morgan) so she knows where they are.   Katherine claims she's conflicted as she doesn't know whether she's looking out for Stefan or not.

Stefan and Klaus are in Chicago.   Stefan's blocked out his memories of being here in the '20's.   Klaus comments prohibition was fun since "everything was off limits."  Stefan has a flashback  to his time in '20's Chicago and meets a blonde.   Klaus is there to see his fave witch so she can help him with his hybrid dilemma.

Elena (Nina Debrov) wakes to find Damon in her bed.   Now who wouldn't want that!   Damon: "You know you were dreaming about me;" which explains the drool on her face.   He wants Elena to go to Chicago with him for Stefan, she wants to know how he knows where Stefan is, it "came to me in a dream - I was naked, you would have loved it."  Ahh, she's already seen him naked.  Bill (Jack Coleman) has Caroline (Candice Accola) and he asks her how vampires walk in sunlight?  Then notices her ring and removes it.   Ancestors built the cell and there's vervain in the air conditioning system.   He opens the skylight to let the sun in.

Damon and Elena make smalltalk on the road and comments on the last thing Stefan left her, that "crappy old necklace." Elena responds "It's antique, like you." He wants her to read Stefan's past in the journals but she's already seen his darkest moments.  Damon reads an extract.   Flash to Stefan and he asks the blonde her name.   She'll tell him when he's earned it.   Gloria's (Charmin Lee) here, the singer from the '20's.   She's a witch.   Present day Gloria tells Klaus he did something wrong and he needs to contact the original witch who created the curse.   Klaus needs help and he needs Rebekah (Claire Holt).   Stefan listens in to this, obviously.   Then sees a photo of himself with Klaus also from the '20's.

Sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) leaves a message for Caroline on her phone and Tyler (Michael Trevino ) turns up.   Caroline tells Bill she can control the vampiric urges and he thinks drinking human blood will make her repress her vampire tendencies.   Elena tells Damon she won't be frightened by him and return home.   Damon shows her Stefan's apartment form the '20's.   He shows her a secret closet and she thinks he's showing her the booze, as if, it's a list of names, names of Stefan's Vics.   Elena sarcastically asks Damon if he was all for women's lib back in the '20's.   Stefan doesn't recall Klaus, who hated Stefan back then.  Yeah cos Stefan was engaging in a threesome, blood drinking orgy!  Stefan notices the blonde's necklace given to her by a witch.   Klaus calls her Rebekah, so much for Stefan earning her name.   She calls Klaus, Nick.   Rebekah is his sister.   Stefan in present day tells Klaus that he knew another original vampire back then.   Klaus opens her coffin, but Stefan still doesn't remember her.   Klaus asks why Stefan is worthy of Rebekah, Klaus killed many of his family and Rebekah chose his side.   The right side.

Liam (Shane Callahan) comes looking for his wife, Lila (Christine Lekas) whom Stefan was feasting on with Rebekah and Stefan forces him to drink Lila's blood.   Klaus was Stefan's "number one" fan.   Back in the present, Damon talks with Gloria and he tells her if he knew Gloria would age like this he'd have stayed.   Elena reads in the journal: April 1922 about Lexie finding Stefan; June 1924, 1935 and on it goes.   Naturally Elena had to be at Stefan's apartment and Stefan doesn't sense her, so much for his vampire senses but Klaus does, unless Stefan did and then was trying to get Klaus off her scent.   since Klaus does sense a human presence.   Stefan told Klaus he has a secret - it was part of his ritual.   Liam's name is on the list as Elena sees it and Stefan opens the closet, finding Elena inside.   He says he's found something for Klaus and she looks worried, as if he'd give her away.   Taking out a bottle instead.

Damon knows where Stefan will be and he realizes he shouldn't have left her alone, so she should move on now.   Who told her to stay anyway.   He wants her to dress up.   Klaus tells Stefan he used to want to be his 'wingman.'  Then tells him Rebekah will leave him in the end, when they were back in the '20's.

Bill tells Caroline he cried when Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) called him about Caroline, who has learned to adapt.   He wants to fix her, "so I don't have to kill you." The sheriff finds Bill and he has to do this cos they both love her.   Tyler releases Caroline.   Stefan only knows Klaus as the hybrid who sacrificed Elena.   In the '20's the club is raided by police using wooden bullets.   Rebekah shouts, "He's here."  Klaus compels Stefan to forget them - he'll forget what it was like to have a brother.   Stefan believes Klaus was covering his tracks cos he's running from someone.   In the present, Damon calls Stefan away without Klaus seeing him.    Damon is confused, Stefan killed Andie and then saved Damon, so is Stefan good or bad? Stefan says Elena was meant to die, now Klaus can't transform hybrids but Gloria will figure out why.

Damon talks to Klaus to distract him and he comments on the riff-raff being allowed in the place.   Damon: "Oh honey, I've been called worse."  Klaus promised Stefan he wouldn't let Damon die, but since Damon's here, he must want to die.   Elena wants Stefan to come home with her.   Stefan refuses and when she tried to inject him, he stops her.   Klaus stabs Damon, he's more fun if he's looking for a partner in crime, Damon tells him.   Klaus breaks a chair leg to stake Damon and Gloria saves him this time, well someone has to save Damon.

Stefan tells Elena that Klaus will figure out she's still alive and Stefan isn't the same since he's left a trail of bodies in his wake.  Elena must give up on him.   Stefan: "I don't wanna see you, I don't wanna be with you." How hard was it for him to stay that, knowing he's leaving her to Damon's mercy.   What made Damon think Elena in a dress like that would make Stefan go for her or have a change of heart, all dressed up like a prized chicken.   Damon and Elena leave once more, defeated yet again.   That was a waste.

Sheriff tells Caroline that her and people like Bill don't stray from their beliefs.   Caroline is more concerned about her father hating her.   Rebekah's up and stabs Klaus.   Back in the '20's Rebekah waits for Stefan and Klaus makes her choose, Stefan or her brother.   She chooses to stay for Stefan and Klaus knifes her.   Klaus compels Stefan to remember everything.   Klaus says to Stefan, "We are friends."  Rebekah knows how to contact the original witch, but she doesn't have her necklace.   Damon speaks with Katherine, that she was right about Stefan but she doesn't tell him where she is.   She was also in Chicago back in the '20's.  The man (Sebastian Roche) is part of the Chicago PD, as we flash to the '20's again and he shows Stefan sketches of Klaus and Rebekah.   Stefan has the necklace.  

The End of the Affair or the Affair of the Necklace, ha.   A flashback induced episode providing plenty of backstory on how Stefan met Rebekah and Klaus.   Though he doesn't remember them and how Rebekah fell for him, which she does in a big way, providing comparisons between her and Elena's feelings for Stefan and his charm.   Although Klaus is calling himself Nick in the '20's.

Didn't like the way in which Damon and Elena head to rescue Stefan then return home empty handed.   Stefan still continuing to play the 'dumbass martyr' as Damon refers to him; thinking he can still protect Damon and Elena.   Again Stefan doesn't appear to be completely turned yet cos he doesn't give Elena away to Klaus and doesn't want to either.   Just how long will that last?   In the previous episode it was Elena heading in search for Stefan, dragging Alaric and then Damon following.   This time Damon gets a heads up from Katherine and takes Elena along, couldn't he have gone himself, seeing as Stefan didn't come back, or was that a clever ploy to kind of get Elena to say goodbye and then he could get in with Elena.   What's Katherine's motives for giving Damon the tip and why's she in Chicago.   How long can Stefan think he's protecting Damon, when Klaus was about to banish him forever?

Most of the cast weren't in this week's episode - so time to concentrate on just two storylines.   Bill wanting to save his daughter, believing he could was kind of endearing but he went about it in the wrong way.   Did/does he really believe he could save her in that way?   The sheriff rescuing her and Tyler leading the way was a bit obvious and dealt with very quickly.

Stefan finding the necklace but not knowing its effect or true significance back in the '20's, but knowing now.   Also does Stefan really want to follow Klaus now - that he's made Stefan recall the past - their past and Stefan truly referring to him as his brother, more so than Damon.   If he felt that way, why would Stefan still try to protect/save Damon.   Leaving Elena in Stefan's apartment when clearly Klaus would take him there as they were re-living the old days was foolish, as was getting Elena "trussed" up.   What was the significance of Liam, other than he ended up on Stefan's list of conquests.

The end of the affair for Rebekah and Elena too, with Stefan.   This episode reminded me of Charmed  2.14 Pardon My Past, where Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) was cursed and had to travel back to the '20's to get her hands on an amulet to save her.

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