Friday 18 May 2012

Merlin - 4.2: "The Darkest Hour: Part Two" Review

Merlin fights to save Arthur from making the ultimate sacrifice and aims to take his place to allay the balance upset by Morgana when she pierced the veil. Sadly someone takes both their places.

Merlin (Colin Morgan) appears to be catatonic and Arthur (Bradley James) wants him taken to Gaius (Richard Wilson).  Lancelot (Santiago Cabrera) volunteers since he's the only one who knows of his magical abilities.  He takes Merlin through the Valley of the Fallen Kings, which is appropriate for the fate that potentially awaits Arthur and also Uther (Anthony Head).  Arthur vows to continue the quest and blames himself for Merlin's condition.

Gwaine (Ewoin Macken) finds bees as he's in search of food and is chased by them.  He's needed for the light hearted moments.  Besides he says they're heading to their deaths anyway.  Well, one death.  Merlin 's hand touches the water and droplets of water call out to Lancelot.  They are 'Villia': spirits of the brooks and streams.  Good spirits also roam when the veil is pierced.  Arthur will need both Merlin's and Lancelot's help.  Merlin has great power, which we already know and "future that has been written since the dawn of time." Hey isn't that what the Dragon (John Hurt) says in the opening narration?  Her sisters heal Merlin.

Meanwhile, the others are in a system of tunnels overrun with Wilderin and they must use gaia berries to hide their scent which is fine until Gwaine kills one of them after getting his face licked.

Camelot's gates are closed on the orders of Agravaine (Nathanial Parker), but Gwen (Angel Coulby) is on hand to put foreward the case of the people.  Arthur taught her every citizen is vital and they will bring their own food with them.  Gwen aksks Agravaine if he thinks Arthur will fail.

Merlin catches fish and he must join Arthur.  Agravaine can't wait to tell Morgana (Katie McGrath) of Arthur and she dreamt of a future where Gwen was on her throne.  Uther aks after Arthur. Agravaine needs to discuss the people with Gwen as she understands them and needs her advice, thus inviting her to his chambers.  How did Agravaine find Morgana, knew where she was and she'd be on his side.

Lancelot and Merlin light a fire in the shack for shelter and Morgana enters Camelot unseen. Agravaine appears to want his way with Gwen or strangle her, ha, but doesn't.  Instead guards walk Gwen home.  Why's she going home with the threat of the Drocha outside and yet the people want to enter Camelot?  Morgana attacks the guards and Gwen with her magic.

Elyan (Adetomiwa Edun) wonders what they'll face on the Isle of the Blessed.  Arthur believes the burden is his to bare alone.  But Elyan knows they must all stand together.  Gaius searches for Gwen and finds her alive.  Merlin doesn't want Lancelot to go with him but Merlin wouldn't understand why he must go and it makes no sense to him either.  He made a vow to keep Arthur safe.  Arthur is a better man than Lancelot.  Lancelot lies when he says he doesn't think about Gwen.  Arthur "loves her and she's happy."

The fire goes out and Merlin and Lancelot are attacked.  Merlin summons the Dragon to fight the Drocha and yet he doesn't seem to know Lancelot, "the bravest and most noble of them all."  The veil must be restored and Merlin must help Arthur heal it.  The spirit world demands nothing but the Calleach does.  Merlin is warned not to sacrifice himself.  He saw something in Merlin which was invisible and now all the world can see.  It will be "an empty world without you - young Warlock."  Why couldn't the Dragon fly them to the Isle of the Blessed.  Lancelot asks if he could knowingly give up his life.  Merlin would if there was a reason more important than anything.

Gwaine now sets fire to his socks.  Lancelot has bad news for the others, Merlin is still alive. Merlin reassures Arthur or at least tries to; that he doesn't have to sacrifice himself as Merlin will take his place.  The life of a servant is nothing.  But Merlin is no ordinary servant.  Arthur wants Merlin to look after Gwen as the Cailleach refuses to stop the sacrifice cos it wasn't of her doing. Gwaine is struck down and Arthur knows she demands a sacrifice.  Merlin flings Arthur back, which leaves Lancelot of course to take his place.  Merlin's destiny is to save Arthur and the Cailleach agrees it's not Merlin's time yet.

Arthur pays tribute to Lancelot's "unselfish heart and the most noble knight" he's ever known.  He gave his life to save them all.  Gwen tells Arthur he was looking after him, "he was true to his word." Morgana is livid Emyrus thwarted her and needs Agravaine's help to find out his identity. Agravaine then asks Gaius if he's heard of Emyrus and Gaius knows only Morgana would have known that name.  Hence he gives himself away and it's only the second episode.  Morgana will never know the truth of who Emyrus really is.  Once again we have another traitor in the midst of Camelot and once more Gaius knows it's Agravaine, just as he and Merlin knew about Morgana; yet they are powerless to act and tell Arthur as there's no proof.

Gaius was too far to be reached so the spirits of the lake were on hand to cure Merlin, allowing him to be at Arthur's side and more importantly so Lancelot would be there to make the ultimate sacrifice; thereby keeping his vow to Gwen.  So he faced death for King, country and the love of a good woman, also giving Merlin and Lancelot more of a chance to bond thoughout this episode. That's why Lancelot volunteered to carry Merlin back to Camelot.   Besides, Lancelot would never let Merlin give his life since he had to be there for Arthur with his magic.

Watch Gwaine's sword disappear when they come across the Cailleach.  Arthur entrusted Gwen's care to Merlin once before in 2.10 Sweet Dreams.  There was no need to as Merlin wasn't about to let Arthur face peril.

For all Morgana's threats and strutting around, she just proves over and over she's pretty helpless when she's alone and always needs help from some quarter.  Now she no longer has Morgause and must turn to Agravaine.  My gripe is that their backstory isn't told here; nor is it told in the entire season.  If revealed, it would have put Agravaine's hatred of Arthur into perspective since it's Uther he should be directing his wrath at, surely not Arthur who was innocent and had nothing to do with the magic being used resulting in his mother's death.

It does appear from this episode Morgana has some sort of pull over Agravaine, but even that looks flimsy and isn't explored.  Oh and Morgana doesn't stick around to ensure Gwen meets her doom!  Very dangerous leaving all this down to the spirits.

So Lancelot came and went. As said before, he hasn't been completely done with, but it seemed a shame to kill off one so noble so soon - especially when he was an outsider who knew of Merlin's magic.  Now it's reverted back to only Gaius knowing.

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