
Friday 18 May 2012

Supernatural - 6.7: "Family Matters" Review

Cas takes a look at Sam who has returned without his soul. They trail Samuel and question the Alpha vampire who tells them about purgatory. They realize Crowley is involved.

Cas (Misha Collins) comments on how terrible Sam (Jared Padalecki) looks and asks if he  is speaking  in tongues and feverish.   Sam says he's diagnosing him.   Sam hasn't had any sleep since he got back.  He never told Dean (Jensen Ackles) Cas wants to know how he feels.   Sam doesn't know.   Cas then proceeds to use the 'angel' lie detector on Sam and comes up with Sam's soul "it's gone." Which we already knew, at least that there was something not right with him.   Sam was resurrected without his soul which is in the cage with Michael and Lucifer.

Sam was only trying to catch vampires and it'll never happen again.   Sam is still himself and he unties himself.   Dean's "stuck with a soulless guy so you might as well work with me."  Dean questions who pulled Sam out.  One clue is Samuel (Mitch Pileggi).   A new man greets Sam at Samuel's.   Dean asks him what happened when Samuel got back - a recap for Cas, who tells him, "My true form is the size of your Chrysler Building."  Dean: "quit bragging."  Cas works his magic on Samuel too and finds he has his soul.   Yet there's still something about Samuel you just can't trust.

Sam scares him at times.   They were hunting the Alpha vampire and didn't call Sam cos Dean doesn't trust him.   Samuel doesn't know Dean like he knows Sam, cos Dean's got a soul and would be able to make emotional, judgement calls.   Dean: "I don't trust him."  Samuel's hiding something and if Sam wasn't 'RoboSam' he'd feel it too.   Sam was meant to be keeping an eye on them and Christian (Corin Nemec), yet he didn't stop him from coming to check on Dean when he breaks into Samuel's office.  Dean gloats about calling Christian's wife to tell her he can't make it just to rile him up.   He threatens Dean on their hunt which is at the house where Dean had those visions of the Alpha vampire and the vampire twins; when he was a vampire in 6.5 Live Free or Twihard.   Dean says nothing is fine and he's left on guard duty.   He gets yet more blood on him after Gwen saves him from a vampire.   Saved by a chick.   Shots are fired and Dean checks out the house.   Samuel and Christian take the Alpha vampire away.  Sam helps and doesn't see Dean watching.   Samuel lies about the Alpha being killed and burned.

Dean's had enough of Sam and stops the car when Sam doesn't tell him what really happened.   Samuel's been getting info from the creatures and it was Sam's idea not to tell Dean as he'd mess things up.   Dean shoots first and they needed answers.   He says questions.   Dean asks if Sam wants his soul back.   Sam hasn't been where they're taken to.  Dean is weary of Samuel, "Can't assume family means the same thing to him as it does to us - he's not Dad."  Sam is messed up and Dean tells Sam to blab everything if he wants this to work cos Sam can't tell the difference.   Then he tells Sam to accompany Samuel.  He says Dean's gone as they're not getting on.   Sam wants in on the interrogations.  Samuel won't let him help until his soul issue is resolved.   Sam turns on the GPS on the phone in the truck.

Dean was pretty 60-40 betting on Sam not returning.   They follow the GPS and find dead man's blood on the door.  Samuel tortures the Alpha vampire for something.   When Samuel leaves, the Alpha (Rick Worthy) tells them both to come out.   Dean was his child for a while.   References to Fright Night and Skippy from Dean.   He's the very first vampire.   Sam asks who made him - he's got a mother too.   Vampires are going to war and he notices Sam smells cold and doesn't have a soul.   Well it seems any old monster knows that so maybe they should have interrogated a few before now and found that out.   But why didn't Cas use his lie detector on Sam before when Dean had all these doubts about him?   The Alpha asks if Sam feels empty.   Souls are predictable and asks where he goes.   They go to purgatory and mentions Dante, as in Dante's Inferno.   Sam should have known that.   He doesn't know where purgatory is and Samuel wants to know.   Sam guesses the Alpha knows its location.   Dean: "If he's Kermit, whose hand is up his ass?"  Jaws.   Well it's Crowley (Mark Sheppard) of course.

Gwen pulls a gun on them and the Alpha escapes his cage.   Dean demands they kill the Alpha or it will kill them.   All three will have a family meeting.   The Alpha's got plans for Sam, he'll be the "perfect animal."  Christian helps Sam, he's actually a demon.  Crowley arrive son cue and Christian was possessed ages ago.   Not in the biblical way but the business way.   Sam: "You're Crowley's bitch."

Crowley wants purgatory.   He calls Samuel ;Captain Chromedome' and Samuel knows more than Sam and Dean, so much about there being family loyalty.   Crowley brought back both Sam and Samuel as he's King of Hell.   "Me Charlie, you angels."  He just wants the creatures.   Sam doesn't know who he is.   Dean asks if he offered Samuel girls, money or hair.  Samuel had two choices: a bullet in him or to step aside.   Sam pulls out a gun quickly to shoot Samuel, so much for not being trigger happy, which he attributed to Dean a short while back.   Dean tells him to let him go, so much for Dean shooting first.   Sam says they'll have to go along for now.   So when Dean was a vampire how come he couldn't sense Sam was cold and empty and maybe had no soul?

Sam and Dean in another re-telling of an episode all about - you've guessed it - family.   I didn't much like the interjection of Samuel, he's devious when it boils down to it and really doesn't care about Sam or Dean.   He just looked like he was using Sam for hunting and wasn't really concerned for him.   Sam and Dean being family means nothing.   Dean's said it often enough - there's only Sam and Dean who can rely on each other (aside from Sam at the moment being momentarily emotionally 'lame' since he has no soul.)  Then there was Dad and that was the Winchester clan.   As far as Samuel's concerned, they're not Campbell's so barely rate a mention.   But the Campbell's are a disjointed, disgruntled lot and I'd put my money on Sam and Dean anyday than rely on this bunch of misfits.

As for Crowley pulling Sam from the cage; it doesn't appear plausible, especially since Crowley cowered at the sight or mere mention of other demons.   For him to go up against Michael and Lucifer in the cage doesn't beggar belief.   Still at least it wasn't dragged out too long, what Samuel was really up to with the monsters he caught and above anything else he lied to his grandsons - as well as the Alpha vampire revealing Samuel is in search of purgatory.   Should have realized Crowley would have a hand in this since purgatory means more demons for him to help him rule hell as King - or do whatever he chooses.

Dean gets to learn Sam is soulless and Cas gets to use his angel 'lie detector' on Sam.   Poetic justice in some respects as he let that boy in 6.3 The Third Man be subjected to the same 'torture' as Sam stood by and watched, and Dean's objections fell on deaf ears.  

Dean's reference to Christian as 'Newman' was a reference to the character Newman from the show, Seinfeld. Crowley referring to Charlie's Angels.

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