Thursday 31 May 2012

Supernatural - 6.19: "Mommy Dearest" Review

Sam and Dean finally get the location of Eve from Lenore, but she's already aware of them coming. Crowley is revealed to be alive still, casting doubts on Cas's honesty.

 Eve (Julia Maxwell) touches a man from the bar and when she goes in, one notices the blood on her dress.   She kisses him giving him a gift and infects everyone.   A rabid fight breaks out as they all attack each other and she watches.   Dean (Jensen Ackles) prepares bullets containing ash: enough for 5 shells.   Bobby (Jim Beaver) comments the lore states ash should work and it doesn't do anything to Dean...  trust him to try it, well he's human so it wouldn't affect him.   Dean tells Cas (Misha Collins) to "get out of my ass."  Cas: "I was never in your..."  Eve is hidden from angels.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) believes a vampire could help.   Cas brings Lenore (Amber Benson) to them.   Last seen in season 2, she was just brought in to be finished off like a loose end.

Sam tells her he lopped off Gordon's head when he became a vampire himself.   She has nothing to say about Eve and warns them to stay away form her.   Her voice is in their heads and her nest began to kill and Eve listens to them even now.   Sam knows Lenore still cares.   Eve is at Grant Pass, Oregon.   Eve will know they're coming.   Lenore wants to be killed which Cas obliges without hesitation, justifying it as being dangerous as she fed on humans and will do it again.   Cas is turning into quite the killing machine, not that he wasn't before but lately he seems to relish it.   Cas: "We needed to move this along."  Like a bad movie.

Grants Pass Oregon.     Dean calls it less Pleasantville, Smithy McSmitherton is on their side, i.e.  Cas.   Sam gives Bobby an ipad for research. He wanted a computer with buttons.   Besides, Bobby's into his books.   Cas can't vanish no matter how hard he tries.   Dean: "Now you just look like you're pooping." (Cos he's got that constipated look on his face, ha.)     Cas is powerless.   Dean: "Without your power, you're just a baby in a trenchcoat."  He's just rolling on out the one liners!  Dean hurt his feelings.   He takes Cas to see Dr Silver who called the CDC about the mysterious illness.   Cas tells his assistant he has a "painful, burning sensation."

Cas asks how long it will take Dean to pick the lock but there's no need to since he finds a DB; a "gooey corpse."  There's no stopping Dean now with his descriptions.   The doctor has two sons.   There's no Impala and Ed's (Nathan Witte) in the house when they meet up with Bobby and Sam.   Cas doesn't have any practice using guns.   Dean again comes up with the hilarious comments of only babies whine.   There are lots of Eds inside.   This one's not Ed, he's Todd (Jason Cermak).

Dean tells Sam he's bathing in Purell and there's his use of gooey again.   You'd think it was an ep of CSI.   They find everyone in the bar, all dead.   Dean finds a vampire wraith.   Eve's making hybrids and Dean gets to name it a Jefferson Starship cos they're "horrible and hard to kill."  The sheriff (Roman Podhora) arrests the three of them and Dean ducks out of sight.   At the station, Sam spots their eyes in the TV and calls them Jefferson Starships.   Sam and Dean find the two sons, Ryan (Griffin Parsons) and Joe (Travis Turner) in the jail and suspect them of being the same Starships too.   But being Sam and Dean and recalling their own life and predicament they garner only sympathy from Sam and Dean, even if it was foolish to trust them.   Dean has to ensure they're human, then again Eve isn't exactly a demon so anything she 'produces' or makes will not show on their tests.   If she's making hybrids nothing will affect them.

Cas needs the two here since millions of lives are at stake, not just two.   Dean insists on saving them.   But they should have listened to Cas this time round, even if they reminded them of each other.   Cas believes they'll find more "wayward orphans" along the way.   Cas asks Bobby for five minutes along with the pig, er sheriff since Cas knows torture tactics, which don't involve him using his power.

Eve is in the diner and Dean says she was there the entire time, a waitress which they didn't notice when she served them.   Sam says they're all Starships.   Dean: "dragons - really and Khan worms."  Eve talks of the arrangement they had.   She turned a few of them and they hunted some , but they were all kidnapped and tortured by Crowley when Samuel was taking them to him.   Dean comments she's using the "mother of the year defence." Eve turns into Mom (Samantha Smith).   She died to protect her sons and Eve demands Crowley to be killed as he's alive.   The souls are power and Eve calls Sam a monkey too.

Dean posits her beings are imploding.   They were actually the children, Ryan was a Starship and Cas was right about him.   They slipped by hunters undetected - like I said too.   Eve calls him a "wayward orphan" just like the phrase Cas used.   Eve makes them an offer, if they find Crowley she'll let them live.   Dean refuses.   Bobby and Cas are also held.   Eve is older than Cas and knows how angels work.   Dean wants her to kill them cos they don't work with monsters, unlike Samuel, who worked with the king of hell.   She can turn them.   Dean had the fifth bullet and says, "bite me."  He drank the ash.   Dean: "call you later mom."  Eve carks it.

Cas gets his power back to smite everyone.   They should take him on more hunts and he cures Dean too.   Crowley's alive but Cas burned his bones and since when does Cas get it wrong? H knows better and vanishes.   Bobby asks how he got away since Cas doesn't make mistakes, he's an angel, unless...Dean refuses to believe he's a traitor and Sam has doubts.   Jefferson Starship's 'Miracles' plays on the jukebox.  Crowley arrives to clean up Cas's messes, but for how long?

That was obvious Cas saying he's an angel and he buried his bones and then he wouldn't have got it wrong if he really wanted to kill Crowley.   That line from Cas about millions compared to two, had an ulterior motive sounding to it.   He needs millions of souls in his war in heaven, so it was a loaded comment from him last episode, 6.18 Frontierland.   It was time for Sam and Dean to bring the fight to Eve and move it up a notch or two.   In a rather hurried attempt to move the story 'arc' along.   Eve it seems, wasn't the formidable foe and wasn't mean to last long as a Supernatural monster.   So much for being the Mother of All.   She turned out weak.   Especially when facing off with Dean who was always one step ahead of her and drank the ash beforehand.  He's becoming very methodical in his thinking - planning ahead.   He'd never be mistaken for one to use foresight.

So much for Eve turning into Mom, which just pissed Dean off even more.   In a way it was good the Eve plot didn't linger too long cos it didn't turn out to be all that interesting in the end.   All that hype and build up, just turned out to be anti-climactic.   She wasn't so much a foil in so much as a distraction in bringing the story foreward alerting them to Crowley being alive - ultimately to the realization they may have a traitor in their midst in the form of Cas.   If demons lie, angels can cheat and manipulate just as much. We've seen it all through season 5 in particular how Zach et al all wanted to use the boys for their own ends.   Yet through all that Cas seemed so different, so above all the bickering and deception.  Boy were we fooled.

As for Cas and everything he's fighting for, what he stands for becomes meaningless.   Betrayal came so easily to him, like second nature.   Shown too readily by his quick dispatch of Lenore.   (Her role was too brief) she's another casualty of season 6, as though the show was tying up loose ends in one fell swoop.   Again demonstrating how Cas thinks and acts on his feet.  If someone is a hindrance or of no use to him, then it's curtains for them.   He's clinical and callous when he needs to be and yet he's also selfish.   The souls, helping Sam and Dean was all about winning the war in heaven for himself.   He wasn't lying when it came to that. No, the lies came when he went behind their backs instead of trusting them.

Lots of funny scenes to detract from the serious issues, Dean telling Cas to 'get out of his ass.'  Dean and his baby remark.   That's what it boils down to with Cas.   At heart he's a baby, taking things too simplistically as we'll see in the remaining three episodes.

As for Eve becoming Mom, she was Sam and Dean's mother and losing her was a definitive moment in their lives.   Why would Sam and Dean be intimidated by Eve turning into her? This was not explained or done as well as it could have been.   Though seeing Samantha Smith again was a great blast from the past.   The other defining moments in their lives were the ones involving themselves as brothers.   Their love for each other.   This was highlighted by the two brothers they found in jail.  Their need to see them safely home stemming from childhood.   Also ironically, the younger brother was the infected Starship.   A look back to Sam in early seasons as being Azazel's choice to go darkside, having his blood and Sam - younger brother - being Lucifer's vessel of choice.   The younger brother being easily manipulated.   Not that Sam had any choice in the fate that befell him as a baby.   I won't bring up the whole fate, destiny, etc argument here.

The redeeming force behind this episode was Cas's deception coming undone.   Dean refuses to believe point blank.   Bobby is the voice of reason and Sam has his doubts.   What was also good to see was Dean's staunch loyalty to his friend after the number of times Cas was there for him.   The ultimate betrayal of not only a friendship but of Dean's confirming they don't work with monsters.   Having to work for Crowley was a necessary evil but Cas being in league with Crowley doesn't bare thinking about.   Is Cas a monster, was he one in the making with Dean teaching him about free will.  

Dean drinking the ashes should have seen it coming cos it's in his nature to experiment.   In 1.10 Home, he tasted the poultice they were to place in the walls of their former home.   The title if spelt Mommie Dearest would be an allusion to the film based on the book on the life of actress Joan Crawford, written by her daughter.

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