Thursday 31 May 2012

Lie To Me - 1.12: "Blinded" Review

Cal is hired by the FBI to question serial rapist Andrew Jenkins about the identity of his copycat. Gillian and Ria seem to get angry with Cal over his decision and Cal brings FBI agent Ben Reynolds to the team, against his wishes.

A nurse meets a doctor for coffee and there's some flirting and he comes across as charming.  Cue her running and screaming on train tracks after being attacked.   The man she was with turns out to be serial rapist Andrew Jenkins (Daniel Sujata).   Now in prison, Cal (Tim Roth) goes in as an inmate to garner the identity of the copycat and picks a fight with another prisoner.   Cal is beaten with Andrew watching.   Gillian explains since Andrew is a pathological liar he can't be interrogated in the same manner.  Cal ignores him at mealtime and sits at the same table.   Andrew displays signs of proudness - he's much more content seeing his Vics live in fear than killing them off, after Cal tells him he's been accused of killing a policeman who helped his wife.   But he's innocent.

In the prison laundry  Andrew approaches Cal and realizes Cal isn't really a prisoner and wonders if he's police, much to the chagrin of FBI agent Ben Reynolds (Mekhi Phifer) who doesn't believe they're getting anywhere either.   Andrew wants to give him info in return for a deal, Cal agrees and he asks for a weekly box of Chocodiles.   Andrew gives them the address of the next Vic, Camille (Shannon McLemore) and when they arrive there's no one there.   Ben pulls strings and has Andrew brought to their office and Eli (Brendan Hines) monitors his vitals.

Ria (Monica Raymund) looks into his 'fan' letters and  Andrew notices Ria on the other side of the glass.   All the time Ria and Cal display their emotions and anger at not getting anywhere.   Andrew mentions 'Lightbringer' as one of his fan's names, after mentioning Cal's name is Lightman.   A letter is found with this name belonging to Milo (Jonno Roberts).   When confronted Milo did write the letters but didn't abduct anyone.   He says Camille's in the next room.   Ben pulls out his gun and threatens to shoot him, like that would lead him to finding the Vic.   Cal wants him to stop as it's not Milo.   Cal cuts his hand in desperation to show Milo winces at the sight of blood.   His room of clippings, photos etc could turn out to be useful.  

Gillian visits Natalie, (Mageina Tova) one of the recent Vics and suggests she should speak with his first Vic, Michelle (Clea Duvall) as Natalie doesn't recall anything.   Ria and Eli watch Cal in the prison laundry tape and Ria notices Cal gave himself away by folding the laundry perfectly.   Cal asks if they want to concentrate on his screw ups or find Camille.   Cal spots the prison guard (Emilio Rivera) flare his nostrils.   He was afraid for his daughters and he's been passing mail from Andrew out of the prison and leaving it under a trash can (what they'd call a trash can drop or dead drop in the spy trade.)  He left a letter a few hours ago.

Michelle brings her husband, Paul (Grinnel Morris) with her, to show Natalie she can still get on with her life.   Natalie recalls she didn't hear anything, meaning she was probably kept underground.   Paul was a bit of an obvious suspect since the question many would ask is why he married her to begin with.   Gillian leaves and is attacked by the copycat, with Cal and Ben arriving too late.   Why no warning call to Gillian?   In hospital, Cal suggests she should rest but she wants to continue like he did, it was fine for him to carry on after being beaten, but she can't.   Ria calls Cal wanting to bring Michelle in to confront Andrew. He refuses and she does it anyway.   Cal forces his way into the room and asks Michelle to leave.   Then he and Ria argue in front of Andrew and he even spits on her whilst shouting.   Andrew comments Cal is angry cos she didn't listen to him.   Cal overturns a table and gets a photo from Ben showing Camille is dead.

They're too late and the copycat has gone over Andrew's head by killing his Vic.   Eli notices Andrew's heart rate increase.   The photo isn't real, Cal had Ben make it up beforehand, so Andrew would be over confident.   Gillian explains Ria was the 'long con' so Cal didn't give himself away in prison after all, it was his plan.   Milo has a video from Andrew's parole hearing, where they see Paul lose his temper immediately.   Gillian says real anger builds up gradually and on close-up, Paul reveals being in admiration of Andrew, his mentor.   Paul's real name is Leo Carty and he began writing to Andrew.   He married Michelle to be closer to Andrew and his "work."

Paul's an estate agent and Ben hunts for properties with basements.   They find Camille still alive and also Paul.   Ria is upset she was used by Cal and asks if they're ready to break away yet.   Cal replies she's still got a lot to learn yet.   Cal has been given a retainer by the FBI and wants Ben on his team, as he doesn't have anyone as security especially after what happened to Gillian.  Cal 'analyzes' Ben too but he doesn't have a choice, the decision's already been made.   Ben still maintains he works for the FBI.   Not really he doesn't.   Just goes to show what Cal wants Cal gets and he always gets his own way.

Cal demonstrates yet more manipulation on his part, not only of Andrew who he fools into giving himself away by showering him into a false sense of security; but also with Ria, as he gives her orders he knows she'll go against and barks at her when she does exactly that.   Then after all that she's still not ready to go out on her own.   As his darker side is on display much more than usual with Ben also, as he's brought him to the team without even discussing it with him first.  His gentler side is only visible with Gillian to whom he's tender and caring after she gets beaten.

Gillian: "I'll be on my cell."
Cal: "If you need me...cos normally you add, 'if you need me'...  you think I blew it in prison."
Gillian: "I'm not blaming you..he's out of jail, he's getting all this attention.   We are fulfilling his every fantasy."
Cal: "By 'we' you mean me."  Seems like that' one conversation with Gillian where he won't win the argument but with everyone else they have to do what they're told.   Finally the show seems to be finding its feet with episodes of this standard.

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