
Sunday 20 May 2012

Stargate Atlantis - 5.8: "The Queen" Review

Teyla goes on a dangerous mission infiltrating an enemy hive disguised as a Wraith queen after undergoing Wraith surgery in order to ensure Todd agrees to gene therapy for his hive.

Teyla (Rachel Luttrell) is on a diplomatic mission meeting with the Wraith.   Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) has never seen a hive in space before.   Jennifer (Jewel Staite) comments she's never seen a Wraith before.   Rodney (David Hewlett) forever the pessimist is certain they'll get double crossed now.   Sheppard: "This looks a little familiar." Todd (Christopher Heyerdahl) tells his crew to lower their weapons.   Sheppard (forever eying food and chicks) takes a gander at the fruit now.  "Fruit bowl, nice touch."  The Wraith thinking that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, ha.  

Jennifer talks about Michael's lab and their success against  Michael spreading the Wraith virus, for which the Wraith are grateful.  Sheppard says they didn't do it for Todd.   Jennifer then explains gene therapy so Wraiths will never have to feed on humans again.   They have organs to digest food.   Sheppard throws him a piece of fruit..   Jennifer says they can change and enjoy their food.  Sheppard mentions the chance to stop waiting to kill Todd, in theory and not feeding on humans will be good for them.  Jennifer needs to test the therapy on lab subjects.

Rodney mentions the Hoffan drug administered to millions of humans so when they feed, the Wraith are always in danger.  Ronon (Jason Mamoa) is certain they shouldn't be here in the first place.   Sheppard expected more resistance from Todd but something's happening here.   Todd wants them to make the treatment work and converting one hive will be pointless.   He also admits to exaggerating his position in the Alliance.   Sheppard knows he's no good to them now.   They must convince the primary queen and the others will follow.   Problem: she will only speak with another queen.   Well that was her downfall.

Sheppard feels Todd must convince them they still have a queen and Todd wants Teyla to play their queen.   Teyla agrees to undergo surgery as the position is reversible, leading to them saving people instead of feeding on them if the treatment is successful.   Sheppard didn't want her to risk her life before and now he objects.   Teyla replies she has Wraith DNA and there's no one else, but why come up with this plan now?   Sheppard would be happy to just back and watch the Wraith kill each other.  Teyla isn't happy with that since many people are alive today who will be culled soon.   So if she can save them she will and also do this for her son.

Todd arrives.   Jennifer thinks she pushed Teyla into it cos of her research.   Ronon threatens Todd, there's nowhere for him to hide if he harms Teyla.   Todd: "Is that all?"  He's a technical advisor for Jennifer to perform surgery.   Rodney's uptight as he had three cups of coffee.   Doesn't explain Rodney usually being uptight all the time.  Ha.    Ronon:  "hadn't noticed Rodney was uptight."   Todd teaches Teyla how to act like a queen.   She must never show weakness.   Rodney thinks she's convincing and she replies under it all, she's still herself.   Ronon is happy the Wraith "getting their asses kicked."

The primary queen (Apollonia Vanova) tells Teyla many thought the queen of Todd's hive didn't exist.   Teyla wants her to point them out so she can remove their doubts.   Todd believes the primary likes her.   The ship leaves hyperspace away from his hive and weapons.   Ronon trigger happy as always; pulls out his gun when he finds this out.   They have to trust each other.   Teyla hates surprises.   Todd kills the primary and puts the knife in Teyla's hands to make it seem she killed her.   Power changes hands in this way with the Wraith and she must convince the hive she's a worthy replacement.   Teyla takes over convincingly.   The primary would not accept their proposal, their culture is different to humans.   The Wraith want to be ruled and are weak without a queen.   She controls the Alliance and they can start treatment.

Sheppard calls the second in command of the hive, Kenny (Tyler McClendon) and Rodney suggests they return to Atlantis.   They receive Todd's subspace transmitter signal and the hive of another Alliance seen on their feeding ground.   Todd says they must remain here.   The commander (Richard Zeman) is suspicious of Teyla and Todd and she needs to respond.   Sheppard thinks they need a diversion and attacks the other ship.   Teyla, meanwhile orders the attack on the Wraith hive.   She's not displaying any weakness.   Darts must be deployed.   Todd thinks she's doing this out of revenge just to destroy Wraith.

Sheppard thinks if they could get to the nearest gate then they could take the jumper.   Sheppard goes in and the ship is destroyed.   He flies the jumper into the hive and fires on the patrol.   They're caught yet again.   Sheppard is taken to the queen and he has a plan to get them out, just like Rodney in 5.3.   The commander listens to them - obviously someone had to eavesdrop.  Todd saves Teyla from him and she leaves Todd behind as her commander.   Things must settle down before he mentions the treatment.   Teyla will be watching him and if he steps out of line, she'll return.   Seems that 'powertrip' went to her head.   Sheppard has no desires to feed on anything and what she did took courage.   Todd is 'leader' of the Alliance but she has control over all the Alliance.

Plenty of insights into the Wraith this episode and their culture, demonstrating how ruthlessly power changes hands in the various hives.   Though of course they are merciless and cruel and take no prisoners (unless it's the Atlantis team.)  Todd showing a particular example of power play in killing the primary queen.   The Wraith's killing comes as a bit of a shock to Teyla when really she knows firsthand what they're capable of.   I think her shock was more to do with the potential double cross Todd undertook in using her to secure his future influence over the Alliance.

The team seemed unprepared for any uncertainties or surprises Todd may have had up his sleeve or Wraith feeding hand.   That he may be using them as a means to an end.   They were too willing to trust a Wraith, but credit to Ronon for always making his suspicion and distrust known, as did Rodney.   Teyla manages to hold her own.   She was alone and anything could have happened, which it did.   Fun to watch Rodney express his doubts over everything going wrong most especially with Teyla in the room and Sheppard having to diffuse his negativity.

When the jumper docks with the hive ship, Sheppard reminisces about the scene being familiar with Todd and his firepower on show, as this was similar to Be All my Sins Remember'd.

Rodney: "If history's taught us anything, this is the part where we get double crossed and taken prisoner."  Oh what foresight Rodney!..  Of course this happened, but later rather than sooner.

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