
Sunday 20 May 2012

Doctor Who - 5.5: "Flesh and Stone" Review

The weeping angels wreak yet more havoc as the Doctor attempts to save them form their clutches and Amy from turning to stone and dying in the process, having to deal with the Crack in Amy's wall too.

They all jumped on the Doctor's (Matt Smith) say so and end up on the other side of the catacombs.   Only they're in the same place they were before cos of the anti-gravity function of the ship.   The statues resemble angels and they're feeding off the ship since the ship crashed with the power still on.  They jump into the corridor of the ship, he thought about the gravity failing, which means they'll fall.   Doctor: "See I thought about it."  The angels advance and the Doctor tells them they have to put out the lights in order for him to open the door.  They must look at the angels anywhere but not at their eyes.   River (Alex Kingston) trusts him completely.   "I absolutely trust him."  She says that twice.   Who's she trying to convoince.   The Doctor is only working with them since he doesn't know who River is.   She's the only one who can manage the Doctor.   Octavian (Iain Glen)) threatens to tell the Doctor who River really is if he loses anymore men.   Well he lost men but the threat didn't become real.

They shoot at the angels and manage to squeeze through the other door.   Would have been exciting if at least the angels had got hold of one of the Clerics here, they just seemed to approach but do nothing.  Octavian magnetized the wheel so no angels can get in, but they attempt it.   The Doctor shows them the forest on the ship, as it needs to breathe.  He calls it an "escape route." Amy's (Karen Gillan) counting down from ten.   The Doctor calls it "a forest in a bottle on a spaceship in a maze.   Have I impressed you yet, Amy Pond."  Amy replies, "seven."

Bob (David Atkins) radios in: the angels want all of the ship's energy and then all the universe.   Bob tells him Amy has "the angels in her eye."The Doctor realizes Amy is counting down.   The Crack appears and Bob comments the Doctor and the TARDIS haven't noticed.  Flashback to episode 1, about space and time not touching.  The others leave the ship and head into the forest.  He asks what the Crack is.  Doctor: "Do not blink." He's grabbed by one of the angels, at least he gets his jacket caught and then leaves it behind when he escapes their clutches.   He tells Bob the Crack isn't power, it's "the fire at the end of the universe and I'll tell you something else, never let me talk." Escaping them.

River says 'if he's dead she'll never forgive herself and if if he's not, she'll never forgive him.'  River: "Doctor you're standing right behind me." River scans Amy.   River: "I hate you." Doctor: "You don't."  He says Amy is dying, she watched an angel, as long as the eyes are open they can get inside.   Amy's got an angel in her mind.   Bob explains the angel is making her count for fun, so that she fells afraid.   The Doctor posits if it was a real screen, they'd kill the power, so they must starve the angel.  Amy needs to close her eyes.   She stops counting down and he saves her, which makes a change as it's been Amy to the rescue the past episodes.   Since her countdown is over, she can't open her eyes.

They need to find the primary flightdeck so he'll "do a thing,"  like he always does.  Octavian must accompany River and the Doctor asks if they're engaged.   He replies, "Yes in a manner of speaking."  The Doctor always comes back, he must leave Amy now and she has to learn to trust him.  He asks if she remembers what he told her when she was seven, she must remember.   Amy can't.  The doctor says one bang and every moment in history will crack.   Octavian released River from Stormcage and he's legally responsible for her.  The Doctor knows the date of the explosion when the crack will explode.   (See the episode's end.)  River asks about those who can't read base code.   River knows time is running out.  The Doctor asks what if that could happen.

The Crack appears in the forest.   Doctor says the Crack's time is running out and Amy didn't recognize the Daleks.   Again repeating "time can be rewritten."  Amy opens her eyes long enough to look at the Crack.  Amy asks the clerics about the others but he didn't send anyone to check out the Crack.   That's exactly what the Doctor said about Amy not recalling the Daleks.  The Doctor recalls the Cyberman running around Victorian London and no one remembers it happening around him and he hasn't noticed.  Octavian is caught by an angel and the Doctor has to leave him there.

 Amy is left all alone as she was when she was little.   Octavian warns the Doctor can't trust River and he's said more than he should have.   The Doctor asks why she was in prison.  Octavian: "she killed a man, a good man."  He has to ask, "Who did she kill?" The first time I watched this episode, I said River killed the Doctor: he's the 'good man' - also he sort of answered his own questions when he asks "Who" River killed.  Which is why in season 6, I said that the Doctor knows he's going to be killed all along, that's why he sent out the invites in 6.1, as only he would have done so.   As well as the episode title to 6.7 A Good Man Goes to War.

The Doctor explains that the light is "time running out." He was wrong to leave Amy there and has to direct her back to them - alone.   The angels can just kill her.   If time energy catches up to Amy, she will never have been born and it will "erase her existence." Which is what will happen to him at season's end.   Explaining the time energy will feed on the angels.   They need to feed the time energy something big which will stop it for a while, "like me for instance!" (Again the season finale.)  Amy is surrounded by angels and she has to walk through them.   River got the transporter working and beams Amy aboard.  Doctor: "River song, I could bloody kiss you."  River replies "Maybe when you're older." (Like in season 6.)

Bob advises the Doctor should throw himself into the rupture in time and then everyone can be saved, including the angels.  River: "You're not going to die here." Cos she knows where and when and by whose hand too.  The Doctor notices the angels are drawing all the power, they've forgotten about gravity.   The angels are sucked in the Crack, which disappears from the ship - but only for a moment, as we know.   The angel in her memory never existed, but Amy remembers it all.   Amy's a time traveller which changes how she sees the universe forever.   There was an explosion causing the Crack out there "somewhere in time." River was going to save him by throwing herself into the Crack.

River asks if it has to end this way - a ship will beam her up and she might get a pardon this time.   The Doctor questions her about killing the man, "a good man."  River; "A very good man, best man I've ever known."
Doctor: "Who?" Again with the 'who'.
River: "The story has to be lived."  He'll see her again when the Pandorica opens, which the Doctor calls a fairytale.  "Aren't we all." Answers River.   They were so flirting.  
Doctor: "Can I trust you River Song?"

River: "If you like but where's the fun in that?"  The Doctor goes on about time being re-written again.   Amy wants to return home and tells him about her engagement ring.   He's running from River and she's also running.   She ran away with a strange man.   He asks who she's marrying, the "good-looking one or the other one." (Meaning Rory.) (Arthur Darvill) Pointing to his nose.   He was good too.   Made her think about WHO she wants and they smooch, Amy throwing herself at him.   He fobs her off as best he can, he doesn't get older and he changes.   He realizes finally, everything is about her (which is what I said.)

River mentions the base code of the universe: 26.06.10.  Date for the season 5 finale in the UK.   When the Pandorica opens.

SO knew Amy was just gagging to smooch the Doctor since the first episode and she's not backward in coming forward either.  She was a kissogram after all and wouldn't be shy chasing the Doc in her own brash way.   But to kiss him and find he's not interested.   She also watched him changing clothes in the opener too.   Her wedding date is the explosion in time, which causes the cracks in time, but why her?  Cos the Doctor came to her.

Reference to the fact Amy couldn't recall events that occurred in The Stolen Earth and Journey's End.   The Doctor mentioning the duck pond without any ducks was from the season 5 opener and the Cyberking in Victorian London was from the Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Next Doctor with David Tennant.   The Pandorica was also mentioned by Prisoner Zero in the season 5 opener, The Eleventh Hour.

When the Doctor comforts Amy in the forest, he's wearing his jacket and asks her to recall what he told her when she was seven, but he didn't have his jacket when he escaped the angels in the ship.   He left it behind.  His watch is also different.   (Next episode he's wearing his gold wristwatch.)  In the season 5 finale, this will be explained as the Doctor being here from a different time line, so Amy would remember him when his own time line was beginning to erase.

The beach scenes were filmed at Southerndown, Wales and was seen in the past episode, Bad Wolf Bay.   Where the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) left his double with Rose (Billie Piper.)  SO just think the Tenth Doctor's double is still out there with his face.

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