Sunday, 8 September 2024

Death Walker 4.6 "Haunted Frontier House"

Lewiston, New York State is ten mins from Niagara Falls.  Some famous structures include the Frontier House frontier and was built in 1824 by Ben Barton who died in 1942 and was recognized as one of the finest hotels in New York.  Ten stagecoaches arrived carrying many famous people such as Charles Dickens.  It had been used as hotels, boarding house establishment and a museum.  In 1973 there was a fire and one dining was room destroyed.  In 1977 it was taken over by the McDonald's franchise which closed in 2004.  Next 19 years a development bought it and will complete the renovations soon.  Workers who were remodelling found tools and other materials disappearing before their eyes.  An employee sees a woman's silhouette.  One worker fell and died and they buried his body in the basement.  He was buried to cover up the wrong doing.  In 1836 Niagara County Freemason William Morgan said he'd write a book exposing their ways.  Morgan would be breaking his Masonic vows.  William was kidnapped and never heard from again.  Fifty four men were questioned of his disappearance and none were ever charged or were given lenient sentences.  Rumours were abound that Morgan was drowned in the Niagara River but they insisted he was given money to leave to Canada and never return.  

Lands have seen the 1812 War and of  America Revolutionary War.  Fort Niagara down the road and was the end of the underground railroad.  the last stage where the slaves crossed over into Canada. William Morgan threatened to expose their secrets.  Concocted a conspiracy to silence him.  The carriage stopped and he was shackled and then was put on another carriage itself.  People refused to touch the carriage and it rotted there.  It's still there and it's just invisible.  He either drowned, or was paid money.  A body washed onto Lake Ontario and was determined to be Morgan, despite a woman claiming he was her husband.  No way to see if it was Morgan.  Another person opened the store and saw a woman at the bottom of the upstairs and the woman was in period costume and was standing there and no one should've been there at the time.  

Energy can't be created or destroyed and many people came through the house and could their energy have been here.  Poltergeist activity has occurred and the energy and trauma that Morgan experienced was that part of this building here and from the underground railway too.  Co-workers spoke of the experience with the woman and another man saw the same woman here and he asked if could help and she replied she was waiting for someone.  Hear voices and from outside they'd see curtains moving from the window.  A weird feeling of being watched.

Tessa saw imprints and visions from the past.  She saw souls staring at her from the walls and she has to connect with them to let them tell their stories.  She has to make contact with them to determine more.  Did "enter here" come through or was it Angela??  Soldiers fought here and died, not much of anything comes through and a voice says "there is" some energy still here.  "Death comes through again.  "I was...killed" after Nick asks if he died here.  Was that the man who was buried here by those workers?

Tessa feels a vibe upstairs and here too.  Upstairs is very positive and sense of family, laughter and downstairs she senses a vendetta.  She's angry, anxious.  Somebody or a soul here who/s angry.  A tapping sound comes through.  A bang on the wall.  Tessa heard psychically was that they planned this like a secret conversation.  Tessa says he didn't fall and die this way.  Another tapping.  A man is communicating with us?  "Yes...hurt."  Nick comes through.  ""  Nick is heard again.  Tessa says something was covered up and sees a hand going over somebody's face, telling him he can't speak.  He wants to hit things and feels aggravated.  Nick gets goosebumps.  He feels like he just walked through someone.  Nick says perhaps they disposed of his body somewhere else, but some object of his is hidden here.  "Yeah" they're standing where it was buried.  "Dig."  And "help me..."  She saw water and took a part of him and purposely put it here to make a point.  They need to move and he's showing them pieces of the puzzle.  "Taken."  She heard a woman saying she's a family member.

There's another time period and the woman's on a different plane.  She's part of the family.  Is this the woman in the period dress who was seen by the workers here.  When she said she was waiting for someone??  Tessa doesn't like the space behind Nick.  Where the door is.  Nick asks if there's someone in the room.  She saw pieces of him in different places.  She hears he's in there when Nick opened the door.  Someone is in there?  "Yeah" is heard.  

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