Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Death Walker 4.11 "Haunted Stagecoach Inn"

Palmyra Old Stage Coach Inn was established in 1810 by the township with immigrants from Wales.  Francis Lewis built the two story Palmyra Central Hotel.  The inns and hotels were meeting houses for politicians and noteworthy people. A luxurious stopover and guests ranged from from Abraham Lincoln to Buffalo Bill.  Home to business and had tavern saloon secret rooms which were constructed and used by the underground railroad.  Francis Lewis operated it for years and shipped meat to Cincinnati.  As fraternal knights claimed the hotel in 1888 and the brotherhood was founded by Justice H Rathbone in Washington DC.  A spirit of brotherhood.  Knights Pythias opened doors to the homeless and many people had lost their lives in the old inn.  Knights kept property until the 1990's.  

Douglas brought it and had paranormal experiences.  He left the property and other groups reported feelings of being watched, as well as disembodied voices, spirit apparitions.  Inn witnessed many good and tragic events and then the underground railroad days.  Other unknown presences will make contact with Nick.  Douglas saw the building and a man had a terrible accident and after he bought it, his wife didn't want him buying it.  She came here and they went round the back where the building was dilapidated.  

Uses micro radar detector ghost coffin and magnetic light strips.  The light panels he hopes will be activated.  "Help" comes through.  "There is" a woman trying to communicate.  Many voices come through.  He asks if Tom is here, he used to investigate the building.  Nick feels electricity through his body.  A woman needs help; he asks who she is?  What year is it?  He asks if they know if they're dead?  "Hit in the head."  They do already know they're dead as that always comes through.  A door opens by itself when they're not anywhere near it.  There's no wind around.  A man and woman keep coming through.  "Talk to me..."   Is there anyone here on their journey, I heard "me I am."  Someone says they were stabbed.  15, 50, 3, 8 numbers comes through when he asks how many died here?  Trapped here.  

Energy is in the darkness, anomalies in the basement.  "Light" comes through twice.  Nick  asks if they form as light, the energy that moves through light.  Hiding, escaping or tried to get out of the norm and all the emotions and energy at the time, the fear so they wouldn't get captured or killed there when using the underground railroad.  Intelligent spirit voices come through.  They moved through the area and asks for the door to be closed again.  Can hear "sure...yes."  

 Justin leaves whilst Nick remains alone.  I miss the time when he'd sleep over alone.  The energy changes and finds it more creepy.  The tripwire sounds but nothing is captured or seen on camera.  Footsteps are heard on the third floor.  The trip wire goes off again.  Was that 1856 that came through.  Energy of intelligent communication and residual, opening doors, history of death that occurred.  Others opening the door and communicating and history continues with this communication they're documenting right now.  

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