Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Ghost Adventures "LA Hospital of Horror"

Historic investigation where Zak feels their vehicles are symbolic reps of the armour they'll need of the danger they're about to face.  The historic Los Angeles Hospital will be explored, one floor at a time and two days to investigate.  Special permission to be here.  He and Jay will be interviewing.  Billy and Aaron will investigate Floor 5.  Next day they'll go over their findings and will lead to Floor 15: with the most death.  Late 1800's when the plan was conceived but wasn't constructed until the late 1930's, when the hospital was built for the city's growing population.  Later the LA Hospital had been an overshadow for others.  Abandoned today, it's no longer the hospital but they will investigate many floors with the most death.  A highly active "coloasal tomb erupting with residual energy.  The likes of which we've never encountered."

Speaks with Robert.  He just says there were always bodies there and the wards were always full.  Many bodies were put on the gurney and they'd be put into the back of a truck, no respect was shown.  So much death.  Speaks with Timothy who on 27th April 1974, a friend of his sister were neighbours and were having a party and a man in his late '20's hit him and stabbed him with an icepick.  He was brought here and they had to operate and was told to clench his fist and grit his teeth and they placed a tube in his mouth and a scalpel in his body.  Were doing surgery without anaesthetic.  Was told he was in pain.  Civil War soldiers got whiskey.  Zak says he was tortured.   His spirit left his body, he saw and heard them and said he probably wouldn't make it.  He prayed to God and he heard a voice saying he'll be helping others. Hhe took up a life in the ministry.  He believes demons and spirits hang around where so much death.  

Zak says this could be bad if they're not careful.  Jay finds research and asks if this demonic force could have been here for years??  Feeding off the pain and suffering and lashing out at the weak.  Timothy says he believes the bad thing could be exposed and they could be targets.  Zak says they can't go through all the records.  Many deaths were preventable.  Jay said they weren't reporting all the statistics.  Maria died in a room with staph.  Many patients shouldn't have died and were just neglected.  

Billy and Aaron say the floor looks like a horror movie.  They see a flashing light, a call light and the rooms are rooms 50 and 20.  Zak says are trapped spirits, could be asking for help.  Billy shows the evidence they gathered.  They caught the call lights at the nurses station.  Room 20 and 50.  Aaron heard a voice trying to speak.  An anomaly goes into Aaron's throat.  Cries for help could just be residual energy or spirits trapped by the malevolent entity.  

Floor 15 the surgical floor where the most death was seen.  Jay and Jeff conduct experiments on the 5th floor.  They hear an alarm beeping.  A light anomaly moves from out of the floor on the XLS.  A black mass then enters and leaves.  They don't know where the alarm is from.  They ask if anyone needs help.  It's cold over the table.  Anomalies are caught around Billy.  Three beeps are heard as Zak tells it it can't be here.  Then they ask for the beeps again.  The EMF detector falls off or could have been pushed.  A voice says "it hurts."  Singing is heard down the hall, sounds like a child.  Zak uses a linear microphone.  Zak falls into a hole and says he'll be okay as he's in a hospital.  Zak hears a male voice.  Aaron asks why there's a shackle and a mouse.

Zak uses a new ITC device, a transmitter and receiver to the device so they can communicate.  Something touches Zak's ear and touches Billy.  Like a needle on the back of the neck.  A voice says "tried to disrupt him, or touch him."  "Feel like he set me up here, or sent me up here."  In a hallway he asks if they need help.  Zak wants Aaron to go into the room but it doesn't lock shut.  Billy hears a door move and then catches a bag disappear through it, like it was pulled from the other side of the door.  He says the bag looks like it was sucked back behind it.  

Jay and Jeff don't find much going on here.  Use a motion activated robot and will try to communicate.  The robot speaks to something in the room.  The robot falls over or is knocked over.  Jeff uses new software where he'll find if the person is male or female and their age, within 5 years.  Jay asks if it has a name.  It says "yes,"  Jay feels funny.  The camera shuts off and the light on Jeff's laptop appears to be pulled off to the ground.  The X camera catches a mist by the other camera where the light was thrown.  

Zak: "Evidence has shown us there's much more to their lives than their last breath, the anomalies, the audio captures and the unexplained Poltergeist activity."  Yes we know that.  The hospital has been the backdrop for the filming of many movies and shows here. 

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