Thursday, 5 October 2023

Death Walker 3.17 "The Mountain Clinic"


Nick comments how most people don't like to think or talk about death as a reality but we will die one day.  In the US, 60% die in hospitals and 20% at home.  Many vacant hospitals are hotspots for paranormal activity with people dying unexpectedly.  Here at the Mountain Clinic many former hospital fixtures are real and the original wooden morgue table in the basement.  Built in one year for $1000,000.  There are 35 beds, 10 private rooms and 2 semi private rooms.  Each with a lab and modern equipment.  During the second year over 1,000 patients admitted in the main building and this was enlarged in 1919.  Maternity ward was added and a ward for men.  Dr Ruth Mallen was the first female dentist.

 Nick from his years of investigations has found that odd things occur in places where people died especially in hospitals where spirits don't want to move on, due to their passing negative spirits in the employees and visitors.  Paranormal activity including disembodied voices and things moving by themselves.  There are doctors and nurses wandering the house, as well as aggressive poltergeist activity and he wants to make contact with the spirits who have chosen to stay here for their reasons.  Spirits of doctors and nurses still remain and taunt the old mountain hospital.  Saw an imprint when a former nurse walked through the clinic and moved to the basement morgue.  Quietest place at the hospital.   A book keeper saw all the paperwork boxes emptied and everything was on floor and cabinets were open.  The book keeper left the office.  Mopping floors and speaking with worker the bucket rolled by itself.  In the basement, can feel someone walking behind them.  Can hear whispering.  On the second floor and heard slippers on the hall but no one was there and it was after dark.  Neighbours have seen shadows across the windows.  The Mountain Clinic morgue were the dead were embalmed in the basement.  Can see the imprints on the table.  A family called mentioning a nurse who worked here in the 1940's and had birthing skills upstairs and was transferred in the morgue and they got emotional.

Nick wants to know where the energy goes when a person dies.  He can see the stains on the table.  He says it's creepy walking here with so many people here and being operated on.  Did "accident" come though.  "Awakened" is heard.  Nick asks if that's what happened when they passed.  "Yes" comes through after he asks if they died there.  Nick asks how they can hear him from the reality or the other side they're on.  He doesn't understand how they can hear  him as he can only hear them or is he a ghost and they're living right now.  "You are" meaning Nick's the ghost, possibly.  Disease took his life "yes."  TB was a problem here.  "My throat."  "I hate it...medics."  Justin feels something pull on his jacket and nothing like that's happened to him before and he was pulled back.  "Yes" after he asks if something pulled on his jacket. A woman answers "me."  

Follow the path of the people who died here and brought to the morgue.  He tries to connect mentally with them and try to communicate from this side to the other.  Bodies that died on the table and uses REM sleep enhancer to connect with whatever's lingering.  Justin leaves the building and Nick wears the ghost helmet.  He felt the energy of someone who died here and could see nurses at the same time.  He feels drained and oppressive, the energy is draining.   He was exhausted as something was affecting his throat and was closing it up and could see nurses on the table and feels that the energy was emotionally captured and the body was dead but the energy was still lingering.  He felt the same energy as the spirit coming through saying his throat hurt earlier on.

Important to investigate during the day as it was a full functioning hospital during the day.  A sound is heard upstairs on the third floor in the surgical suite.  He uses the shadow detection device but nothing comes through.  "Yeah" after he asks if he's laying on the bed.  A mysterious echo-y voice like a woman.  Nick asks who's standing there.  Nick says something was thrown at Justin and hit him.  In the same place where his jacket was pulled.  A loud bang is heard like a door slamming.  "Patient" after Nick asks if it banged on the wall.  "Wall" comes through.  Intelligent voices coming through during the day and night and he's picking up the energy of these people.  He asks if the nurse he saw is still here in the morgue.  Nick visually saw her working on the patients when he slept here during the night.  Another banging is heard.  Nick wants them to help him figure out what happens when they die, where the energy goes?  Do you know that you're dead?  "Megan" comes through.  Then "Nick's down here." 

"I hate..."  Nick asks if it's a continuation of energy where they feel they have to stay here working.  "I work..."   "I did..." work here.  Nick gets pushed in the back and hears a voice in his ear at the same time.  He felt a hand on his back.  "I just did" comes through.  "I hate this..."  Sounds like a jumble of voices coming through.  The device goes off.  "Yeah..." pushed him.  Same as Justin and his jacket.  Shadow figures, phantom footsteps, disembodied voices all show a continuing cycle of life but hauntings intrigue him.  Nick feels people are trying to help people and the tragic deaths occurred here from passing away.  The physical energy and consciousness remains here and that's what people experience here.  

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