Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Death Walker 3.14 "The Tall Man"

The historic Iron Island so called as it is surrounded by railroad tracks on all sides was 1883 built as a church building and abandoned in the 1940's then bought for a funeral home for fifty years.  Donated in August 2000 to the Iron Island Preservation Society for displaying items and artefacts.  There are twenty four human remains in paint cans in the basement and eight unclaimed bodies belonged to soldiers, one of whom was Edgar, who married and settled down in Buffalo.  He was buried but he still haunts the museum's attic.  One of the most haunted museums in America conduct tours with paranormal teams.  Many TV series have conducted research and captured evidence.  The building is haunted by many visitors, disembodied voices, shadow figures.  One of them is the tall man.  A haunted mirror allows different spirits to come and go.  People believe they are doors to other dimensions.  The tall man uses it as a dimensional rift to enter and interact with the living and Nick believes he could he be an inter dimensional being.  Tessa visited the museum years ago and contacted a 6 year old boy who had his funeral in the 1960's.  Trying to figure out why he chooses to haunt here and how he got here.

The Preservation Society here was started as the neighbourhood was deteriorating.  Marge walked in the front door and felt a presence around her.  Was a good feeling and found it was her son who died at 6 of pneumonia.  Jimmy goes home with her.  Patrick talks of hauntings from children to negative spirits and some kind of a doorway for transient spirits.  Seen shadow figures and head towards folding doors.  A man on a tour got scratched across  his forehead.  Investigator was pushed from behind.  He saw a tall shadow figure with a cloak/hat on.  Many people here and spirits come through here.  A man was seen in the front hall and he had a hat on and red eyes.  Shadows seen in childrens' room.  Seen in the attic and watches people.  Something came off of someone's chest.  Noises heard from the attic and in the military room and stomping near their chairs.  A man and woman talking through the wall and was howling.  Nick caught screaming coming through the Geobox.  Ten shadow figures seen in the  chapel and called for Scott and when he arrived they made room for him to walk to the alter and then vanished.  

Tessa sees the little boy and he sees them and enters another room.  Nick uses a Tesla Forever audio device and Nick wants to draw the energy and see if he's affected personally and understand how they were as people.  Conscious energy of people here so many emotions here since it was a church and a funeral home.  Are residual energies and intelligent too.  'T' names are here like Tom or Todd.  Tessa protected herself before entering the building as pregnant with their son, Luciano.  A boy's voice comes through.  Did he say "help"??  Two names with a 'J' James or John and the 'T' name.  "Tessa" comes through and so does "Nick" many times, at least over four.  The man can say her name.  She sees a shadow man there.  The man is on edge and is watching them.  Nick asks if there's a man there?  "Yes."  Nick asks what happens when you die?  The boy doesn't want to come here.  He's playing with them.

The boy and the shadow man stay away from each other like they're in their own space.  Some intelligent energy when they die and multiple things happen, Nick believes this happens when you die.  Was that "me" or something in a child's voice again.  When Nick asks if the shadow man is there.  In the basement Tessa coughs and a feels a tense energy around her.  Could be the entity that died in the fire here.  No one mentioned a fire here before.  She felt like being in smoke and her eyes were blurry.  Tessa leaves.

Nick asks them to use the mirror as their doorway.  Nick comes through and he feels cold behind his back.  A spirit is behind him.  "Yes."  "Lingering."  A female comes through crying.  "Red" comes through.  Frequencies of vibrations are being used by the voices.  Something is standing next to him "yeah."  "Mirror" comes through.   "Thirty..."  Name of shadow man something like "Theirry" then leave"????  Layers and layers with the history of different emotions of people from the funeral home and a church and all emotions contained here.  In a melting pod of energetic emotions.  Can almost sense the spirits and he wonders about the mirror and how it holds energy of the present, past, future, a void of whoever looks into the mirror.  Space doesn't exist and become encompassed by your own world.

In the attic he sets up an experiment to visually document the image of the shadow man.  Obviously he wouldn't come through and the meter didn't go off either,  The Geobox is much better.  "Shadow man here he is...seen me."  "I'm in here...he's watching...crawl space...hidden...."  "I did...funeral home."  He worked here then.  Nick feels the oppressiveness from the darkness.  Feels him lurking and as he understands the energies and he can observe the residual and intelligent energies.  In the old part of the church.  He stays in the shadows so wouldn't appear.  "Nick's here...I know you..."  that's why they don't show themselves.  They know why he's here.  "The Man."  "Shadow..."  Nick says he's been here before it was a church.  Did he work in the basement and do all the embalming?    Laugh comes through.  "Shadowman."  "A man."  He gives information of the other dimension, what happens when you die?  "Move on..."  Nick feels burning down his spine.  Wonders if the Shadowman is part of the funeral home and there is residual and intelligent still continuing with the objects and they continue in the afterlife of another dimension.  Shadow man controlling and watching and he gets angry when people come in his space.  History, energy emotions and he believes it continues in the afterlife.  New information was received  by investigating this location and that multiple things happen when you die and this is just the beginning of life after death.  

Portals To Hell 2.4 Iron Island Museum with Katrina Weidman and Jack Osborne were amongst the TV shows that Nick didn't mention when he said that shows investigated here.  

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