Friday, 25 August 2023

Ghost Adventures "Terror in Tempe"

Tempe, Arizona the building investigated was an old creamery and now a brewery.  In the back is an old storage room where a very dark entity resides and attacks them.  The current owner, Andy, saw a spirit of the former superintendent of the creamery.  Victor Vogel told him there was a spirit that tried to kill him.  Zak gets the thermal camera and saw a vision where he thought he was talking to someone.  The building is teaming with activity.  He wants whatever's malicious to stop attacking people.  Billy and Aaron investigate the other side of the building.  The deeper into the building he goes, he feels like he loses his sense of time.  He envisions someone screaming "get out of here" at him.  He asks if the building is built on land that cold be cursed.  In 1892 it was first an ice plant and creamery until the early 1950's.  Tragedy was around the factory.  In the mid 1990's the brewery took it over and increased its operation.  An ancient tribe's culture was discovered on this land and the activity has increased.

People say that Victor Vogel, the former superintendent, has caused them to have encounters.  Carter knows of Andy and his conversation with a ghost.  The employee says he was on the late night shift and he saw two shoes when sweeping and saw an old man standing there telling him he died, almost, in the cylindrical tank and the large vats on the floor and a mixer was turned on.  As the big mixer turned and he lay at the bottom for hours crying for help.  The blade was nearer to his nose.  He saw the man in a photo and still looked the same.  Someone or something tried to kill him.  Whatever pushed the button could be terrifying people today.  Other workers have been seeing spirits.  People being pushed more.  A tour guide saw someone in a white dress shirt and Victor's family said he used to wear a white dress shirt.  Room 120 is the one with the darkest entities.  The room behind it is where Anthony lives and he doesn't like people in his space.  He runs up to you and that's what Zak said he felt,  Zak's visions confirmed by Carter.  The aggravated entity could be Anthony.  He could be someone who died by a tribe over a century ago or an entity seeking retribution for the desecration of its land. 

Psychic medium, Pam refuses to go back into the back room.  Was dark in there and felt someone in her face saying "get the f*ck out".  Out of respect she didn't go in.  She felt threatened by the spirit.  The remains of the ancient civilization found under the building.  Zak feels scared to go there.  He says he doesn't remember saying someone was rushing him, but he told Carter that and Andy just before.  Wants to capture Victor's spirit.  She goes into the entity room with Billy and the XLS.  A black ball comes in and goes over her head.  "Synn" comes through.  What's inside with Pam and Billy?  "God" comes through.  "Next stop."  "Plate, Palace" too.  A spike of energy surges through his body.  Aaron thinks it's connected to Zak.  Was this palace haunted?  "Can't stand up."  There are plates by the door and a room.  A stick figure sits on the chair and grows bigger towards the ceiling.   Billy tells Zak about the black ball.  Billy sees the visions as what they caught at the Washoe Club.  "Boss ain't hittin' on me" also comes through.  

Thermal and full spectrum camera.  They believe the voice was Victor's.  Footsteps are heard and a breathy "ssh" is heard.  Zak asks what turned on the machine with the blades as a moaning is captured but don't know if it's paranormal.  Something is thrown or moved.  A figure is caught and then disappears.  He uses motion activated balls.  A light anomaly is seen.   "Hello" and "hi" comes through.  When he asks what's your name, I hear "Bennet."  The unknown voice sounds like "push me."  A loud bang is heard.  Two balls light up in different areas.  "I see...air or Aaron"??  A voice tells them to leave when the light anomaly also appears.  Billy wants him to go in alone but he makes up an excuse that his cloth mask isn't sufficient.  They argue over Zak not going in.  A noise then distracts them so they move away from the closet.  probably got tired of their bickering.  Zak then hears someone run up on him and is caught on the X cam.

Aaron is scratched on his back and Billy said for the entity to go after the bald guy!! The scratches become welted.  Wheezing is then heard.  I heard that before they said it, asking why he's out of breath.  Jay tells them the camera died in the hallway where they got the stick figure.  The battery is dead.  The motorized camera head now stops and Zak's Go Pro camera goes off.  Billy thought Zak was behind him but nothing was there.  Aaron sits on the chair where the figure was.  A voice is caught on the recorder, "don't touch me back" or "my back" as Aaron got it on his back.  The TV screen goes off and then the printer turns on.  "Threshold" "Pam" and she wouldn't go past the threshold.  "Remove" when he asks what it's doing to them?  What did you do to Aaron?  "Welt."  What do you look like, want?  "Dug" dig under the building??  "Seven Spirits" will be found.  Part of a very historic investigation for them.

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