Sunday, 20 August 2023

Ghost Adventures "Village of Lost Souls"

A collection of Victorian houses with a dark history and the people in charge want them to investigate as they're being attacked.  Heritage Square, LA where each house is a tombstone and he's hit by it as a  reminder of those who have lived, loved and died here."  He can hear the people losing the children to diseases.  Mike and Jeff see a shadow figure on the steps of one of the houses.  Zak says the most activity is from the Octagon House and not the Hale house.  He asks why the spirit is attached to this house.  Footsteps can be heard.  He spots a shadow in one of the rooms but they didn't have a camera focused at the top of the stairs.  Why?  When you're going into the house to investigate figures or whatever was seen.  He's overcome with dread and had to get out of the house.  He sends Jeff  into the house.  The house was built in 1893 in Pasadena, California by Gilbert Longfellow.  As explained he was a descendant of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the poet.  1868 Gilbert also owned an Octagon house in Maine.  Had a wife and six children.  Two died tragically and also he lost his wife too.  He moved West and in 1893 built this house.  He builds an identical home, why?  Zak asks if it's related to his loss.

Josh Rubenstein believes it's to do with Walter, Gilbert's grandson.  Walter had a mental disease and also was bordering on autism.  Josh says some people get physically sick and are disorientated.  The Mortuary Collection Anthology was being filmed here, the costume designer felt the house was alive and felt like being watched.  She set up her equipment on the second level.   She said they would leave the house as they found it.  She heard footsteps in the house.  The make-up artist on the film said the energy was strong.  She felt grief and sadness and it was depressing.  Many guests who get pushed, feel pressure on their chest.  See Jay later.   Josh speaks o f Nora who stays under the stairs in the Octogan house and is afraid of people.  Josh would like to know who's in the house and seeing if they could move on in peace.  

Sacred geometry is mentioned by Jay, who says the octagon is always associated with a sign of rebirth.  In Medieval times was used as the religious architecture of sacred buildings and can also be seen in Da Vinci's drawings.  Gilbert lost his family and he tried to bring them back probably.  As Zak asks if it's the rebirth of a portal to connect inside another dimension.  Jay thinks he might not have wanted his grandson to leave the house and was still influencing them.

Zak's given rosemary by Sasha and she's a docent.  He refuses to accept as he doesn't want protection and takes her in the house at night.  She doesn't want to go upstairs as she doesn't want to cross their boundaries.  So if they don't have entitlement to their home as they're dead, what sort of house does she live in?  One with past owners etc who many also have died there.  Zak gives her the recorder to hold by the stairs.  He ask if they can go upstairs?  A man's scream is captured.  Why does it sound like "get out" to me as there's a voice under the "aaggh"??  A woman's voice is also captured saying "authentic."  Zak still wants to take her upstairs.  He wonders what they know about the upstairs.  He stands by the stairs and asks if it wants to push him and feels disorientated.  Aaron and Sasha leave.  Aaron doesn't like it when they get pushed out.  Zak sees someone standing in the room.  The footage lasted 30 minutes but they thought it was shorter.  Zak asks if this could be a portal.  Jay says it doesn't want them to leave.  Maybe it's Gilbert who wants them there as he lost his family.  

Zak leaves the house and enters a random house they weren't told about.  He goes upstairs and Jay follows.  He wants to open the box and inside Jay finds a book with Gilbert's signature inside it, as well as other plant pressings and things of his.  The Perry bedroom has lots of items and they didn't know  Gilbert's possessions were there.  Zak believes he carried Gilbert's spirit with him to that house - the William Hays Perry residence, he was guided there.  

Aaron and Jeff enter the Hale house.  Jeff uses the facial recognition camera which will pick out a face.  Aaron uses the recorder but doesn't get anything.  Something goes past Aaron and a ball of light is seen in the middle of the room.  IR time lapse camera captures a white mist and them moves to the ceiling and changes its shape.  Where Zak saw the mist-like anomaly before.  There are IR depth and standard recognition on the new device Jeff uses.  Jeff says he saw a shadow with his eyes.  The anomalies appeared in the doorway where Jeff sits and asks for something to show itself in the mirror.  A black ball is captured coming through the mirror. 

As Zak Jay and Billy investigate he Octagon House.  He says he was affected by Gilbert and found his possessions.  The centre of the house is where they had their experiences.  Jay says the Victorians were afraid of being buried alive so they had bells in their coffins so they could be saved if they woke up inside.  He hung bells in the centre of the house.  DASANC device is used.  "I speak"" is what I hear not "ice cream."  "Art" comes through.  Could also mean he's here as in art-are.  "Octagon" comes through and I hear "90" when he asks how many sides the house has.   I hear "open" when Billy asks what he said and then says he repeated it again.  The EMF detector beeps.  See  re "open" coming through as Zak says they open the doorways for anything to join them in this way, which is what came through with "open" before.  He feels something on his back and Billy says something touched his arm downstairs.  The EMF picks up on more energy downstairs.

Billy adds two more EMFs by the mirror on the mantle. Asking it to come through the mirror and the stairs EMF goes off again, before the other two go off.  Did it make them go to the stairs so it could come through the portal/mirror??  Billy says there was tapping on the mirror as a noise is heard.  Zak says they're going to conduct an infrasound experiment.  A theory is it vibrates at certain frequencies to give spirits energy to show themselves or open up a portal.  Billy films from the top of the stairs.  Zak say they want interaction and open the barriers between their worlds.  Jay says something hit him on his chest, see earlier when they were told about people feeling something heavy on them??  Jay felt and saw something in white hit him in his chest and he couldn't breathe and felt his heart stopped.  The woman in white who lives under the stairs?? perhaps he frightened her.

Zak feels being pushed.  What Jay felt through his chest.  Billy captures some black anomalies in the centre of the stairs and then the bells shake and ring.  As Jay tells them.  They're moving the bells.  These bells weren't swaying from the infrasound waves.  Zak says it;s like The Village of the Damned.  They were guided by a spirit where they used his body to find things.  The things will be placed in the house soon and when that happens then the activity may lessen.  They always have these villages of haunted houses amassed together.  Remember Heritage Junction.

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