Saturday, 8 July 2023

Death Walker 3.9 "Warwick Prison"

Warwick Prison aka the Mid-Orange Correctional Facility, located in the town of Warwick in New York.  In 1st July 1932 it was a New York training school for boys and later the first substance abuse clinic.  Boys could learn technical skills here.  When Eleanor Roosevelt visited here, she stated the conditions and treatment weren't good.  Richard Biegenwald as a teen was here and accused of theft and helping others to escape. In 1956 after graduating, he began committing murders and became a serial killer and was captured in 1983.  Many had lied about their ages to avoid prison sentences.  A 15 year old in a cottage was beaten by the husband of a woman and was found hanging over a rafter and he loosened the knot and hit his head on the floor, which became the official cause of death.  Converted to a prison facility.  Prison population was meant to be 750 but over a thousand were housed here due to the war on drugs in the 1980's.  

Short in space the gym was used for prisoners too.  In 1984 the AIDS epidemic was rampant and where most inmates were isolated in the infirmary to die.  In 2015-18 the Hudson Sports Complex allowed paranormal investigations to take place.  Closed in 2011.  Shadow figures, footsteps, being touched and some said they have captured Richard's voice.  Nick thinks Richard's negative energy has been embedded into the walls.  He will try and make contact with the entities here.  Try to see if Richard is actually haunting the prison.

Bill was a prison officer here with prisoners who committed every crime conceivable.  All through the AIDS epidemic they had to deal with.  Was all new and one inmate went to infirmary to die and he had to clear all his clothes from his cell and everything was burned.  Frightening due to fights and exposure to blood.  Chris, Bill's son, adds his father worked here for 25 years.  Chris got a job at the sports complex.  Apparitions seen and doors slamming.  Cold spots.  Was alone in the building and he heard noises.  Emotions still linger.  Bill saw droplets of blood in his office and followed the blood trail to the bathroom and a prisoner was cut up using the can tops to slice open prisoners.  Heard boots on the floor and saw a light on.  Doors slamming which Nick caught a lot of.  I didn't hear the loud bang. 

Nick hears another bang.  A lot of energy in the buildings.  Night already and walking though the Mess Hall.  Asks if the energy still manifesting and if  they have the energy to be in the reality to be here and touch things.  Another slamming is heard.  He uses the Geobox after I said he didn't use it!  Ha.  Closing the door he asks if it's the dead prison guard "yes."  "I did" after he asks if he made the sound.  His name is Matt Smith (not that Matt ha!) "Matt died here, is in here" comes through.  Two voices one says "me" and the other says "him."  "Looking at you" I heard.  Nick then uses the Paranormal Sixx device, like the spirit box I don't like the sweeping on this one.  Another banging sound.  

"It's Matt" comes through and 1911 is heard too.  Nick comes through a few times.  "It's what I wanted...why you asking" - he's trying to work out who's haunting here.  Something says "negative."  He wants to know how he can see things in their real world.  "1990" comes through.  Another door bangs.  Nick goes downstairs.  "Shadow" comes through.  "I died."   He wants to put a face to Matt now they've had him come through.  "Here...yeah...."  I hear "Satan" then "stay" comes through from someone who sounds like Nick's voice.  He asks if that's Richard?  Why did some of the voices sound like a child's voice??  "Evil" is heard.  "Look up" comes through but he didn't hear it or do it.  "Richard is here."  He uses the laser to see if any figures can be mapped out.  "Dead" came through a lot of times.  

Uses a loud sounding beeping device to help the spirits use the frequency to communicate.  Nick asks what room number he's in and six comes through.  As luck would have it, the room is locked, now was that a red herring?!  I heard "I'm sad"?? after Nick asks what he wants to tell him.  Another loud noise is heard, was that a distraction?  Going back upstairs to the school rooms/classrooms.  He feels there's something creeping up on them and Justin says the air is stuffy.  Some sort of a cubby hole Nick didn't go into.  What's all this whispering coming through.  What's it like on the other side?  "Absolutely Nothing" comes through.  Don't hear what message they want to give to the living.  Was it Richard?  "Yeah" comes through.  

Nick states they've been throughout all the buildings like the cycle of life.  They were brought to the jail for crimes they committed and anyone was put into the jail and all people who came through here through the years.  The residual energy is still lingering and intelligent spirits are reaching out testing them.  They're still in limbo and all the bad people once living like Richard and others who have died still continuing the negativity in the afterlife, like they're still trapped here.  Doors slamming showing some sort of presence trying to scare them or the energy still here.  People never saw the light of day after they came in and now are still continuing to reach out to the living in the afterlife.  

I like how Nick still asks them about the after life, what it's like and how they are still here and reaching out, but no one answers.  Except for something along the lines of how there's nothing there or it's empty.  IS that only for the bad people or everyone.  I used to say the ones communicating with them are stuck in some sort of limbo, surely the afterlife can't be just "absolutely nothing" as that voice replied.  Perhaps limbo is the nothingness.  SO how do they move on or pass on to the actual other side??

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