Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Death Walker 3.3 "Hospital on the Haunted Hill"

In the City of Williamson, flows the Tug River in the southern region of West Virginia.  The blood feud between the Hatfield's and the McCoy's who between them suffered 13 deaths til 1891.  It wasn't until 2003 when they both signed a truce officially ending the feud. The original hospital was destroyed by a fire.  The four story hospital served the Tug Valley area for 60 years.  The ER was in the basement. In winter 1956 a passenger train was derailed and all 23 injured were at the hospital.  In July 1962, Moses Blackburn argued with his wife and he shot the policeman at the scene in the head.  The other officers captured and took him to the hospital to treat the gunshot wound in his arm.  Blackburn leapt out of the window but he didn't die then.  It was said he was plagued by nightmares of someone after him.  He died later by drowning in his own fluids.  Closed in 1988.  Was used as offices and storage.  Tanya Webb purchased as co-owner.  People mentioned hearing disembodied voices and apparitions.

A nurse who worked and died here and is seen by employees and construction workers.  A floating nurse is seen in the basement area.  The PD has responded to calls.  People report lights turning on and off and seeing shadow figures.  A tour guide became ill in 2018 in the room.  Nick's investigation takes place on 3rd March 2022 the 90th anniversary of when it was opened.  Tanya was born in the hospital in 1973 and lost two grandparents here she never met.  The Mayor - a Hatfield - spoke of everything being installed new.  He was born here too.  Some people visiting are drawn to the third floor and she feels the presence of children.  Thousands of deaths during its time as a hospital.  From shadow figures, hearing voices, legs touched and piano music playing.  

Nick feels someone touch him on his back and felt he bumped into someone.  The Mayor lost an uncle here and the hospital is a landmark and a benchmark too.  A full bodied apparition was seen on the fourth floor.  As well as intelligent spirits being here.  The basement is where they heard doors closing and feel a presence.  "The nurse that never clocked out" and has spoken with patients.  Tanya felt drawn here in the hopes of meeting her grandparents she never met.  She wants answers for this.  Her maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother, Sally Webb and why she has a connection to this place.  

Nick asks if they know who Tanya is?  I heard "Sally" come through.  "Thank you."  "I met"  "Killed" comes through and "evil" after Nick asks what happened when they came to the hospital.  Did the kill have anything to do with the gunman??  "It says "Thomas" and then "Sally comes through."  "Tired...patient..." "patient" sounded like "beaten."  Nick talks of the cycle of life again in the hospital.  He's intrigued with communicating with spirits from the unknown.  He talks of the stories where people have cut off limbs of patients and thrown them in the incinerator room and he has a creepy feeling there.  Why do that?  Just to get rid of them?  He uses the thermal.  He feels pressure and gets a headache.  He feels the intensity and emotions of the people who came through the ER.  "Can you see me" I hear.  "It hurts...yes" when he asks if they know they're dead.  "Sally" comes through again.  

"Yeah" after asking if they can give him a message from the other side.  "He pushed me" after he asks about the man jumping out of the window.  Claims were made Blackburn saw something after him or he was pushed.  "Evil" comes through again.  So does "ancient."  Nick mentions the importance of investigating the hospital during the day as it was in operation 24 hours.  He feels the energy in the area during the day.  "Break" comes through.  He asks if Sally's energy is here now and whether that happens after you pass.  He wants answers from the other side.  "Enter...yeah" is a doctor here.  "Nick's here."  "Dave"?? when Nick asks what his name is.  Are these your files?  "Maybe."  

He uses the motion sensor which plays music when moved and uses lasers.  The upper floors of the hospital something triggered the device and a dark figure is seen in the lasers.  He has more questions than answers.  Many people entered with emotions and thousands died and the energy still lingers.  Nick asks if human consciousness after death still have the energy to manifest into the reality they are living in.  He thanks them for letting him investigate.  For the children, the happiness, sadness and the iconic place for the town to remember.  Everything that took to keep the hospital running.  Tanya is emotional after hearing her name and her grandmother was in the hospital for a week before she passed.  An emotional episode especially for Tanya.

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