Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Death Walker "Indiana State Asylum"

Indiana State Sanatorium where TB was treated,  the sanatorium became popular and everyone wanted to be there and was a waiting list and after the BCG injection it ceased to be operational.  The Adams House was built here. A senior care assisted living facility but also housed patients with mental illnesses and substance abuse as mentally ill patients left the grounds.  2006 patient barefoot and was struck and killed by a car. 2002 old woman died of exposure and a man left and hanged himself far away.  After a resident left the building in 2002 the State Dept of Health recommended they a female patient died.  As well as a murder/suicide.  The State stopped funding due to treatments on patients.  By 2012 all patients were relocated.  The property was sold and fell into disrepair.  Paranormal activity was reported in 2008 when a female patient entered a man's bathroom.  Nick will use new device showing him areas where shadow figures are around.  So he will have more of a chance of making physical contact on the other side. 

Confrontation may be found during Nick's investigation.  Four thousand people lost their lives from simple epidemics.  People have been scratched.  A loud sound is heard during the interviews and Becca feels an energy through the room.  She was about to say people here just want to be acknowledged.  She asks for communication with anyone still there.  She believes she's communicating with a female.  She's been physically touched here and disorientated too.  Shadow people, things moving in the corner of their eye.  She feels pain, like home, fear, being trapped.  Many emotions at once.

Nick gets some responses, sounds like "help."  He says he wants to communicate and not here to disrespect.  He feels distress and he feels electricity through his whole body in one spot.  One room has a lot of flies there.  He asks who he is, if they know.  "I'm dying" comes through and he feels there's so much residual energy here.  The Geobox picks up on it.  Nick felts a stabbing in his back and Justin felt dizzy.  He feels they may still be living  in their time and they're coming through now but they haven't had any intelligent contact.  He feels overcrowded and their emotions.  He asks if anyone's back here.  A female replies, "I am."  Heard "Nick" too.  Heard a "get out."  Lots of voices and talking.  "Hallway" is heard.  I said you can hear singing.  

In the admin building and a voice says "Hey Nick."  The paranormal puck detects movement in the hallway but he can't hear it.  The tunnels are dark but it's not scary.  He hears the paranormal puck now.  There's so much energy and then he says how intelligent communication is heard and then it goes back into the shadows.  Some rooms have strange vibes and can pick up on their emotions and he feels the energy from the past.  He mentions the body being discovered there.  "The past can leave emotional imprints on tragic events."  He "tried to feel a moment rippled in time."  The stories continue and residual energy also lingers.  He says they're still making contact during the day.  A voice says "I did" after Nick asks if it threw the object.

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