Friday, 4 November 2022

Ghost Adventures "Lost Souls of Kingman"

Zak et al cross the road and get onto a school bus.  Kingman, Arizona and they head back to school. Lee Williams High School built on top of pioneer ceremony which was a burial ground from 1900-1970 where 60 bodies were bulldozed and forgotten.  Human remains have been coming to the surface.  They're at the graveyard and park on top of it to pick up the students and the students would find and bring in the bones.  Zak has been waiting years to investigate this location.  The building is still in use and that's what he finds unique.  As the spirits of these lost souls who are angry and have taken over the school.  The library Scott Taylor, former student and principal of the school.  A coffin in the library which contains history of the cemetery.  That's the reason why they think its haunted.  A tuba was needed from the school and he could hear brass instruments.  When he left he couldn't hear it, inside he could hear it again.  He's a sceptic and he can't explain why the tuba was playing.

The gravestone commemorates the resting place of those whose graves were desecrated.  Including the Hualapai Tribe.  Then he takes them to the doors where he was leaving and he heard a girl's voice asking him to stay.  He admits he was scared.  Zak not missing out on the opportunity to rib him about being a sceptic not long ago in the library.  A faculty woman says she also had an experience in a spot under the stairs where the door closed and she asked for it to open back there.  The Kingman Superintendent of Schools was also affected.  The lights went out in the teacher's room bathroom.  The door wouldn't open.  Students speak of seeing a man in a bowler hat.  Molly and Reilly, Scott's twin daughters saw something in the locker room.  Heard the toilet flushing, toilet rolls moving and the door slammed on them.  A child's voice is heard in the bathroom.  Doesn't the voice sound like a door creaking.  Britney, another teacher tells them about Poltergeist activity when a chair moved and then it rolled back again.  During an organized stay of the school at night, she had another experience hearing a bloodcurdling scream, that of a small child.  

Known as the bowler hat man whom everyone has seen.  Is the spirit of Clement C Lee - hanged for gunning down his girlfriend in 1905.  Buried in the cemetery and their bodies are still underneath the school.  Zak says there are spirits everywhere where they're walking over someone's body.  They didn't have any identification of them.  Zak's jealous of the students as they attend school with spirits and that's "the history class that I wanted to go to."  Zak brings Scott back and plays back the EVPs they have caught.  Billy and Aaron went into the basement using the  ITC device, the Polterpod, and recorders.  Stating they got intelligent responses.  Zak loves teaching paranormal in the classroom.  Wasn't he asked several times about what he would do if he ever stopped investigating and maybe teach years ago.  

In the cage Aaron set two recorders, one voice activated.  Aaron asks who he is?  A response is heard "yeah."  The same voice was heard again.  "Get on the floor" "duck down."  The Ovilus got responses.  "Can You" come through on the Ovilus together.  There are tunnels under the town too and it was a mining town.  Aaron asks if it wants them to stay longer.  "Stay" is heard.  Billy asks if the child's spirit is still here.  "Eleven" and the device said many other responses "aqua ashes July."  3 July 1973 11 firefighters were killed in a propane tank explosion.  The school was named after one of the firemen.  Scott says the 11 was cut from the tank as a memorial to those 11.  Billy put the device on the 11 but nothing else came through.  At the cage "Death Rodger Monument."  Roger was one of the firefighters.  Zak adding it's just another layer adding to the hauntings.

Zak and Jay stay at the building.  Aaron and Billy investigate the girl's locker room.  Aaron says he heard a desk moving in one of the classrooms and a shuffling of shoes, but nothing is seen or heard when they look.  They hear a door slam.  Right where Roger's photo is hanging.  They head to the cafeteria and a voice is heard on the camera's audio.  They say sounds like "don't come in."  A voice comes through saying "help us."  Before Aaron hears a voice say "treasure" or is it "present" and then "they're free."  Then a woman's voice says "old one."  Heading to the sport's field.  They have cameras everywhere.  Billy catches a dark shadow walking at the top but doesn't notice at the time as the LCD screen on his camera is too small.  Appearing where the bodies are still buried under the field.  But was it an actual shadow figure?  

Zak enters the bathroom and when they come back out Jay hears a noise.  Zak says they want to learn about what happens when they die and this is a good place to learn, at a school.  Zak reaches out to the man wearing the bowler hat.  A bang is heard.  A light anomaly comes towards him in response to his request.  Zak finds the poster saying "we don't need ghosts we have physics" and calls it "cute."  A man's voice is heard on the boom mic.  Something like "come here sit down??"  Then a locker opens.  They're the only ones in the building.  In the science room, there are books on the desk, they say are piled up in a funny way.  Strange glowing anomalies are caught when Zak is setting up his camera.  He places a recorder on the books and places two balls which will light up when touched.  They light up on cue.  They don't light up again but he feels the spirit's energy still there and he is cold.  The balls only light up when they're touched.  

They head back to where they heard the man's voice and use the Polterpod where the room still contains the earth.  They call it a portal.  A name comes through on the Polterpod.  Jay feels something rush him and Zak hands him the Polterpod.  "Diller Ties Tyes"?  Could it be Lee??  Have to listen again on headphones or something similar.  Is this where you come?  Answer: "Yeah."  Based on their evidence Zak concludes it is an active portal.  

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