Saturday, 26 March 2022

Ghost Adventures "Pacific Grove Nightmare"

Pacific Grove and the investigation of a doll museum.  Which Zak says contains a lot of energy.  The Carmel Doll Shop.  Where neighbours and employees have complained of noises and snoring.  Michael, the owner says that the place is empty at night.  He says there is energy that remains with the dolls.  They've had complaints for three years of  'construction' noises.  A neighbour says he hears snoring.  Zak believes Michael has a link with the energy.  Employees tell of noises and one speaks of seeing someone watching him.  As well as a book shelf falling.  Zak feels something is missing and he gets an answer from Micheal on the death of handyman, George.  But not in the building.  He had problems in his life and that's when they noticed changes.  So the spirit could be that of George.  Michael was on the fifth step and tripped and ended up in a room like he was pulled.  Micheal doesn't feel the cold presence around him.

Chris talks of the puppets and the dark energy accompanying them.  As they played bad parts.  Zak finds the two evil puppets are still around.  Nothing unusual is found in the second floor.  There is activity on the third floor.  A knocking sound is heard after Zak asks if it's upstairs.  In the bedroom Zak feels different.  This is where the spirit who is territorial resides.  The EMF readings rise dramatically.  He uses a digital recorder and gets affected.  The room gets cold.  His name isn't George and Zak tells him he knows his real name.  The EMF goes off.  A voice says "you won't get through."

Zak wants Chris to spend the night.  Leaving behind a digital recorder.  She confirms the puppets are still there.  They pick up noises through the night.  Then "careful."  "Help me, get me out of here..." is what I hear when Billy plays back the digital recording.  Not "tell me."  Is this spirit trapped here and if it's George then he wants to not be here even though he didn't die there, in my opinion.  Perhaps he's trapped.  Especially if he had a troubled life.  Chris says she heard footsteps and saw a man by the bed in her vivid dream.  Wearing a workman's shirt.  Zak believes she had a "visitation" and not a dream.  

Zak shows redness on his neck that he woke up with and it hasn't disappeared yet.  Zak gets affected and tells the spirit to "back off."  He can't leave and his demeanour changes (as usual.) He wants the spirit to stop.  As Zak confronts the spirit and the EMF readings increase.  He's being influenced.  The feeling is human and not demonic.  Zak leaves and Billy uses the Polterpod.  In the middle of the room, the energy increases.  A voice says "let me in."  Much more high pitched than the one caught on the digital recorder EVP.  This could also be asking to be let in with the knocking they heard.

Zak says he was feeling the spirit trying to get into him and use his energy.  Jay uses some experiments on the first floor with the paranormal puck, microphone.  Aaron is affected and Zak picks up two figures on the XLS which both touch Aaron.  One touches Aaron when Zak asks it to.  The thermal device detects cold air on the table.  Aaron is still distressed.  A spirit box falls to the floor across the room as if it was thrown.  Spirit box is always Aaron's 'go to' as well.  SO that can't be a coincidence. The camera Aaron picks up is drained of batteries.  Also the Polaroid camera hasn't been used thus far anymore.

Zak goes to the second floor and Aaron and Billy to the third floor.  Something touches Aaron's hand and he smells perfume and air around him.  Billy asks it to show as a ball of light around Aaron.  When later on a ball is seen manifesting.  Billy leaves Aaron in the bedroom and sits in the sitting room.  Zak does some EVP work.  He hears sounds and a voice.  Is it "won't stop" that he picks up on the recorder.  Billy says he felt like he died and sees his own body.  Aaron experiences the same and that's where the light is seen.  When Zak plays back the second recording he did which sounds like a voice saying "call it."  It sounds a little like Billy to me??  Using the spirit portal device,  Aaron asks "who are you?"  A woman replies "I don't know" and "help us out."  Is what I hear.  Also Billy says he was touched just like Aaron was in the bedroom.  A woman's voice reinforces Aaron smelling perfume earlier on and the soft touch.  Not really much creepiness from the dolls we saw more a human presence/presences.

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