Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Doctor Who 13.4 "Village of the Angels"

The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) takes care of the rogue angel in the TARDIS by twiddling together some cables and removing it.  However they arrive in a village, Medderton, which no surprises here, has weeping angels galore!  The townsfolk are searching for a missing girl, Peggy (Pauline Polivnick) and they find themselves in 1967.  They exit the TARDIS with an elderly couple attempting a call, who tell her about Peggy.  She sends Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Dan (John Bishop) to help in the search as her Sonic is glowing.  Meanwhile, we see Claire (Annabel Scholey) who is undergoing psychic tests and experiments by a Professor Eustacius Jericho (Kevin McNally).  The Doctor manages to get in before the angels show up and surround the house.  She gets him to bolt all the doors and windows and sets up a rudimentary CCTV with the use of an old TV set.  In his basement she finds Claire has drawn her visions, including that of an angel.  Which she tears up but doesn't burn or anything so we know it's going to make another appearance.

Claire sees angel wings protruding from her body in the mirror and later also sees sand falling from her eyes which she brushes away.  Finally she tells the Doctor of this and how she's been turning into an angel.  She thinks there's one inside of her.  She leaves the Professor to watch the angels and he agrees as she goes inside Claire's mind.  Here the rogue angel tells her it's taken over Claire as the other angels are after it for its knowledge on The Division.  The Doctor was part of the Division too and it can tell her about her past.  But she's taken away before she can get anymore answers.  It won't release Claire until it's safe.  The Doctor destroys the angel in the picture as it forms back again with fire but then the angel becomes fiery.  Before being put out by the fire bucket.  She finds plans showing a secret tunnel they enter and try to get away.  Always blinking when they're not meant to.  Claire and the Professor escape but the Doctor doesn't.  The angels are an extraction squad for the Division. A revelation from the appearance of the Rogue Doctor when we found she was hiding from the Division. 

Yaz and Dan find themselves in 1901 and find Peggy.  Who shows them the edge of the village which is slowly disappearing into space.  The angels called it a "quantum displacement??"  They come to another part of the village where Peggy's aunt and uncle also appear but soon are crushed by the angels.  As they reach the boundary between 1901 and 1967, Peggy meets her older self.  She tells her what's been happening.  The Doctor also turns up and is surrounded by angels but she can't get out.  The rogue angel made a deal with the others and is safe now.  Peggy shows them a burial ground where the angels are trapped.  Showing how they possibly ended up on Earth.  The angels glow and the Doctor becomes one of them.  Ooh noo the Doctor a weeping angel.  Was the Doctor a weeping angel all along??  Did she really run from the Division and appears they were the ones who screwed with her memories.  Perhaps why we have the Rogue Doctor appearing just like the Rogue angel, but why doesn't she reveal more or can she not recall either.  

Bel (Thaddea Graham) lands on a planet where she sees Azure (Rochenda Sandall) taking the survivors of the Flux into the Passenger, which is a prison and disappearing with them.  She saves  Namaca (Blake Harrison) as she prevents from being taken by the Passenger and leaves a message behind for Vinder (Jacob Anderson) who later turns up to retrieve it.  So the lovers keep missing each other as the case.  Star crossed lovers indeed.

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