Saturday, 30 October 2021

DeathWalker 1.3 "The Others"

Hear child's voices and hear things falling, being touched. Willis House Inn.  Also saw a fireball in the room. Fourteen passed away in the house and a man levitated in one of the rooms.  In the basement a pregnant woman was pushed and she was stuck there.  Her husband came back with a priest.  They bound the entity in a circle of salt.  Their beagle doesn't want to go in the hole in the brick wall.  In the room where people have been levitating in the night is where Nick wants to spend the night.  He feels there was sadness here and there's more positive energy in the house due to the renovations.  Nick believes everyone has different perspectives on life, death.  He uses the Geoport.  Nick asks who's here.  Children are here.  "Sarah's with me??"  "Nick is here."  The spirit does an awful lot of "hmmph."  Likes their dogs "sometimes."  

Nick asks who's in the hole.  Does he like them.  Voice replies "I try."  

"It's in there....ssh. Do you see him?"  Nick feels something will crawl out at him and I got an itchy  feeling on my forehead after he mentions the cobwebs!  Was there a shadow there when Nick asks where the others are?  Nick hears a knock.  Nick asks about the exorcism.  A woman says "help."  A voice says "no" after Nick asks if it was here when the exorcism took place.  Wants Nick to sleep in that room.  "Let me come in."  

Nick also visits The Orson Starr House in Royal Oaks, Michigan.  Orson Starr made cowbells and these have become collector's items.  Five generations lived in the house until 1964.  Which is now a museum.  An old man haunts here, an old woman, Katherine has been seen.  There are also childrens' spirits who prefer to interact with women.  The spirits could be something more sinister.  There is actual furniture of the family's in the house.  Their ears pop.  Toys move in the nursery and thee children like the closet.  Nick feels the house has come alive.  An orb comes round the corner, doesn't appear to be dust or an insect as the house is newly renovated. 

Nick thinks the children run away after seeing them as they hear footsteps.  John EL Tenney thinks the children come here to visit.  As around the world when people talk of death they speak of going home.  Like it's a place they've already been and when they die go back to the place where they were born.  Go to physical places as well in the home.  Nick loves chatting with him as they can discus so much whilst in the dark.  John used to come here for 35-36 years.  Nick says he has two daughters too, which John thinks has an influence since they probably want to talk to someone they're related to, or feel comfortable with.  Nick thinks of energy as looking at a persons' aura.  He resonates positive energy sometimes.  In the same way spiritual energy can sense that too.  

They speak of the Stone Tape Theory - that's why I said this episode should have been called this.  John says his youthful energy might still be there and that's what Nick thinks they could be going through now.  Was there also something obscuring the window behind them, is it a window, the light??  After they play 'the knocking game.'  That was funny cos it seems that's all they did here.  John talks of the basement as being predisposed in our minds, psyche, as being haunted and that energy is there also for the people who used to live here.  Nick thinks the Starr children would also be afraid of their own basement.  Daring each other to come here and they could hear their voices and Nick says they hear them living right now.  So they hear ghosts and they're communicating at two different times.  All taking place in this same location.  John: doesn't have to be one type of ghost or one thing that happens to them when they die, as each location and human is different. 

However, I do understand why this episode was called The others as just like the film title, it referred to how humans look into the past and perceive those who were once alive as ghosts.  In the same way these spirits could be looking at us from their timeline and viewing us as the spirits. 

Interesting John was also in Franklin Castle ep of Paranormal Lockdown and the presence of children was also noted in that ep.  Since there was also some knocking going on with Katrina and Nick as if the children were playing hide and seek with them. 

Everything is all speculation and theory, so they can't be definitive since it's not set in stone. Nick sleeps in the levitating room at the Willis Inn and nothing happens to him.  So he concludes that the spirits are happy with the renovations.  Also he did look the worse for wear considering he used to be extra tired in Paranormal Lockdown!  

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