Saturday, 30 October 2021

DeathWalker 1.3 "The Others"

Hear child's voices and hear things falling, being touched. Willis House Inn.  Also saw a fireball in the room. Fourteen passed away in the house and a man levitated in one of the rooms.  In the basement a pregnant woman was pushed and she was stuck there.  Her husband came back with a priest.  They bound the entity in a circle of salt.  Their beagle doesn't want to go in the hole in the brick wall.  In the room where people have been levitating in the night is where Nick wants to spend the night.  He feels there was sadness here and there's more positive energy in the house due to the renovations.  Nick believes everyone has different perspectives on life, death.  He uses the Geoport.  Nick asks who's here.  Children are here.  "Sarah's with me??"  "Nick is here."  The spirit does an awful lot of "hmmph."  Likes their dogs "sometimes."  

Nick asks who's in the hole.  Does he like them.  Voice replies "I try."  

"It's in there....ssh. Do you see him?"  Nick feels something will crawl out at him and I got an itchy  feeling on my forehead after he mentions the cobwebs!  Was there a shadow there when Nick asks where the others are?  Nick hears a knock.  Nick asks about the exorcism.  A woman says "help."  A voice says "no" after Nick asks if it was here when the exorcism took place.  Wants Nick to sleep in that room.  "Let me come in."  

Nick also visits The Orson Starr House in Royal Oaks, Michigan.  Orson Starr made cowbells and these have become collector's items.  Five generations lived in the house until 1964.  Which is now a museum.  An old man haunts here, an old woman, Katherine has been seen.  There are also childrens' spirits who prefer to interact with women.  The spirits could be something more sinister.  There is actual furniture of the family's in the house.  Their ears pop.  Toys move in the nursery and thee children like the closet.  Nick feels the house has come alive.  An orb comes round the corner, doesn't appear to be dust or an insect as the house is newly renovated. 

Nick thinks the children run away after seeing them as they hear footsteps.  John EL Tenney thinks the children come here to visit.  As around the world when people talk of death they speak of going home.  Like it's a place they've already been and when they die go back to the place where they were born.  Go to physical places as well in the home.  Nick loves chatting with him as they can discus so much whilst in the dark.  John used to come here for 35-36 years.  Nick says he has two daughters too, which John thinks has an influence since they probably want to talk to someone they're related to, or feel comfortable with.  Nick thinks of energy as looking at a persons' aura.  He resonates positive energy sometimes.  In the same way spiritual energy can sense that too.  

They speak of the Stone Tape Theory - that's why I said this episode should have been called this.  John says his youthful energy might still be there and that's what Nick thinks they could be going through now.  Was there also something obscuring the window behind them, is it a window, the light??  After they play 'the knocking game.'  That was funny cos it seems that's all they did here.  John talks of the basement as being predisposed in our minds, psyche, as being haunted and that energy is there also for the people who used to live here.  Nick thinks the Starr children would also be afraid of their own basement.  Daring each other to come here and they could hear their voices and Nick says they hear them living right now.  So they hear ghosts and they're communicating at two different times.  All taking place in this same location.  John: doesn't have to be one type of ghost or one thing that happens to them when they die, as each location and human is different. 

However, I do understand why this episode was called The others as just like the film title, it referred to how humans look into the past and perceive those who were once alive as ghosts.  In the same way these spirits could be looking at us from their timeline and viewing us as the spirits. 

Interesting John was also in Franklin Castle ep of Paranormal Lockdown and the presence of children was also noted in that ep.  Since there was also some knocking going on with Katrina and Nick as if the children were playing hide and seek with them. 

Everything is all speculation and theory, so they can't be definitive since it's not set in stone. Nick sleeps in the levitating room at the Willis Inn and nothing happens to him.  So he concludes that the spirits are happy with the renovations.  Also he did look the worse for wear considering he used to be extra tired in Paranormal Lockdown!  

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Deathwalker 1.2 Stone Tape Theory

The House of Wills, Cleveland was once a German opera house, funeral home. Hills son committed suicide. Eric, the owner of the house said it was also used by Freemasons.  Nick and Eric discussed how people who believe bad things happen will happen.  Nick talks of those who have passed and people put energy into saying goodbyes, build up the energy around them.  Would possibly be a time for dark spirits to manifest and be a negative influence on them.  All that sorrow and tears making them vulnerable and ripe for the picking.  Eric saw a mist, a dark shadow in kitchen.   he speaks of how nothing affects him cos he says he owns the house and it’s his.  

This leaves Nick posing the question whether it's possible for a location to harness energy and cause its own hauntings.  Ed Steele owns The Sixth Precinct, Detroit, Michigan.  An abandoned police precinct turned into a crack house.  Rescued in 2013.  In 1943 people took prisoners out of there.  The place has seen everything from hanging,s suicides, gangs police deaths.  Containing ten cells, with over twelve deaths.  Is everything connected due to a transfer of energy.  What’s alive is within the space location is its original Gothic structure that contributes to haunting or dark manifestations that contribute.  Is what Nick questions.  As Eric called it a glimpse in time and everything overlaps. 

Loud banging in cell.  On the Geoport, he gets the following responses, "Roseville. Heart that evil. Behind you, sitting"  Nick asks "are you alive or dead."  
Voice replies, "Nick.  I'm dead. Nick's here hello."  
Nick asks if he's attending the funeral ?  "Yeah of course.  I'm still stuck.  Killed, get me out."  Nick asks if his energy is absorbed into building?"  Reply: "yes no."  Batteries are constantly drained. IR light goes out several times. 

At the Wills House.  "It caught me, hanging."  When he asked what happened in the changing room accident.  "Get out of this house. Same killer, heroin, diamond symbol."  When Nick asks what happened in this house.  The response is "I did heroin."  Nick doesn't know who is talking to picking up another energy.  How emotion releases the living and dead.   Need answers from some place and he's searching for these. 

Sixth Precinct:  Nick hears a noise.  Uses the Pana box for voices from the other  side.  "Killed." The  IR goes out again.  More replies; "psychological damage that might take on."  Probably relating to the killings and suicides there.  

Wills House: "behind you. Help."  In the basement of the house. 
Sixth Precinct: Nick mentions the last breath taken when beaten and when dead where does the energy go? Another bang is heard. John Pana invented the Pana Box and nick uses this.  "Sweet revenge” is captured.  Nick asks "what revenge ?"  A scream is heard.  “That was the situation.” 

Wills House: batteries dying in house. Dolls are in one room of the house.  The most macabre ever seen, even I didn't like those and I don't hate dolls! The house is transmitting glimpses of energy and Nick believes the dolls have a story.   He's been seeing shadow figures.  
He explains how he feels life is quick and we're on a journey and then dead, laid out, putting energy back into the house and the surrounding environment.

If we are recycle energy, at least our bodies then what about our souls.  Is my question. Each one is unique so it can't just be energy. Does a new soul enter our body, a body,  everytime someone is born. Oh I don't know; but Nick always gets me thinking and this show is great as it transcends just ghost hunting, or investigating the paranormal that we already know about.  Trying to make new inroads into the knowledge already gathered about how we see spirits and how they manifest.  Yet how or why are they here.  Aside from the restless souls, something bad happening to them, common explanation.  Exposition into other aspects of this has to be investigated and evidence gathered on this.  One way is by asking the spirits themselves.  As Nick was doing in this episode.  When inside the Sixth Precinct he asked if their energy is here and that's what's keeping them here.  Sure I heard a faint "yes."  Not sure if that was in response to that question of his, as it came a little while after he asked.  

Must be good to get his name mentioned twice on the Geoport.  They either know him or heard his name whilst he was there.  

NB thought Stone Tape Theory would be third episode title as he specifically talks with John EL Tenney about it.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Ghost Adventures "Goldfield Hotel"

Goldfield Hotel was very personal for Zak and the team.  Going back to the beginning, where it all started.  He says that the hotel has turned even more dark and negative and how it may have something to do with the deaths of Debbie and Mark Constantino.  He doesn't even want to utter Mark's name in places.  But does manage to say it at times.  He says Goldfield is "our legacy."  

1902 is when the town came to be.  As the gold vanished.  Goldfield Hotel is known as one of the most haunted locations in the world.  But there are many such locations.  September 2015 is when the Constantinos died.  Red Roberts also died in October 2020.  As well as a man committing suicide on the steps of the hotel.  Leaving a note that he was influenced by the spirits to kill himself.  Doesn't that beg the question of why are they so easily manipulated into taking their own life.  What promises can the afterlife hold if it means being stuck in limbo, at least for some.  Red's son, Edward now owns the hotel.  Red passed on 19th October and this is when we watched this ep.  Edward says there's a portal on the third floor and he felt numb.  Isn't that how Billy felt later on.  Was that on the third floor.  Edward let them cover all the windows in black, not allowing any light in for a week.  Zak is afraid to be here.

A wooden inn was on the same place on the land.  A fire destroyed the inn and killed three men.  The current hotel being built over it.  Prostitutes also committed suicide.  In 1915 after an earthquake, JB Finley was found dead in his hotel bed the same night.

Janice Oberding returns to the hotel.  Mentioning Debbie and Mark.  She believes the hotel caused their deaths.  The last time they were in the hotel was in 2013.  Zak feels the energy is darker and much more oppressive.  Janis feels the same.  Zak recalls Virginia Ridgeway (wow listening to Zak's voice back then makes him sound a completely different person, well obviously.)  Virginia said her being attacked was due to Zak.  He should have remembered that, I mentioned it in my review of the hotel ep back then and also in my book.  She did a seance and blue lights were seen.  He thinks that could be a result of quartz running through the town.  Passing underneath the hotel.  

He shows them the basement when he was there (with Nick - obviously not mentioning his name) and where they captured the evidence of the boards flying in their doco.  Janice says there will be many ghosts following them around and she feels it.  The air feels "heavier, darker," to her and not being able to relax.  On the main floor, they head to room 109, Elizabeth's room.  George Wingfield, the original owner had a baby with her.  Killed the baby and kept her hostage in this room.  The cause of her death is unsolved.  "Kill, enter, sit, you're in my f**king house," were captured here when they were here before.  They hear a man's voice.  He asks the man if they just heard him?  A man' replies "yes."  Zak asks if the spirit knows them.  As the meter rises.  Zak wants Janice to ask if it's Mark and asks if he's still here.  But they don't know who it is.  Aaron is emotionally affected and cries.

Heather, a tourguide mentions the man who committed suicide here.  He shot himself on the steps and the bullet ended up in the building across the street.  Zak says the voice came from the area where he killed himself.  He left a note saying he'd be the new spirit to haunt the hotel.  He can't be sure of that.  Celia and Jonathan experienced darkness in October 2020.  Was looking at the articles from the ep and most deaths occurred in October/November.  Crap my dad passed in October too!!  Jonathan said he felt like he was being suffocated.  Celia takes them to Elizabeth's room.  She thought she saw a shadow.  She felt watched and burning on her back.  She was scratched when they were last here.  They felt it  where Elizabeth was slammed against the wall and where the glass was shattered when the Crew were there with the Constantinos.

Zak walks towards the room and his demeanour changes.  He feels violent and rage, directed at Celia. He discourages her from going to the room.  Jonathan mentions "the boy" which is believed to be a demon.  Zak talks of his dream and the worst "nightmare of my entire life."  There's a power outage in the hotel they were staying at, at 2.30am.  The entities wanted the hotel to be dark too.  Which is what he believes.  Billy put a recorder on the original safe in the lobby and gets EVPs.  The first one says "Aaron."  Why does that voice sound like Mark to me.  Second voice: "it's hotel hell!"  Then "get out."  It's silent where they catch the EVP about "hotel hell."   Zak says no one was talking at this point, so "if this doesn't give you the proof of the afterlife, I don't know what does."  Many questions arise from that point, not least of which is, why would anyone want such an afterlife??  For starters.  Fourth floor EVP: "hey Zak."  Hey that sounds like Aaron, doesn't it??!!  It's his deep voice.  Zak recalls when they were here with the Constantinos and his name was said.

Zak gets Chris Fleming on the investigation.  He's been investigating at the hotel for 16 years.  He hands Zak a photo with Janice and the Constantinos and says they were sensing them inside the hotel.  Chris says the darkness grows as it's feeding off everything, all the deaths. Jeff is the new member and is an engineer, their new equipment tech.  Zak wants Chris to tell him who's calling his name.  What about Aaron's name?  Chris is affected in the same spot where Zak was and he feels sick.  They hear another voice with vibration.  An orb appears by Chris's head and then disappears by his mouth, into his mouth.  Eesh never leave your mouth open.  He says he can't think and it's at the same time the orb enters him.  He recalls the entity saying "breathe me in."  Last time he was here.  The entity speaks with rage that he's here.  Channelling through Chris: it says it needs to go home.  They've come into his home again and isn't acceptable.  It's angry at him for bringing them here.  Was this spirit going back to the first time they came to Goldfield.  Their capture in the basement put the place on the map and who knows how long this evil was lurking there.  Now people come to investigate and the hotel is undergoing renovations too.

Aaron says he put the camera on him and Billy says he knows it wasn't Aaron.  It jumped into Aaron and he attacked Billy.  Aaron couldn't breathe when he was outside.  Zak still feels the rage on Aaron and he doesn't want him going back in.  Chris says it wants them to turn against each other.  Zak hears a voice in room 109 where the camera is stationed.  To me it sounds like, "fuck, I can't do this."  It sounds like the same voice that said Aaron's name.  The one I said was Mark!  Then Zak asks if it's Mark and recalls he was standing next to Zak when they got that voice to "enter, sit."  The voice speaks through Chris saying, "I know."     

Zak uses the XLS camera now and a strange looking figure appears next to Chris and then holds onto him, like it's kneeling in front of him.  They use Chris's ITC device to communicate.  "Zak asks what they intend for them.  "Get out."  They like Chris's body to channel through.  Billy's heart races and pounds.  They ask where they should go.  That's a similar reaction Edward got feeling numb. Aaron sees a dark figure inside.  They get a voice "hey."  They say sounds like Mark.  Zak asks when his birthday is, "seventy seven."  Zak was born in 1977.  An anomaly is captured downstairs where the table was and vanishes into it.  That's where Chris channelled and Aaron was affected.  Chris says it's gone and enters Aaron, as he puts the camera down and he attacks Billy.  Picking him up with one hand.    

Zak says they're experiencing something they haven't felt before.  Aaron's behaviour he's never seen him like that before.  Then Billy felt it.  Zak mentions the exposed ground in the basement.  When Chris came down and he mentions the mountains and there's something in the ground "ground dwellers."  What is there feeds off of them.  Zak had a nightmare that one died in a car accident.  Jerry got a flash of his girlfriend in a car accident.  Aaron heard a noise and a lady was in a car accident, blocking them from the hotel exit.  Preventing them from coming to the Hotel.  

Zak says there was a tunnel going from the hotel to the Emporium and they had to block it off.  Many activities went on there during the prohibition era.  They go to the Emporium where they're experiencing demonic activity in the basement.  The owners said it was a child.  Billy hears metal moving in the basement.  Sherry speaks of a girl who was killed in the basement and was grabbed by the manager and killed her.  People have left flowers down there.  Reminded me of Anna at Preston Castle.  Wonder why Zak never returned there after his experience there?  Yes I have asked many times. 

Zak goes into the Goldfield basement with a jacket that Jeff has made for him with bodycams.  He's going to go alone.  As Jay investigates the Emporium basement.  Billy and Aaron decide on how long it is before Zak calls, so how long was it?  A sound is heard, sounds like whistling, almost.  The static camera at the Emporium shows a light anomaly which heads towards the flowers.  

Zak hears a knock on the wall and screams, running away, calling for help.  He can feel a spirit still holding on to him.  Aaron feels emotional again.  He never wants to come here again and they agree.  A loud noise is made where Zak and Aaron stand.  Billy gets a voice on the Polterpod: "it's time."  I hear "it's cunning."  Doesn't sound like a woman to me.  Zak mentions Chris told them about a time vortex.   A man's voice says "Mary."  Billy's mother's name, as Billy gets frustrated.

They enter the basement where they caught the activity in the original doco.  A voice says "Jerry Blackso, Blaxson"??  They use the Trackcam developed by Jeff.  They document some electromagnetic anomalies around him, three of them.   An anomaly is caught outside that is similar to what's happening inside.  The darkness, Zak says "has a personal vendetta against us."  This is their final chapter and as they "close the book, I feel lucky to have survived the Goldfield Hotel."  

My dream on the same day before I watched this ep.  Going into a lift with a friend and was meant to lead down to the station. Was a gaping hole on the side which I said would've ended up falling down and would've been dangerous to just leave it like that.  Got into lift and the blokes decided not to get in, leaving us, the women, on our own with two strangers.  Anything could've happened??  When we got down, everything was dark and there wasn't anything in the tunnels, just debris.  Hmm wonder what prompted this?